👋 see you at @rstudio::conf in Austin to level 🆙 your knowledge on all the ⬇️ s: #rmarkdown #blogdown #bookdown #rstats w/ @xieyihui https://t.co/etGgYPhiZb



Alison Hill (@apreshill; 347): 👋 see you at @rstudio::conf in Austin to level 🆙 your knowledge on all the ⬇️ s: #rmarkdown #blogdown #bookdown #rstats w/ @xieyihui https://t.co/etGgYPhiZb

Rosie A (@rosieabe; 0/0): Working towards one of my 2018 goals tonight: starting a humble blog. Using #blogdown I was able to put things together so fast! Seriously amazing. Just need to work on some content now, but first….sleep 🙃


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 347): 👋 see you at @rstudio::conf in Austin to level 🆙 your knowledge on all the ⬇️ s: #rmarkdown #blogdown #bookdown #rstats w/ @xieyihui https://t.co/etGgYPhiZb

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 20): @bradleyboehmke All the better! It’s actually become a bizarrely fascinating activity to watch books evolve. @xieyihui, bookdown is truly the gift that keeps on giving!

MATH Consultores(EC) (@mathconsulta; 12): Principles of Econometrics with R. Include examples and Code :D

#R #Programming #Econometrics

https://t.co/oUIStrHz4b https://t.co/oUIStrHz4b

Oscar Lecuona (@lecuona_oscar; 10): @victorshiramizu @WingenTobias @lisadebruine oh now i see it, thanks! I recalled pirateplots because they also include confidence intervals and jitter points, brilliant idea. Even @JASPStats has implemented them (https://t.co/p0g9GzL9p6). Would be wonderful to get scripts to make pirateplots through ggplot

Manuel Toral (@jmtoralc; 10): @gaby_esquinca Hola Gaby, yo sé poco de diseño editorial en R. No obstante, el curso que estoy dieñando se basa mucho en RMarkdown para uso profesional. Si te interesa los básicos, acá estamos. Pero mientras te puedo recomendar https://t.co/AkpfR1OJje

Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 0/1): #RLessonOfTheDay #bookdown fig.cap allows reference within a document. This is a better option than labs(title, subtitle, caption) for ggplot. Text in fig.cap also follows markdown syntax 🤘. Unfortunately, it seems like inline code r code is not supported #rstats

Ethan Silver (@ethansilver73; 0/0): #HowTo #Self-publish a #Book: Customizing Bookdown - #PrescientInfo https://t.co/2FhF7oFHEk

Sarah N. Musy (@musy_n; 0/0): @RLadiesLausanne @claudia_kasper @Swisscom_fr Not sure if I can come, but I never attended any @RLadiesLausanne yet. May I ask if I can come with questions? I am using #rmarkdown and have questions for bookdown and unilur #packages. Is it possible? 🧐🙄


Kevin Dyrland (@KevinDyrland; 10): @reichhorn I’ll have to double check but I think I used knitr with a .R to loop thousands of .Rnd to make all financial aid PDFs. I used LaTeX and not R markdown (I haven’t learned markdown, having already learned LaTeX…)

Rick Eichhorn (@reichhorn; 10): @KevinDyrland knitr meaning R Markdown, or knitr into a LaTeX file, you can write a lot of LaTeX in R Markdown.

Kevin Dyrland (@KevinDyrland; 0/0): @reichhorn knitr is better, IMHO


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @WeAreRLadies eep I should clean it up then! 🧐 I’ve learned so much about xaringan & rmarkdown since making those (my code was very repetitive!)