はい,Journal of Statistical Software 新刊 https://t.co/erAObhCLbF …えーと,MatLab の状態空間モデルSSpace ?…JSS, R でなくても OK なんだ…お,SAS とか Stata も…おっと,書評欄では bookdown 本をとりあげていますね. https://t.co/4lW3PfWcAN



fonzie (@OilGains; 10): Moving my notes, slides, PDFs, publications to Hugo and #blogdown is so fun. A good thing with static websites is one can understand what the scripts are doing. It takes a little while to get use to Hugo syntax and HTML but it’s worth it.

Peter Smits (@PeterDSmits; 0/0): for some reason, that relative reference link doesn’t behave nicely even though it is verbatim from a post where it does work!

i wonder if that’s a blogdown problem… #rstats


久保拓弥 (@KuboBook; 123): はい,Journal of Statistical Software 新刊 https://t.co/erAObhCLbF …えーと,MatLab の状態空間モデルSSpace ?…JSS, R でなくても OK なんだ…お,SAS とか Stata も…おっと,書評欄では bookdown 本をとりあげていますね. https://t.co/4lW3PfWcAN

Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 32): Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century https://t.co/dVIcvgJeuo #rstats #bookdown

Leon Fonville ☕️🧠 (@Leon_Fonville; 0/0): @hisotalus I still often use this as my first point of reference for how to work in markdown. https://t.co/QGAIOuUfqP


Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 40): @n_a_gilbert And knitr::write_bib(“pakage”, “used_packages.bib”) will write a .bib file with those citations!

hello! (@mryap; 0/0): Issues solved! Need to install again the Knitr package. The RPub options is back. https://t.co/jOqJ9HX2Hc

Jonathan Weisberg (@jweisber; 0/0): Reason #912 to love Rmd over plain md: tables. I used to avoid them like the plague. If I needed to say update the calendar on a syllabus, there was Joe Pesci: “F— you, realign me”. But in Rmd I just update the data.frame and knitr::kable() does the rest.

Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 0/0): @kwbroman … where “rendered” means in the web-by, html sense, not the rmarkdown or knitr sense — people can render/knit locally to get a decent-looking version


Brandon Greenwell (@bgreenwell8; 20): @bradleyboehmke #xaringan just gets better and better 🙌 https://t.co/Bb9haCgwx2

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 20): @TaperaTinashe Try out {xaringan}, plenty of resources online https://t.co/dnsuvjkl3y :-)

xar ♡ hyuck 🍊 (@haechxns; 10): xaringan

Hans IJzerman (@hansijzerman; 0/0): been messing around w rmarkdown+xaringan for a while. Cannot get an image to be positioned and then the figcaption to go with it (without messing in css). Anyone experienced w this/have a solution?

Hans IJzerman (@hansijzerman; 0/0): @richarddmorey @3rdincharge @russpoldrack @revealjs yeah, I am probably not good enough in programming to do revealjs. It doesn’t look quite as nice. I am trying xaringan now, which seems pretty ok.

Sebastian Sauer (@sauer_sebastian; 0/0): Check out the 77 animations in #xaringan #rstats https://t.co/pYNc60S186