tinytex - Helper functions to install and maintain the 'LaTeX' distribution named 'TinyTeX' (<https://t.co/6HTWWjICdS>), a lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain version of 'TeX Live'. This package... #rstats https://t.co/u4UeBNSU7J



Alison Hill (@apreshill; 433): This week I learned #radix (https://t.co/jItgum4LLq) and am enamored! Quick take on versus #rstats #blogdown:

Pros: beautiful default CSS, no dependencies on other people’s GitHub Hugo themes

Cons: you’ll need to know CSS to change look, more “rigid” layout, less customizable

Joshua Rosenberg (@jrosenberg6432; 30): @nickchk FWIW, I did something sipmler but not unlike this using static site generator Hugo/#rstats package blogdown: https://t.co/D2WqIYOY1m

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 30): @paulvanderlaken @JennyBryan @thomas_mock @EmorieBeck I really enjoyed this walk through!

Re: I really should move to some other blog hosting method. Any tips? Potentially Jekyll?

Biased but I like Hugo via #blogdown, but also check out radix: https://t.co/jItgum4LLq

Rafik Margaryan (@raffdoc; 11): I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/kYJnJltLNi How to make a personal academic website for free using R and the blogdown package

Dan Quintana (@dsquintana; 10): @linnair I think blogdown is good enough

Ruud Hortensius (@RuudHortensius; 0/0): @dsquintana I’m convinced, will change my website to blogdown. So easy and it seems like there is a lot of flexibility. Thanks for the tutorial.

Linnair (@linnair; 0/0): @dsquintana Would you still recommend to stay with page builders or wordpress alone because they offer more ways to optimize your homepage or is blogdown good enough to optimize the page as well?


emre toros (@emretoros; 218): Sosyal Bilimler Arastirmalari icin R kitabına Regresyon bölümü eklendi Tüm kitap için https://t.co/HSeyL2pu2Z adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz. @Rbloggers @urbanhobbit @rstudio #rstats @Dagmedyanet @medyaveri #DataScience @verikaynagi @VeriDefteri

Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 91): @thomasp85 @dhmontgomery @drob I’m a big proponent of open-access books. Not a good way to make money, but the right way to educate. Write the material in bookdown, host it on a webpage, and then find a publisher that’s Ok with this.

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 75): [WIP] I’ve started an implementation in #RStats of unit-testing reporting as a bookdown. Inspired by SASUnit. “{testdown} — Turn your ‘testthat’ results into a Bookdown.” https://t.co/ezlJb0sGK0 https://t.co/wnrXuUxfcG

Alexander Mikheyev (@amikheyev; 40): @bjmjarrett @LukeHolman_Evo @tomhouslay @adam_reddiex @LoeskeKruuk @SuseJohnston @ali__wilson @erik_postma Check out this project that combines rethinking and brms https://t.co/FRBiooFL9H


atusy (@Atsushi776; 5115): rstudio/gt 凄いんじゃね……? 今まで knitr::kable なんかでは html にするか latex にするか選んでおく必要があって,最後は latex だけどとりあえず html でpreview とかしにくかったのが,簡単にできる!! https://t.co/6W2MqMMYir

Jonny Polonsky (@jonny_polonsky; 236): Between this offering from @rstudio and #knitr::kable() + @haozhu233’s awesome kableExtra 📦, making beautiful tables in #rstats #rmarkdown is finally becoming easy… goodbye to all those hack workarounds! Thanks @ZKamvar @patrickbkeating for the find!

https://t.co/29oazYPj5n https://t.co/OOhY8vFenh

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 21): @allison_horst @kierisi This is where the term “automagically” really is very very appropriate! rmarkdown/knitr/pandoc is automagic at its best!

Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 20): @kierisi I’m still not sure how to use the fig.* and out.* arguments in knitr

Philip Raynor (@philipraynor; 10): @kierisi Reading this makes me feel like I’m not alone. In no particular order: tidyverse, knitr, lists, S classes, apply family, …, nested forloops. The list goes on. I definitely spend my time going back to old scripts. A lot of my time.

