Spent today adapting @jclau_ca's @WesternU dissertation template for integration w/ @xieyihui's #bookdown 📦 as per @LucyStats's dissertation 🔧toolkit & have concluded it really takes a village to dissertate🙏 👉https://t.co/DDC8U1tqD4 👉https://t.co/RLAWptXTGv #rstats #phdchat https://t.co/L21J9FprIW



Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 20): @JenRichmondPhD from the R console you can try blogdown::update_hugo()

Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 10): @JenRichmondPhD blogdown::install_hugo(force = TRUE)

William Chase (@W_R_Chase; 0/0): @JenRichmondPhD Had this issue so many times! Solution is blogdown::install_hugo(version = x, force = TRUE) to change Hugo to version x.


Thea Knowles (@theaknowles; 60): Spent today adapting @jclau_ca’s @WesternU dissertation template for integration w/ @xieyihui’s #bookdown 📦 as per @LucyStats’s dissertation 🔧toolkit & have concluded it really takes a village to dissertate🙏

👉https://t.co/DDC8U1tqD4 👉https://t.co/RLAWptXTGv #rstats #phdchat https://t.co/L21J9FprIW

Jonathan C. Lau (@jclau_ca; 10): @theaknowles @WesternU @xieyihui @LucyStats Just took a look: https://t.co/CbG6TXL9CO. They are still linking to the 2010 template. An up-to-date version would ideally be hosted on a repo managed by UWO. (Just in time to be replaced by bookdown!)

Jonathan C. Lau (@jclau_ca; 0/0): @theaknowles @WesternU @xieyihui @LucyStats Humbled to be mentioned here next to the work of @LucyStats & @XieYihui. I literally just took an outdated latex template, made some minor mods, and shared on git. Unfortunately too late for me to adopt, but what you’re building with R mark/bookdown is definitely the way forward!


Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 0/0): @GuerfaliFatma Steep-ish learning curve, but maybe it’s time to buckle down and learn it. 🤞 Recommendations for learning materials?

Also, suggestions for workflows / tools? Lyx + knitr?