My new favorite (and probably overused) #rstats #xaringan party trick is to use knitr::include_url("link_to_my_own_slides") to show a past/future slide FROM THE SAME slide deck in another slide 🀯 Makes it easier to show how to do side-by-side code/plot slides.



Samuel (@samuelgnz_; 112): Aprendiendo a crear un blog en #R con #blogdown gracias a @renbaires πŸ˜πŸ’»

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 51): 🀯 super cool! @sellorm uses magic (+docker, netlify, jenkins…) to keep AB 😎! “Automating a simple static website:"

Marc Kissel (@MarcKissel; 31): In theory they took basic stats but probably don’t remember. Been thinking of teaching how to record data (, Version control with GIT, visualizing data, EDA, etc, and maybe a final data project that they create a website for with R Markdown/Blogdown

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 0/1): A tale of two heatmap functions migrated to blogdown #rstats

Michael Johnson (@data_mike_j; 0/0): @alexhanna Blogdown+Hugo+ netlify


Scott B. Weingart 🀹 (@scott_bot; 22): @veek @cliotropic @pmhswe @kfitz I’d now use a pipeline like Word (or whatever the original form is) to pandoc to some sort of flat file web generator, like Jekyll or Hugo or bookdown. Though admittedly much more difficult to learn in the short term, it’d pay off in the long term for preservation & portability.

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 20): @nickchk @causalinf I’m still a fan of the side-by-side approach. But agree that a code-folding option with the sequential approach is cool. There’s native support for this in Rmarkdown/bookdown:

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 20): @causalinf 1) You can write the whole book in RMarkdown w/ the (amazing) bookdown package: 2) You can call both R (obvs) & Stata code in RMarkdown. Latter thanks to RStata package: 3) I think you can render R & Stata code chunks side side.

Shane Conway (@statalgo; 10): @AllenDowney Bookdown in RStudio is wonderful to use.

γ—γ°γŸ (@ooSHIBATAoo; 10): ε…¬ι–‹η”¨γ‚’γƒ‰γƒ¬γ‚ΉγŒε€‰ζ›΄γ«γͺγ‚ŠγΎγ—γŸγ€‚

Joel Nitta (@joel_nitta; 10): #bookdown PSA: when referencing tables with \@ref(tab:my_table), my_table needs to be both the name of chunk AND you have to make the table with kable(caption = “something”). No kable caption, no cross-referencing.

Achmad Syahrul Choir (@madsyair; 0/0):


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 13526): My new favorite (and probably overused) #rstats #xaringan party trick is to use knitr::include_url(“link_to_my_own_slides”) to show a past/future slide FROM THE SAME slide deck in another slide 🀯

Makes it easier to show how to do side-by-side code/plot slides.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @TaperaTinashe Yes- with revealjs/xaringan you can link to a slide using a number, or you can name a slide (sample .Rmd below):

name: agenda


our plan is…

recall our agenda is….

knitr::include_url("path/slides#agenda") # or #1 for slide 1

Daniel Smith (@TheDanInDanger; 10): @PogrebnyakE @AllenDowney I think RStudio *books have knitR dependencies?

Evgeny Pogrebnyak (@PogrebnyakE; 10): @AllenDowney Surprised knitr/sweave/pweave did not surface for authoring. Are they just good for single documents, not the books?

Achmad Syahrul Choir (@madsyair; 0/0):

Achmad Syahrul Choir (@madsyair; 0/0):

Brandon Greenwell (@bgreenwell8; 0/0): This also made me think harder about #knitr chuck labels!


Peter Smith (@JustAnotherCog; 0/0): @RobertTalbert @sagemath Tinytex?


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 13526): My new favorite (and probably overused) #rstats #xaringan party trick is to use knitr::include_url(“link_to_my_own_slides”) to show a past/future slide FROM THE SAME slide deck in another slide 🀯

Makes it easier to show how to do side-by-side code/plot slides.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @TaperaTinashe Yes- with revealjs/xaringan you can link to a slide using a number, or you can name a slide (sample .Rmd below):

name: agenda


our plan is…

recall our agenda is….

knitr::include_url("path/slides#agenda") # or #1 for slide 1

Brandon Greenwell (@bgreenwell8; 10): Yes, this was something I learned and truly appreciated recently with my last class using #xaringan based slides!

Matheus Mendes (@MendesMatheus27; 0/0): @Luan707S @PatrickBelmino0 @denzelcurry @vsvp6ix Tu que Γ© o xaringan

Achmad Syahrul Choir (@madsyair; 0/0):