🗂 Skip the middle steps and create citations from doi or url, thx to @cboettig! 🧶 "knitcitations: Generate citations for knitr markdown and html files" https://t.co/4NKWgRP2xB #rstats #rmarkdown ht @LIBDrstats



Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 0/0): @jdblischak I’m open to all ideas. Copying to temp was the only way I could come up with to keep all the action in the rstudio viewer. I’ve been reading through the source code of blogdown and servr to see if Yihui does it differently but struggling to understand it so far. One consid is

Olivier Simard-Casanova (@simardcasanova; 0/0): My goodness, the combo R + Blogdown + RStudio + Git + GitHub + Netlify is amazing https://t.co/WGsnHxFnIm

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 0/0): I got an email offering a “sponsored blog post” 🤷🏾‍♂️. I wonder if other #blogdown users are getting similar emails 🤔. I wasn’t expecting that email 😅


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @PipingHotData @minebocek If possibly no internet connection, I would probably not use xaringan 😰 (you’ve probably read this: https://t.co/NXTMYq71H4) You technically could, then push to gh pages or Netlify, but you would have to load the page before losing internet, and that is too much stress!

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @jvcasill @minebocek @PipingHotData update: I did some reinstalls of all the packages (like to dev versions of rmarkdown/bookdown/etc) and the decktape function does work for me 😍

xaringan::decktape(‘https://t.co/mBVMaVtxHD', ‘heyjude.pdf’, docker = FALSE)

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @PipingHotData @minebocek xaringan does have a self-contained option but I would probably gravitate towards another presentation package like reveal.js https://t.co/6YqieTzoZ7, then put it on a flash drive to present

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 10): @apreshill @PipingHotData @minebocek Yes self-contained is not a good option here but 1 html file is not the only offline option. If you have everything in a local folder, especially remark.js, no issue. look at https://t.co/tzKQC1jg68 the tricky part is mathjax if you have equation. You’ll need to ⬇️ locally too.

ʙᴏᴅᴏɴɢ ᴄʜᴇɴ (@bod0ng; 10): @AbbyRombalski @Nicole_Mirra @TheCLAlliance Thx Abby. I have an online course on Applied SNA in Education: https://t.co/1HItYYuxpH It will be updated for spring ‘19.

Francesco Grossetti (@contefranz; 0/0): Just started with #bookdown by @xieyihui. Amazing but more importantly, super handy! This is what I miss the most when working with #python. Any hand tool to draft long documents with python? #rstats


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 194): 🗂 Skip the middle steps and create citations from doi or url, thx to @cboettig! 🧶 “knitcitations: Generate citations for knitr markdown and html files” https://t.co/4NKWgRP2xB #rstats #rmarkdown ht @LIBDrstats

_ (@pithy_pythia; 10): @KristinBietsch @profmusgrave Me too! We should start a Ravelry group called knitr


Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 100): @PipingHotData @minebocek @apreshill If you’re having trouble with xaringan, storyboards in flexdashboqrd can also make pretty nice presentations depending on the type of content / message you are trying to convey https://t.co/IC3moe01v0

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 80): Slides all thanks to the power of xaringan 👁‍🗨®️ https://t.co/E3nj0V3x09

Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 50): @apreshill @PipingHotData An alternative is xaringan (in case there is internet) with pdf backup, I haven’t tried this myself but https://t.co/XmAgghXeQ5 explains how to get a pdf output

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 31): @apreshill @minebocek @PipingHotData I have my xaringan slides set up so it’ll work without internet. I did this so I can work on the plane. You need to make sure you download the relevant js and fonts beforehand though. So if you can get to that stage, in theory it should be okay if you copy the folder over!

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @PipingHotData @minebocek If possibly no internet connection, I would probably not use xaringan 😰 (you’ve probably read this: https://t.co/NXTMYq71H4) You technically could, then push to gh pages or Netlify, but you would have to load the page before losing internet, and that is too much stress!

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @jvcasill @minebocek @PipingHotData update: I did some reinstalls of all the packages (like to dev versions of rmarkdown/bookdown/etc) and the decktape function does work for me 😍

xaringan::decktape(‘https://t.co/mBVMaVtxHD', ‘heyjude.pdf’, docker = FALSE)

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @PipingHotData @minebocek xaringan does have a self-contained option but I would probably gravitate towards another presentation package like reveal.js https://t.co/6YqieTzoZ7, then put it on a flash drive to present

Joseph Casillas (@jvcasill; 10): @minebocek @apreshill @PipingHotData The dev version of #xaringan includes decktape, which outputs to pdf quite well.

Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 10): Help #rstats! I want to create a reproducible presentation that I will be presenting on someone else’s computer. I wanted to try #xaringan, but it seems like a bad idea if don’t know that I will have online access?? What framework do you recommend? @minebocek @apreshill

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @jvcasill @minebocek @PipingHotData Ooh looks like you may also be able to use the pagedown package to pdf: https://t.co/dzRTuA4J6y


Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 32): How @xieyihui learned R https://t.co/KUmS5kzU7X nice read. thanks. #rstats