I migrated my website to blogdown! 🛫 I am mostly excited about the tags page that makes it easier to browse my #rstats posts! 💃 https://t.co/z9X9sUAMLJ https://t.co/COoV97jSqO



Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 10714): I migrated my website to blogdown! 🛫

I am mostly excited about the tags page that makes it easier to browse my #rstats posts! 💃

https://t.co/z9X9sUAMLJ https://t.co/COoV97jSqO

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 20): @apreshill Thank you dear blogdown expert 😀

Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 11): Can’t resist the #WorldCup fever. New blog post: Scraping World Cup 2018 Squads from @Wikipedia using the #rvest 📦 with special participation from #rebus, #tidytext, #purrr and #DT 📦s #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/G5sWpmX3zF

Julia Pilowsky (@hivemindatwork; 10): Thinking of migrating my Jekyll site to Hugo and #blogdown like all the cool kids are doing. What do academics think of the blogdown setup?

Hvem vinner (sannsynligvis) fotball-VM? (@SannsynligVM; 0/2): During the FIFA World Cup, the Norwegian Computing Center will daily consider the chances of every team participating in the championship, based on a probability model. This year using #rstats and #blogdown! Results are available at https://t.co/ouGlBBRBVy

Andrew MacDonald (@polesasunder; 0/0): @hivemindatwork there isn’t really an inbetween step anymore! with blogdown you just click a button and then push to github!


Annika Nel (@niknaknel; 51): Probably the best resource for learning R I’ve come across (plus it’s hilarious 😂) https://t.co/7a61d21OGb @YaRrrBook

Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 21): TIL @Bioconductor suggests a unified html & pdf 📦vignette style based on #bookdown that is really nice. CRAN #rstats📦vignettes may be more attractive with this style ! Nice work of @andrzejkoles et al. https://t.co/pakyZkCNEs https://t.co/kHCNIhwPcV

Vicky Steeves (joinmastodon.org) (@VickySteeves; 0/0): @NKrabben Thanks!! I used bookdown + gitlab pages. It worked out great & I got to practice what I preach 😁

You can download it as epub or pdf but I can’t vouch for the formatting on those 😅


Meirian (@MeirianLT; 95): Check out our blog-post on Elegant, Reproducible #rstats Documents with #knitr and Sweave, based on a recent event @ResPlat! https://t.co/h1Y5pT2ubX Brought to you by @jpablofranco @resnomicon and David. https://t.co/RhDnZ40sZW

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @gringene_bio @RLadiesGlobal it doesn’t set it per image (that is slide 30), resizing chunk-by-chunk. You can set it for all imaged by setting your global chunk options (as I showed on slide 31). See: https://t.co/YoWF2WmnSI


Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @gringene_bio @RLadiesGlobal it doesn’t set it per image (that is slide 30), resizing chunk-by-chunk. You can set it for all imaged by setting your global chunk options (as I showed on slide 31). See: https://t.co/YoWF2WmnSI