Hint of the day: if you'll ever need to set the project folder within a R notebook this is the command you need to include in the .Rdm file: knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file()) #rstats @rstudio



Shannon Ellis (@Shannon_E_Ellis; 10): @MattOldach @jtleek Hi there! The previous website was created in the last lesson in the Introduction to R course; however, it did not use #blogdown. It generated an RMarkdown website. Thanks for the feedback! I’m going to edit the lesson to clarify this.

uwe sterr (@SterrUwe; 10): What a wonderful share by @MathpixApp get your formulas from screenshot to latex code useable in #RStudio #bookdown #blogdown #rstats In the next post you see a first test, just works. Thanks to the people behind Mathpix https://t.co/lnYViWQ9oK


uwe sterr (@SterrUwe; 10): What a wonderful share by @MathpixApp get your formulas from screenshot to latex code useable in #RStudio #bookdown #blogdown #rstats In the next post you see a first test, just works. Thanks to the people behind Mathpix https://t.co/lnYViWQ9oK

Learning Links (@learnlinksfeed; 0/0): Broadening Your Statistical Horizons https://t.co/WRgJB2eCn5


Francesco Grossetti (@contefranz; 10): Hint of the day: if you’ll ever need to set the project folder within a R notebook this is the command you need to include in the .Rdm file: knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file()) #rstats @rstudio