@DenubisX @benmarwick I think I'd prefer working with markdown or R markdown and use #blogdown or #bookdown (which gives you the power of latex if you need it - but I don't usually need it). Also, I prefer html over PDF. https://t.co/OMcyrAlTdP



Lorenz Walthert (@lorenzwalthert; 20): @DenubisX @benmarwick I think I’d prefer working with markdown or R markdown and use #blogdown or #bookdown (which gives you the power of latex if you need it - but I don’t usually need it). Also, I prefer html over PDF. https://t.co/OMcyrAlTdP

Murray David Neuzerling (@mdneuzerling; 10): This is a new challenge for me: self-hosting a website on a VPS. Blogdown and Hugo made that super easy (cc: @jubtrig check out Hugo!) The next step is to automate deployment via git.

Ethan Silver (@ethansilver73; 0/0): Moving to blogdown - #PrescientInfo https://t.co/yKdn1lW8cA

Robert Sills (@robertnsills; 0/0): Moving to blogdown - #PrescientInfo https://t.co/RVubVPzl1Y

Corey Pembleton (@coreypembleton; 0/0): So I’d like to try to follow @badatreality’s system of building another hugo site within my #blogdown site, @xieyihui @apreshill do you see me encountering problems following what he did in this blog? https://t.co/e89BWofPGe

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 0/0): Hi @xieyihui any updates on this? thanks for the awesome blogdown! https://t.co/cgXAJRT5mR


Lorenz Walthert (@lorenzwalthert; 20): @DenubisX @benmarwick I think I’d prefer working with markdown or R markdown and use #blogdown or #bookdown (which gives you the power of latex if you need it - but I don’t usually need it). Also, I prefer html over PDF. https://t.co/OMcyrAlTdP


Michael (@PessimisticPhD; 10): I love #rstats but am not sure the feeling is mutual. Does anyone know why the psych::describe function is incompatible with #rmarkdown? I keep getting errors where it doesn’t recognize defined objects in my workspace, leaving me unable to use knitr to export it as a pdf/doc