📕👷 bookdown × CI "Automatically Building, Testing and Deploying bookdown wi/ Travis & GitHub" ✍️ @nathaneastwood_ https://t.co/uZpZSYRyd0 #rstats https://t.co/FJ6dwHtWAR



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 165): 📕👷 bookdown × CI “Automatically Building, Testing and Deploying bookdown wi/ Travis & GitHub” ✍️ @nathaneastwood_ https://t.co/uZpZSYRyd0 #rstats https://t.co/FJ6dwHtWAR

Xinjiang Shao (@soleoshao; 0/0): @ShooterPlayer How about use bookdown? https://t.co/D6GdwCt9h6


Richard D. Morey (@richarddmorey; 20): @JeffRouder I use to use slidify but I don’t think it is being developed anymore. ioslides still works well; probably whatever replaces it will be compatible (just change the YAML header and get the new format). I tried xaringen (https://t.co/d6rmmiYgd4) but seemed too fully featured for me.

Ladislas Nalborczyk (@lnalborczyk; 20): @JeffRouder I like the native RStudio “Presentation” (Rpres) format. See an example here: https://t.co/BW7XCaMuQW

Otherwise Xaringan is also trendy these days: https://t.co/bi9ceiplpM

Joseph Casillas (@jvcasill; 0/0): @JeffRouder #xaringan


Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilat_en; 142): What a good news! I no longer need to blame just to link to specific lines of an Rmd. Thanks @xieyihui! #rstats

Rmd Files will No Longer be Rendered as Markdown on Github https://t.co/0n2VEZyrhL