When you create teaching media such as books/slides/blogs/documentation, make sure and spend that extra effort to make things easily linkable to. The number of times I've seen colleagues supply answers with a single link straight to a bookdown section is pretty powerful



clark rushing (@clarkrushing; 130): Been messing around w #blogdown to create a personal website for a while but felt like it wasn’t ready to publish. However, T&P committee recently told me I need more web presence. Still a work in progress but find out more about my lab here https://t.co/StliNoZBZM #newPI

R-Ladies Santa Fe (@RLadiesSantaFe; 12): Aqui @PaobCorrales y @July_Benitezs nos cuentan de #blogdown y cómo crear tu blog usando #RMarkdown!

#rstats #rstatsES #RLadies #RLadiesArgentina #RLadiesLatAm https://t.co/hvFolUfe9n

clark rushing (@clarkrushing; 10): @bryanparthum Luckily blogdown makes it pretty simple!

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 0/0): @jsonbecker Ugh! You ruined a blogdown post of mine by taking down your expertise is knowing what to search on Google (or something like that) tweet


Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 130): When you create teaching media such as books/slides/blogs/documentation, make sure and spend that extra effort to make things easily linkable to. The number of times I’ve seen colleagues supply answers with a single link straight to a bookdown section is pretty powerful

David John Baker (@DavidJohnBaker; 41): This is a bit out of left field, but I’ve been using @RStudio to write my dissertation (playing around with @xieyihui’s bookdown) + have been loving it. One thing I weirdly like is having the 130 character margin on. It helps reign in verbose sentences #AcWri #phdchat

David John Baker (@DavidJohnBaker; 20): I probably will blog about it all at some point when I have chapter drafts ready to go, but I’ll bet $20 using RMarkdown + Bookdown will be the future for all academic projects. Using this really encourages clean project management and clear, transparent research practices.

Hannah Maier (@hannahemaier; 0/0): I’m still working my way through many resources (thanks, all!), but one thing I wish I learned earlier is to use R projects! And RELATIVE paths using the project folder as the root directory. #rstats

ex: https://t.co/sYVYnWqOnr https://t.co/JLV0Jv8Npe

Christopher Yee (@Eeysirhc; 0/0): Took awhile to find the answer but looks like the ‘brms’ package should do the trick: https://t.co/9WCZFtpITG

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 0/0): @brandmaier oh my! :( Cant you just force them all to use bookdown? :P

niszet📚技術書典5 い04でした (@niszet0; 0/0): bookdownのあの本、どこかで翻訳していますかねぇ…してないかなぁ。

Steven Ge (@StevenXGe; 0/0): Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse - bookdown https://t.co/Zc7UBBBvs1 via @nuzzel thanks @AGDAYWILL


Shravan Vasishth (@shravanvasishth; 10): I feel like I’m being punished for being an early adopter of reproducible code. All my Sweave files going back to 2008-11 have to be converted to knitr Rnw. This is easy. But Rnw to Rmd is going to be hard work.


R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/0): Rmd Files will No Longer be Rendered as Markdown on Github @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/Hei7JzqEaI