#Rラジオ 収録終わり!毎回毎回実験的になってしまって、参加されている方へ申し訳なさがつのる...🙇‍♂️ゆたにーに共有してもらったけど、bookdownコンテスト、面白そう。bookdownを使っている方は是非〜。 https://t.co/QvQG7GIQek



Peter Baumgartner (@pbaumgartner; 31): I’ve sorted my different web presences in a landing page using #blogdown & #gohugo. It took me just 6 hours with theses very productive tools. If you are interested to learn more about my work visit me at https://t.co/BuZsbUb0HS https://t.co/HoGMRYmQRA

Adam Royer (@ajroyerR; 0/0): I’m about to start my journey into #blogdown! Wish me luck ;)

James Kennedy (@clumpusjim; 0/0): Building a website using blogdown with Hugo academic theme to communicate my research. If you have a similar page, post a link, both for inspiration and to see what blogdown is capable of.


Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 93): #Rラジオ 収録終わり!毎回毎回実験的になってしまって、参加されている方へ申し訳なさがつのる…🙇‍♂️ゆたにーに共有してもらったけど、bookdownコンテスト、面白そう。bookdownを使っている方は是非〜。 https://t.co/QvQG7GIQek

Genevieve Finerty (@ggfinerty; 42): I came across this video while reading R Markdown: The Definitive Guide https://t.co/GvwFwPGr53 - and I think it’s great https://t.co/LhgVU4JKMj

Federico Marini (@FedeBioinfo; 10): Me today at 18:09: “This bookdown package is mega neat but looks complicated”. Me now (counting kids bedtime story & dinner in between): “Why wasn’t this there when I started writing my thesis?” Can’t stop thanking @xieyihui - up and running with a book w course materials!


Burak Tunca (@tuncaburak; 0/0): Child notebooks in #Rmarkdown allows breaking down a big project into smaller books (which you can edit individually) and compiling everything at the end as a whole! https://t.co/vA2FqrGzrM


Fabio Votta (@FabioFavusMaxim; 30): This year I will bombard my students with online hosted #xaringan sildes.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

#rstats https://t.co/J3LsXO3TjC

Andreas Wagner (@aemwe3007; 20): @FabioFavusMaxim #xaringan #rstats 😆


Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #AutoTweet | The First Notebook War https://t.co/URNwN1wtCg

Your Partner for Analytics (@hireyap; 0/0): https://t.co/8qaNviemqv

Kyaw Sint (@KJSint; 0/0): @xieyihui Hi Yihui. Your post https://t.co/FxHIurSbSD was a really good read. I wrote a function for RStudio add-in to paste the last value as comment in the source code https://t.co/DzJTtQZ2bm . Let me know what you think. I love R Markdown and also coding in R!

Martin Modrák (@modrak_m; 0/0): Written in response, but mostly in agreement with @xieyihui’s great post on noteboks: https://t.co/66rbSPxWJe

Burak Tunca (@tuncaburak; 0/0): Child notebooks in #Rmarkdown allows breaking down a big project into smaller books (which you can edit individually) and compiling everything at the end as a whole! https://t.co/vA2FqrGzrM

Melike Dönertaş (@melikedonertas; 0/0): The First Notebook War - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/CGWvIUZltZ