Going to be posting another #blogdown post soon on Laplace approximation for Bayesian linear regression, using simple examples comparing the relationships between #NFL teams EPA/att differentials and score differential for both passing and rushing #nflscrapR #THROWTHEFOOTBALL https://t.co/oRnHVBhNrK



Ron Yurko (@Stat_Ron; 227): Going to be posting another #blogdown post soon on Laplace approximation for Bayesian linear regression, using simple examples comparing the relationships between #NFL teams EPA/att differentials and score differential for both passing and rushing #nflscrapR #THROWTHEFOOTBALL https://t.co/oRnHVBhNrK

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 30): Finally removed crazyhottommy in my blog url https://t.co/Hg8dA439zQ and switched to blogdown https://t.co/42ueGFHSCC #rstats I could not change my github user name though… #Beprofessional reposting this with http: rather than https:

Steven Ge (@StevenXGe; 0/0): @tangming2005 Congratulations. After reading several of your tweets about blogdown, I also played with it yesterday. Yes it is not hard. What changes are needed to enable others to leave comments? Also, I suggest proof reading, as there are several typos. I always like short URLs. Nice job.

Robert Sills (@robertnsills; 0/0): Moving to blogdown - #PrescientInfo https://t.co/RVubVPzl1Y


Fabio Votta (@FabioFavusMaxim; 40): For me I think the most groundbreaking experience was too use Rmarkdown for everything. I use bookdown for writing papers, xaringan for slides and learnr for shiny apps and it’s all in the same neat and tidy format of .rmd documents.


Chitu Okoli (@tripartio; 0/1): Create Awesome HTML Table with knitr::kable and kableExtra https://t.co/PYRzil3pz8 #rstats #rmarkdown

Adrien G (@adrienghenassia; 0/0): Je vous ai déjà dit à quel point je déteste BO ? C’est lent, c’est moche, cest à moitié du wisiwyg… On fait mieux avec R/Rstudio/KnitR. Mais vu que toutes les DAF du monde utilise BO, cest la référence. https://t.co/kfsMZvt8Sj


Fabio Votta (@FabioFavusMaxim; 40): For me I think the most groundbreaking experience was too use Rmarkdown for everything. I use bookdown for writing papers, xaringan for slides and learnr for shiny apps and it’s all in the same neat and tidy format of .rmd documents.

BountyBot (@BountyBot; 0/0): xaringan slide separator not separating slides https://t.co/yKOctPSy51 Amt:500 #R #Xaringan


Metin Yazici (@strboul; 0/0): “Everyone knows that naming is hard, and the other hard thing is cache invalidation.” This one is about the latter. @xieyihui https://t.co/AC6CkNOkyA

Neil Saunders (@neilfws; 0/0): this certainly seems to be fixing my Windows “xcolor.sty not found” when knitting rmarkdown #rstats https://t.co/HnO5VBUsVY