Josh McNeill (@joshisanonymous; 0/0): Should be finishing up term paper revisions but instead I’ve been learning about #makefiles and weighing whether they have any purpose when using #knitr for science #reproducibility. Is this still considered procrastination?

Janderson Toth (@Trifenol; 0/0): @BeaMilz Ahhhhh que foda. Eu sei nada de #knitR hahah


Vilma Romero (@vilsurr; 102): @RLadiesLima prepárense para el taller de #RMarkdown de esta noche 😀🤩

Big thanks to @statsgen for her amazing Kunoichi theme for #xaringan https://t.co/U4RDmiSy5h

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 90): Slowly learning the xaringan tricks… it’s definitely easier once you start using xaringan::inf_mr() to keep a live preview open. Thanks @statsgen!

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 41): The kunoichi-themed-xaringan git-daria mashup slide that I didn’t realise I’d been longing for all these years. https://t.co/cq4p23ptPs

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 0/0): @djnavarro I’m looking forward to seeing your xaringan presentations! Imagining all those shadow gganimate gifs 😁

Tinashe M. Tapera (@TaperaTinashe; 0/0): “The name for the ‘xaringan’ package came from Sharingan [Naruto]. The word was deliberately chosen to be difficult to pronounce…because its author was concerned that it would become too popular.”

@xieyihui just for that I’m gonna spread this #rstats package more


One R Package a Day (@RLangPackage; 5611): tinytex - Helper functions to install and maintain the ‘LaTeX’ distribution named ‘TinyTeX’ (<https://t.co/6HTWWjICdS>), a lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain version of ‘TeX Live’. This package… #rstats https://t.co/u4UeBNSU7J

Matthew Leonawicz (@leonawicz; 31): 16 #rstats Today I installed R and Shiny Server on a clean CentOS 7. Shiny app needs to build pdf reports for users. Need rmarkdown/knitr- need LaTeX. Want to use TinyTeX via tinytex pkg. Go to install; another LaTeX distro already exists, wuh? Turns out comes w/ R on CentOS…

biteclub (@anarinsk; 0/0): https://t.co/CkSJnn6LKJ 이제는 TeX을 거의 쓰지 않지만, 사실 이공계 그리고 경제학 연구자의 일종의 guity pleasure라고 할만 하다. 좌간, TeXLive 하는 일에 비해서 중후장대하다. 게다가, 커누스 선생은 약속했던 업데이트를 할 생각이 없기 때문에 앞으로 발전의 전망도 뭐 그닥이다.

Matthew Leonawicz (@leonawicz; 0/0): @xieyihui It was very confusing at first. When I asked why texlive existed on our server, did it support other projects, would I cause probs for anyone else by having tinytex, no one knew. Turned out it served no purpose. Is it presumed needed on CentOS for pkg vignettes in base R? No idea

Matthew Leonawicz (@leonawicz; 0/0): 66 Second time around (on the real CentOS 7 server and not the clean CentOS 7 VM on my Windows laptop Vagrant box ;)) it took only a couple minutes to get pdf generation fully hooked up with tinytex, correct system paths, and supplemental LaTeX packages. :)

Matthew Leonawicz (@leonawicz; 0/0): 46 No error about files not found. Error about missing LaTeX .sty files. Yay! Easily install via tlmgr (one reason I like tinytex), in fact install from R. Even more convenient. Rerun app, get PDF. Boom!

Matthew Leonawicz (@leonawicz; 0/0): 36 Run app, try to knit pdf report, fail. See shiny server log file. Can’t find .cnf file or .fmt file. I find them in TinyTeX directory. Add paths to both subdirectories to system PATH. Make sure they are at the start of path, ahead of the original pdftex. Rerun, fail, see log.

Matthew Leonawicz (@leonawicz; 0/0): 26 Try to delete texlive. Deletes R too. Oops lol start over. Reinstall R. Okay then, install TinyTeX with tinytex::install_tinytex(force = TRUE). Check. Now to make Shiny “user” see the correct “pdftex” on the system…


Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 121): @EmilyRiederer @CMastication @noamross I believe that might be the WIP pagedown and it has me super excited. Paged html seems really powerful. https://t.co/wBqZo5YTlf