Finally got around to updating my #rstats #blogdown site: 🐦 added handle to posts (@dataandme said to put a 🦜 on it) 🔗 added "view source" to posts (.md OR .Rmd!) 🖱️ added a data download button using xfun::embed_files() (thanks @xieyihui x 2!)



Alison Hill (@apreshill; 14630): Finally got around to updating my #rstats #blogdown site:

🐦 added handle to posts (@dataandme said to put a 🦜 on it) 🔗 added “view source” to posts (.md OR .Rmd!) 🖱️ added a data download button using xfun::embed_files() (thanks @xieyihui x 2!)

Ryan Elmore (@rtelmore; 111): I decided to make a new website using #rstats and #blogdown. Thank you @xieyihui!

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 40): @Emil_Hvitfeldt @dataandme @xieyihui Thank you Emil! Felt like an imposter teaching blogdown and being scared to do a theme update- it actually wasn’t that bad 🤫

Ryan Elmore (@rtelmore; 10): @rollingstats @xieyihui Sure. I used the Blogdown book (online) from Yihui. My repo is here: I’d probably not clone it and start from scratch using the blogdown instructions though. Oh, I’m hosting it on netlify.

Salifyanji Aaron (@asimumba_; 0/0): All along while building my #blogdown website I always open the browser and use the dev tools to debug. Then I discovered this. #rstats


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 466): My knitr::include_url("link") trick continues to delight in #rstats #xaringan: look at this #bookdown book! 🤓

(all this prep is for our @rstudio::conf Advanced R Markdown workshop in January, if you are curious- all slides and materials will be shared!)

Maria Teresa Ortiz (@TeresaOM; 255): Acabó el semestre y al fin mis notas de estadística computacional están completas increíble usar #bookdown! #rstatses #rstats

Albert Y. Kim (@rudeboybert; 30): @apreshill @juliasilge @old_man_chester @ModernDive Bookdown + Travis CI + Netlify = 💵. Not having to spend⏳waiting for a local book build just to fix one typo = more⏳for social media GIF posting

Abhijit Dasgupta (@webbedfeet; 20): @PogrebnyakE @AllenDowney Bookdown and the like are leveraged on knitr, but have added capabilities in terms of outputs. Note that @xieyihui is central to knitr, bookdown, blog down, etc.

Noushin Nabavi (@nabavinoushin; 0/0): @lisancao @Editage ❤️💝 Lisa! (forgot about our hackseq bookdown being on the agenda), happy holidays!

Tanya Murphy (@tmurphEpi; 0/0): @SolomonKurz typo in bookdown introduction / Why this?: - “…I benefited from a suite of statistics courses in grad school” OR - “…I benefited from sweet statistics courses in grad school” 😎

Evgeny Pogrebnyak (@PogrebnyakE; 0/0): @webbedfeet @AllenDowney @xieyihui Thank you, I did not quite know bookdown was superseeding knitr!


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 466): My knitr::include_url("link") trick continues to delight in #rstats #xaringan: look at this #bookdown book! 🤓

(all this prep is for our @rstudio::conf Advanced R Markdown workshop in January, if you are curious- all slides and materials will be shared!)

Abhijit Dasgupta (@webbedfeet; 20): @PogrebnyakE @AllenDowney Bookdown and the like are leveraged on knitr, but have added capabilities in terms of outputs. Note that @xieyihui is central to knitr, bookdown, blog down, etc.

Joseph Casillas (@jvcasill; 0/0): @apreshill @rstudio I just opened an issue on the knitr repo to see if there is any interest in a pull request to add a “style” argument to “include_url()”.

Evgeny Pogrebnyak (@PogrebnyakE; 0/0): @webbedfeet @AllenDowney @xieyihui Thank you, I did not quite know bookdown was superseeding knitr!


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 466): My knitr::include_url("link") trick continues to delight in #rstats #xaringan: look at this #bookdown book! 🤓

(all this prep is for our @rstudio::conf Advanced R Markdown workshop in January, if you are curious- all slides and materials will be shared!)

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 11): #rstats + #rmarkdown + #xaringan by @xieyihui + corporate design wizards + a little CSS wrangling = the perfect blend of branding, beauty, and reproducible research. I’m in heaven!

anyone know how best to change the fonts output by #ggplot2 here?

Alfa Diallo (@alfahimaya; 11): Découverte #ODMEDIAS du jour: XARINGAN L’outil permet de faire de belles présentations lisibles en htlm (donc dans un navigateur) à partir du R Markdown. Merci @SylvainLapoix #Kibaro

Jason Craggs (@Jason_Craggs; 0/0): @apreshill Very clever. Was I the only one to initially read #xaringan as #sharingan ? #rstats #rstatsnewbie

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 161): tutorial + materials coming soon for @rstudio::conf, but in the meantime I followed @xieyihui’s advice to use PRs to teach:

See my work on branches in this repo:

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @jasonkfreels @juliasilge A number of reasons, nicely laid out here: