Closing off the year making R logos from perler beads and cleaning up the ninja xaringan theme 🤗 Some new features to come for the ninja themes in the new year 🥳 #rstats



Denizalp (@plazined; 32): I decided to start a data blog about Turkey/the Middle East to get to explore r blogdown over the winter. Since election season is coming up in Turkey I wanted to write my first post on polls in Turkey. A few interesting results:

fonzie (@OilGains; 20): Surprised today in finding that the YAML I learned for #rstats packages #blogdown, #pkgdown, #bookdown can also be used as non-binary data containers for unit tests (as text).

Jay Hesselberth (@jayhesselberth; 20): @nomad421 I think hugo-academic has bibtex support. Easily maintained with blogdown.

m.a.l (@isbrutussick; 0/0): @xieyihui or @JennyBryan you two are fearless R git/blogdown guides…have you seen or written anything which might help the transition of an R blogdown production to a new computer? #rstats … directory chgs, new git, etc? just want to make sure I don’t miss anything


Holger H (@holken; 20): @arcticmonkey_5 @GoldbergData Advanced R is great, but … well, rather advanced. For beginners I’d suggest something like The Pirate’s guide to R.

Craig Hutton (@huttoncp; 11): Free online book on how to use R (markdown) for document preparation #rstats:


Tomokazu Fujino (@nonki1974; 247): はてなブログに投稿しました TinyTeXのインストール & RmarkdownでPDF on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - 備忘録@かすみがおか #はてなブログ


Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 6811): Closing off the year making R logos from perler beads and cleaning up the ninja xaringan theme 🤗 Some new features to come for the ninja themes in the new year 🥳 #rstats

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 170): I’m making a short presentation on my PhD work and looking back to my 2011 J.B.Douglas talk competition, my presentation style has changed a lot! 😐 Honored that the judges still selected my talk for a prize with that beamer slide! I’ll move on to using #xaringan slides though.

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 50): I’m interested in building R markdown documents that can be used either in Xaringan slides or html_document. Images seem to be a tricky point as well as next slide syntax. Looking for suggestions for workflow.

Anton Wasson (@antonwasson; 50): #xaringan presentations like @statsgen’s might have to be my New Years resolution.

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 20): @EvaMaeRey @statsgen @xieyihui I think using child chunks is a great idea. Then you can use one source Rmd each for xaringan and html where the xaringan file has the extra bits for slide separation and classes and things. Still it’s kinda tricky to not repeat yourself.

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 0/0): @grrrck @EvaMaeRey @xieyihui For dual purposes, I think ioslides in place of xaringan works nicely to switch between slides and html document. Down side of course that you don’t get the goodness of xaringan :(