Hands-On Programming with R is now available for free online, https://t.co/GNEGOVeM8h! Please help me spread the word. Thank you O'Reilly for the CC! #rstats #bookdown @rstudio @dataandme https://t.co/HKs1eKybBw



R-Ladies Gainesville (@RLadiesGNV; 124): Lovely R-Ladies! It’s time for our October meeting! 23 Oct, 6.30 pm: 👩‍💻 “Website creation in R: blogdown”. Hands-on activity led by @justinjmillar See meetup announcement below (NB: we’re still working on confirming location, tentatively @cypressandgrove https://t.co/lojftoca7N

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 100): Another milestone in “Danielle migrates from Mac OS to weird Windows/Ubuntu hybrid workflow”… Google Cloud SDK is all working nicely and I can finally update my web pages again! Next up… why is blogdown not working?

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 71): @tjmahr #blogdown? https://t.co/pufWU0i9In

Sarah N. Musy (@musy_n; 20): Radix for #rmarkdown Might be an interesting alternative to Blogdown 🤔🧐 #blog #rstats #communicationsciences https://t.co/cch12fsTAx

tj mahr 👻👻 (@tjmahr; 10): @apreshill sigh. i’ll switch to blogdown someday. I just really like my theme and don’t want to break my current links

Joseph Casillas (@jvcasill; 0/0): @kleinschmidt Looks cool. I went through pretty much the same process (html > hugo) and eventually jumped ship with the manual setup for #blogdown (the current current hotness)… and for many of the same reasons (procrastination). I look forward to reading some posts! 👍🏽

Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 0/0): New post. More of @MathJax in #blogdown. Basic trigonometric identities and more identities derived from the basics https://t.co/uczR6NCJvN #calculus #trigonometry #sine #cosine


Garrett Grolemund (@StatGarrett; 887478): Hands-On Programming with R is now available for free online, https://t.co/GNEGOVeM8h! Please help me spread the word. Thank you O’Reilly for the CC! #rstats #bookdown @rstudio @dataandme https://t.co/HKs1eKybBw

Pablo Casas (@pabloc_ds; 20): @nvie @hardkoded Sure! Try Bookdown if you can export/write your book in markdown. Check https://t.co/4AXGtqQcVM (2-post series)

👉https://t.co/new9uKbYWC (lots of examples) and 100% open-source! It’s highly customizable – let me know any doubt 👍

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 10): @danawanzer @Wcarcamo3 It isn’t necessarily prettier, but bookdown is nice for breaking results up if the survey is longish

Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 10): All are nice #bookdown projects in this contest. Should have been really difficult for @xieyihui to choose ! I am happy to be in the ‘worth mentioning’ list with {pdfreport} 📦https://t.co/H5rBK3j6L8 Congrats to all participants ! https://t.co/xYli3eKQcZ

Learning Links (@learnlinksfeed; 0/0): Broadening Your Statistical Horizons https://t.co/WRgJB2eCn5


Luis D. Verde (@LuisDVerde; 101): The @AMMACMamMex “Theryathón” mammalogy board game was powered by #tidyxl, #readxl, #Rmarkdown, #knitr and #purrr https://t.co/98sSmO6qYy


Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 50): Hoje fiz minha primeira apresentação sobre R, para um grupo de pesquisadores e estudantes do @macroamb_fapesp : https://t.co/tOoWhnVAAy e a apresentação foi feita no R também 💜 #xaringan #R #Rstudio 2 meses e meio aprendendo R e compartilhando já #Rladies #💜