Over the weekend I revamped my blog. Sorry @WordPress I have to let you go. But for a good reason: my new website is fully made using #rstats + #blogdown + @GoHugoIO Now I can just blog from @rstudio 😎 Check it out https://t.co/AparveprN0 https://t.co/UB6aYZHDjd



Esteban Moro (@estebanmoro; 92): Over the weekend I revamped my blog. Sorry @WordPress I have to let you go. But for a good reason: my new website is fully made using #rstats + #blogdown + @GoHugoIO Now I can just blog from @rstudio 😎 Check it out https://t.co/AparveprN0 https://t.co/UB6aYZHDjd

Jeff Hollister (@jhollist; 20): @MarloWordyBird @PixelMnM Mine is always a work in progress… Currently built in R with blogdown. https://t.co/gdBV4LczGU

Mike Treglia (@MikeTreglia; 10): @MarloWordyBird Mine’s also built in R w/ blogdown… one of the my first posts describes some of my learnings in blogdown and hosting on github pages https://t.co/nyz6NxxuOm

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 0/0): @owasow @PipingHotData Ah thanks for that. I thought it adjusted for blogdown but I had that wrong then!


The Befuddled Brain (@dt_gasman; 70): @dataandme @KnEzmom @EpiEllie @kjhealy @RLadiesGlobal @StatGarrett @hadleywickham @rudeboybert @old_man_chester I’ve also downloaded, and subsequently bought, Rmarkdown and Bookdown books by @xieyihui. I blame @dataandme: without her wonderful updates, I would never even know they existed.

Stop with the free books guys — they’re costing me a fortune!


Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 20): @ClausWilke The output is actually the same dimensions, but images gets a width attribute added by knitr… don’t know how to intercept that, but will look into it

Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 10): @ClausWilke @xieyihui is there any way to tell knitr to stick a width attribute in the <img/> element when using include_graphics? I’ve tried to add out.width to the options list without any luck

A_maninaworld (@TomorrowsIcons; 10): Can anyone tell me how to add a table in rmarkdown pdf presentation without effecting other chunks? I’m using kable function and the table produces but it removes a handful of other chunks once I knit to pdf. #rmarkdown #knitr #DataScience #rstats


André Calero Valdez (@Sumidu; 30): @allison_horst @DrAlgaeGirl @jebyrnes Will use it too. Will link Xaringan slides here 😍


斯诺婀娜 (@snowonion; 0/0): @ice1000kotlin https://t.co/LaSWKqnODv 《小人之心》谢益辉 … 我喜欢 SO 的一切,但唯有一点我是烦得要死,就是老资格用户对新手痛下杀手,那种积分是个位数的用户来提问,一看就是新手,问题问不好完全可以理解,但为什么不鼓励伊改进问题,而是上来就是给人把帖子关掉了呢?我已经见过好几次这样的情况了,比如: