🤯bookdown w/ runable exercises, & interactive JS extensions… 📕 "Introduction to Econometrics w/ R" by Christoph Hanck, Martin Arnold, Alexander Gerber & Martin Schmelzer https://t.co/SgP9CYDKkZ https://t.co/WQkb3FWJp9 #rstats #repeatTweet https://t.co/vj017el7u4



Jennifer Thompson (@jent103; 548): .@apreshill’s list of #blogdown don’ts: > - don’t touch index.Rmd - don’t touch /public - for goodness’ sake, don’t knit

Thomas Mock 👨🏼‍💻 @ #rstudioconf! (@thomas_mock; 333): .@apreshill reminding us to never knit! just commit! when publishing your #blogdown site! > #RStudioConf Advanced R Markdown https://t.co/Vv3NKbBtxz

The R-Podcast (Eric) (@theRcast; 256): 👏 Day 1 of the adv #rstats #rmarkdown at #rstudioconf 💼 with insights & resources!
- @apreshill 🏋️‍♀️on #blogdown #bookdown #xaringan #flexdashboard - @JoannaMellon 🔍 #learnr with real-time demo - me: 🚔#officer to create #powerpoint slides > 👀https://t.co/1rcevxSa0N

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 241): I’ve arrived at that time in my workshop preparation when I refine my gif selection in my slides…(I promise there are very few) > This one serves many #rstats #blogdown purposes: 1) don’t knit! 2) don’t touch your public folder 3) don’t touch your themes folder https://t.co/u9CBUNOY1u

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 186): reposting this using blogdown. added some links and typo checked by Rstudio! #rstats Understanding p-value, multiple comparisons, FDR and q value https://t.co/TTR8EfM70u

Detlef Burkhardt 🚀 (@DetlefBurkhardt; 1610): R2:D9 #100DaysOfCode <- R-Mark-Blog-Bookdown > Today I check the “blogability” of the #rstats-ecosystem. Learning the concepts of #knitr #rmarkdown #bookdown #blogdown #pandoc, mainly in @rstudio with a lot of input from @xieyihui. > _ #100DaysOfMLCode #301DaysOfCode #DataScience https://t.co/FmQl66keww

Thomas Mock 👨🏼‍💻 @ #rstudioconf! (@thomas_mock; 91): Followup to close the #blogdown session! > Change things in your config.toml file - then serve_site() and see what happens! https://t.co/8Cle6uA69L

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 80): @kara_woo wow 🥺 > on a related note, prepping for a blogdown workshop, I did a search for blog posts on the topic and got like 13 of the way through reading someone’s post and realized it was my blog post word for word. 🤔 but at least they didn’t ask me to help tie up the loose ends 😂

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 52): Important #rstats life hack if you want to prevent accidental knitting of blogdown and bookdown pages! https://t.co/ZjNZiZO9l5

Phillip Meintzer (@FishPhilEh; 52): Awesome resource for creating your own academic web page using R blogdown! https://t.co/kBuWgI2W1E

Alexis Norris (@AlexisLNorris; 50): @Hoosierflyman @chicaScientific @mgrntwrkr Have someone in your lab use #rstats to make the lab website! ✔Free ✔they learn R and make pretty figures for their papers https://t.co/GQ2z4sUrbv

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 40): So I added random motivational messages to my .Rprofile, following this blog post by @mattdray, and it makes building blogdown sites kinda fun now #rstats https://t.co/aW53wG2Ypb https://t.co/kkIzT8cdu0

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 32): 4 a collection of guides on how you can meet #rstats users & network for different types of individuals > From anon ways, to @Twitter lurking/posting, to #blogdown presence, etc > I’ve been talking a lot about @LIBDrstats https://t.co/9sUBa0LDaS but that’s just 1 way #rstudioconf

Doctorb Zhian N. Kamvar (@ZKamvar; 30): These were all super confusing to me when I was starting with blogdown. https://t.co/qftr71lWvE

Phillip Meintzer (@FishPhilEh; 30): Following @dsquintana ’s instructions, I was able to build myself a simple academic website using blogdown with #Rstats. Here’s an early draft. I still have to incorporate my publications etc. https://t.co/iIQT2i7ckx

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 20): @jent103 @apreshill I would love a way to disable knitting for blogdown sites from inside RStudio. I’ve accidentally hit command+shift+K waaaay too often in sites :(

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @SteveDX_ well technically you can delete the whole darn public/ folder, then serve your site again, if you are wanting to clean house! > I was mainly responding to this community post: https://t.co/YU22TOqwS0 > In which the user wanted to edit the index.html

A_maninaworld (@TomorrowsIcons; 11): What’s an awesome package in R and what can I do with it? Here’s a list of the most popular packages I’ve used so far: #ggplot2 #shiny #blogdown #rvest #knitr #Tidyverse . Any recommendations? #rstats @rstats4ds @hadleywickham @kdnuggets @RLadiesGlobal @Rbloggers

Thomas Mock 👨🏼‍💻 @ #rstudioconf! (@thomas_mock; 10): @myadav2009 https://t.co/rrP8EIk1GK > Lots of details here!

Dale Maschette 🐟🧗‍♂️ (@Dale_Masch; 10): @djnavarro sure…🤷‍♂️ you know more about blogdown than I do.

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 10): @Dale_Masch grumbles about how little she understands blogdown

kostas kougioumoutzis (@konkougioumou; 10): It may not be much, but in 3 years time, I went from completely #rstats illiterate (and self-taught) to design and publish my own website completely from within #r! A huge thank you to @xieyihui for his great and book package #blogdown!

Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 10): @ma_salmon just read your rOpenSci blog post about the site running on HUGO. Quick question: do I understand it right that it is straight-up HUGO, with no blogdown layer on top?

Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 10): @ma_salmon @_inundata “Ease to move around” was my reason, too. After realizing I can’t easily switch to HUGO without rewriting .Rmd files into .md files with pre-generated images 😆 > @_inundata, curious to know your opinion! https://t.co/X9UrIXD79U

espinielli (@espinielli; 10): @ma_salmon @rOpenSci @_inundata Yes, I started from that and want to go to full blogdown…my big issue is designing the various (template) pages and relevant CSS in order to be good (enough) for desktop and mobile… Catching up on the new pages from old one in production to new one under dev a burden too😭

Samantha Toet (@Samantha_Toet; 10): @toddmorling That’s a great idea! That way you will be able to keep track of everything you learn and you can look back on it in a few years and see how you’re improving and growing. I may be biased, but I recommend blogdown + hugo + netlify for deploying 🙂

Sascha Wolfer (@sascha_wolfer; 0/1): Dear #rstats bloggers: I want to migrate my blog https://t.co/szJQGF9E8f from https://t.co/y3JAubIZvu to a blogdown-based solution. What do I have to think of? How, for example, can I connect it to @Rbloggers? Can I get free web space somewhere? Anything else? Thx 4 ur help!

Mahesh Yadav (@myadav2009; 0/0): @thomas_mock I am not able to understand the #blogdown thread, but seems very interesting. Any book or article on that? Thanks

Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 0/0): @xieyihui Is there a way to specify a featured image for a post on my #blogdown website? (So that the featured image – rather than the first image – shows up when I link to the post on twitter/fb/etc.) #rstats

A_maninaworld (@TomorrowsIcons; 0/0): Check out https://t.co/omWI4nnpN4 . You can do so much through #blogdown and #netlify #rstats

Ed_0110100001101001 💡⚙️🛠☕️ (@ed19741; 0/0): How to load the same needed packages in multiple blogdown posts? https://t.co/Y7cH5vJsDs

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 0/0): Adding citations to posts in blogdown. https://t.co/m3GBHw9Ziu

Rex Douglass (@RexDouglass; 0/0): https://t.co/7zn37IBL8L

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 0/0): @xieyihui 😁 > Awesome! I mean I really did put a lot of work into my reproducible example. > I’ve really enjoyed #xaringan by the way, and am thinking of starting with #blogdown. I guess I’m just saying I’m a big fan of your work! https://t.co/GO8Eag6YTo

Henrik Bengtsson (@henrikbengtsson; 0/0): Q: I set today’s date but not time in my #rstats blogdown/#gohugo yaml; > date: 2019-01-10 > => RSS pubDate to be ‘Mon, 10 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000’ => causes some aggregators (eg @RBloggers) not to relay them. Shld I use date+late time: > date: 2019-01-10 23:59:59 -0700 > instead?

Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 0/0): @ma_salmon Thanks! Since rOpenSci is very R heavy, were there any particular reasons to keep it hugo-only and not adopt blogdown? See my question on the same issue here: https://t.co/X9UrIXD79U

hello! (@mryap; 0/0): Explore and find it possible to run @xieyihui #blogdown site https://t.co/Ty3PdxDEuq with @rstudio in the cloud using @Netlify and @github. I just need to find a better @GoHugoIO theme to fit the images #rstats


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 9622): 🤯bookdown w/ runable exercises, & interactive JS extensions… 📕 “Introduction to Econometrics w/ R” by Christoph Hanck, Martin Arnold, Alexander Gerber & Martin Schmelzer https://t.co/SgP9CYDKkZ https://t.co/WQkb3FWJp9 #rstats #repeatTweet https://t.co/vj017el7u4

Max Kuhn (@topepos; 7411): Slowly starting to commit GitHub resources for the new book (https://t.co/bNeNSVDj3G) as we prepare for the last set of draft chapters. > Just added the source data sets to https://t.co/oqqIbtR6gM > #rstats https://t.co/kXQMmjpEWw

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 5417): 8) “R Markdown: The Definitive Guide” by @xieyihui @fly_upside_down & @StatGarrett . A great technical reference guide to.. you guessed it.. RMarkdown in #rstats!
> https://t.co/lUHNXQfCMe https://t.co/RlJlBH09NY

Filippo Chiarello (@f_chiare; 174): Super happy of the cover of my PhD thesis! 😄 Some #NLP and #wordcloud to represent the main verbs, nouns and adjectives I’ve used in my work, proudly written in #bookdown. Hopefully next year I’ll present some of the content at #rstudioconf 🧐 https://t.co/GZNSDIriAJ

Thomas Mock 👨🏼‍💻 @ #rstudioconf! (@thomas_mock; 130): . @apreshill Spitting YAML fire while covering her highly customized Bookdown! > #RStudioConf Advanced R Markdown workshop https://t.co/yZUTsM3vco

McMaster Soc Sci (@McMasterSocSci; 52): “Reproducible Econometrics Using R” by Jeffrey Racine, Senator William McMaster Chair in Econometrics. #rstats #rmarkdown #bookdown https://t.co/fwOAv4cLj2

Matthew Hendrickson (@mjhendrickson; 51): @WeAreRLadies Efficient R Programming by Colin Gillespie @jumping_uk and @robinlovelace https://t.co/gGE5Qa7QDO

Matthew Hendrickson (@mjhendrickson; 51): @WeAreRLadies Exploratory Data Analysis by @rdpeng https://t.co/SWn2xyHW3T

Alex Papageorgiou (@alpapag; 31): R for marketing e-book by @LeuvenU University’s marketing dept https://t.co/BkmyoUehk3 #rstats

Stas Kolenikov (@StatStas; 30): It is very fitting that this #bookdown @GitHub project would pop up in my feed in the middle of the #RStudioConf workshop on Advanced R Markdown! Danke @fraukolos for bringing this to my attention cc: @apreshill @xieyihui https://t.co/djrVFznFqk

Elías Eyþórsson (@eliaseythorsson; 23): Is there anyway to create a list of tables, list of figures in word with #pandoc and @xieyihui’s #bookdown ? I honestly can’t find a yes / no answer in documentation and my attempts have not worked. Don’t know whether to give up or continue trying. #rstats #phdchat

Chanel Meyers (@chanelkmeyers; 20): @k_e_scott_1 My RAs loved YaRrr! https://t.co/R203Zzfxre

Toju (@TojYouSo; 20): Do you use datacamp? Is it worth it? Or is there enough material out there for free - blogs/books on bookdown etc https://t.co/F4Gm80hq7f

Mathew ‘Night Science’ Ling (@lingtax; 20): @emilyandthelime @Dale_Masch @dataandme @LisaDeBruine @djnavarro But that example above isn’t a datacamp type activity. Plus there are internal options for exercises in bookdown now. https://t.co/TiGt6PvpP9

Mathew ‘Night Science’ Ling (@lingtax; 20): @Dale_Masch @emilyandthelime @dataandme @LisaDeBruine @djnavarro We have my old shiny one as well that we could use / adapt, in case we didn’t care for D3. Details here: https://t.co/RlpXdXZOjr

Eduardo Guamán Daquilema (@guamandseduardo; 20): Introduction to Data Exploration and Analysis with #RStats by Michael Mahoney 🔗#bookdown: https://t.co/FfEoY1fw5N https://t.co/HX4cjtnE4B

Dataiku (@dataiku; 11): What should you be adding to your data science toolbelt? | https://t.co/g22CdJl3OK #datascience #python #bookdown #dataflow #featuretools #keras

Albert Krewinkel (@kraut0xA; 11): @eliaseythorsson @xieyihui Not sure about bookdown, but pandoc does not. But there are various extensions that should help. E.g., pandoc-crossref might be helpful: https://t.co/BboV4freVM

Udayan Roy (@UdayanRoy62; 10): Can anyone show me how to insert interactive multiple-choice questions – as in the “Try It” boxes at https://t.co/tugPOFchsU – in a #bookdown book? Please help.

Darren L Dahly (@statsepi; 10): @Tfeend Yeah, once the module has run, we’ll put everything on Youtube and github w/bookdown (mid-March).

Pedro Carrillo (@PedroCarrillo; 10): bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown #R https://t.co/O74SZyswUH

Bruno Lopes (@BrunoLopes2855; 10): @toddmorling @R4DScommunity Peng is a good author, and this book for beginners is free. On https://t.co/HnYQC18ULN you can find other free books, for all levels. > I would also check the books by Grolemund and Wickham - specially R 4 Data Science and Hands On Programming. > https://t.co/Y4HkXMUhT8

Udayan Roy (@UdayanRoy62; 0/0): @xieyihui Is it possible to insert interactive multiple-choice questions – as in the “Try It” boxes at https://t.co/tugPOFchsU – in Bookdown? Please help.

Udayan Roy (@UdayanRoy62; 0/0): @StatGarrett Is it possible to insert interactive multiple-choice questions – as in the “Try It” boxes at https://t.co/tugPOFchsU – in Bookdown? Please help.

Mike Rustell (@mikerustell; 0/0): Work in progress https://t.co/hTqXeOYdsb

Steven Senior (@stevensenior; 0/0): PhD thesis written in bookdown. Full marks. 👏 👏👏👏 https://t.co/YZQQ9Uzg1z

Oleksiy Anokhin (@OleksiyAnokhin; 0/0): https://t.co/bNMX76BjU8

gradschool whisperer (@TJ__Murphy; 0/0): So I’m stitching together a bunch of handouts into an #rstats based online bookdown for my biostats course and its already over 20 chapters and I had no idea #blackhole

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 0/0): @espinielli @rOpenSci Well I started working for rOpenSci after the transition, that was mainly managed by @_inundata. Also note that https://t.co/50VMq23iYK is Hugo but not blogdown. For my own blog I used a standard theme with minimal tweaks, and recommend reading https://t.co/vacLkKRpPE


Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 92): I need to knit a WIP paper to pdf and word, so I added this to my #knitr YAML.
> #rstats https://t.co/q8YbILuRN1

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 81): @JenRichmondPhD Try adding this at the top of your .R script: #’ — #’ output: github_document #’ — > See https://t.co/AXnatObT08 > As taught in @JennyBryan’s What They Forgot workshop (knitr::spin is what actually happens under the hood I believe)

Martin John Hadley (@martinjhnhadley; 71): I feel this is one of @xieyihui’s #rstats knitr secrets (just like <!–html_preserve–>)… did I miss the documentation for latex, markdown and html rendering for code chunks? https://t.co/KOvuf0NKEQ

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 61): @martinjhnhadley That worked just by accident. These “engines” don’t exist in knitr, and the default behavior is just to echo the code: https://t.co/XFkCbFCiXz So {latex} is the same aslatex. The latter is valid Pandoc Markdown syntax and triggers syntax highlighting.

Chris Beeley (@ChrisBeeley; 50): Ooh, I’m doing parameterised RMarkdown for the first time today (done it with Shiny before, just not knitr style). > Super simple. I’m even doing some non standard evaluation with it. > Nice :-)

Florian @ Real Scientists DE (@realsci_DE; 50): Man kann bspw. mit #rstats, #rmarkdown, #knitr und #papaja Dokumente im perfekten APA-Stil entwerfen. Eine Riesenarbeit und -leistung von @xieyihui, @FrederikAust und Co! Es ist zwar mehr Arbeit, eindeutig, aber es lohnt sich.

Sebastian Sauer (@sauer_sebastian; 20): Writing your texts in #rmarkdown? Struggling with long lines in version control? Check out wrap_rmd() in package #knitr to wrap the long lines. https://t.co/7J9gJhhlbn

Robin Neumann (@funktoriell; 10): @AlizeNero Fun fact: I did use knitr for generating reports with R in the past (https://t.co/6Ibyp2BqPI) 😂🤓 > But offline-non-computer-knitting is also very awesome!

John Avocado 陳約翰 (@SuperCroup; 0/1): Placing two tables side by side using ‘knitr’ and ‘kableExtra’ > #rstats > https://t.co/b3OkXbsnSq

Zorro Notorious M. E. B. (@znmeb; 0/1): @gronke @zotero BibLaTeX supports more types than BibTeX, but I’m not sure how that integrates in R Markdown / knitr / pandoc. Certainly one can cite packages now; the default is “Manual”.

RPubs recent entry (@RPubsRecent; 0/0): Test of Knitr https://t.co/uys6ESc3oP

TKwa (@RansuuSan; 0/0): RとMarkDownをゆるく橋渡しするのに、knitrは良さそう


niszet🎍🌅 (@niszet0; 10): https://t.co/bExm8qC5wq

Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 10): @DrArunSahni @dannyjnwong @jbedford84 @PQIPNews We’ve planned to automate the pdf generation with headless Chrome automation (like puppeteer), see https://t.co/9fE7W1Ejqd Stay tuned!


statgenet@KyotoU (@StatgenetJ; 41): RmarkdownでポスターサイズのPDF作成: devtools::install_github(“brentthorne/posterdown”) tinytex::install_tinytex() > https://t.co/Yj5x5OSKqi https://t.co/yjlnfMyHDY

Mitchell O’Hara-Wild (@mitchoharawild; 40): @JenRichmondPhD To knit a document to PDF you will need LaTeX installed. The easiest way to do this in R is using @xieyihui’s tinytex package: install.packages(“tinytex”) tinytex::install_tinytex()

Jessica Streeter (@phillynerd; 12): Current feels: stoked to put a massive analysis to bed. love rmarkdown, wish tinytex and kableExtra played together nicely though. So many headaches still :/ #rstats #myrjourney

Frederick Solt (@fredericksolt; 10): @Daniel_Laurison Approximately me, last week. Eventually got my problem all squared away, though, thanks to @xieyihui! https://t.co/cVIzc02c6E

zenrud (@ZenrudMB; 0/0): TinyTeX: A lightweight and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution https://t.co/d6kVgERV7M #Tinytex #Latex

Debian upload (@DebianUpload; 0/0): New upload: r-cran-tinytex 0.10-1 by Dylan Aïssi into unstable… https://t.co/wqI1yiKL9p

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/0): CRAN updates: laeken poweRlaw spatstat tinytex https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


Florian Privé (@privefl; 130): @humanfactorsio @ma_salmon @hadleywickham This maybe? https://t.co/Bs3z5Y8RBr

Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 70): #rstudioconf FOMO have set in. [✔️] - Unhealthy amount of Twitter [✔️] - Stealing css tricks for xaringan

Thomas Mock 👨🏼‍💻 @ #rstudioconf! (@thomas_mock; 70): Pretty pictures in Xaringan presentations! > #RStudioConf https://t.co/HmsZrz4b0P

Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez; 40): On a technical side: To build the slides, I used the awesome #markdown by @xieyihui and the RU theme for #xaringan #html presentation https://t.co/kFTJtQSALF by @jvcasill. To create a PDF, I used decktape https://t.co/KufRACQqzA by @astefanut w/ the xaringan::decktape() command.

Chris Mainey (@chrismainey; 30): Teaching stats with #Rmarkdown and #slidify worked brilliantly today. Going to try #xaringan for next weeks session, after @ma_salmon recommendation. Great work @xieyihui !

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 20): @ivanjrudik I like the metropolis theme. https://t.co/VROyOQwkVc > Having said that, I’ve pretty much switched over all my slides to HTML / R Markdown (using the xaringan package). In fact, they even have a metropolis clone, which is what I’m using here: https://t.co/JWmeyUzuCB

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 20): @chrismainey It seems xaringan is the most popular package for this these days. 🙂

Daniel Arantes (@D_O_Arantes; 10): @humanfactorsio @ma_salmon @hadleywickham #<< in xaringan?

Tareef Kawaf (@tareefk; 10): @YatesHeath I haven’t done as much with PPT to be honest. I typically use ioslides. I have plans to play with xaringan, and maybe I can concoct a real use case for using PPT. You should, in theory be able to use any number of html widgets based packages and get rmarkdown to snapshot

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 10): Ha, and sure enough, @JenRichmondPhD, first xaringan::infinite_moon_reader() for the day.

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 10): @chrismainey I don’t think I ever used slidify. I like xaringan and feel that its popularity means you’re more likely to get support when you have questions

Chris Mainey (@chrismainey; 0/0): Hi #rstats, does anyone know how I can use incremental bullet points with #xaringan in Markdown?

Heath Yates (@YatesHeath; 0/0): @tareefk Thanks. You got me intrigued and thinking about dabbling away from PPT and in favor of HTML widgets. I did some googling, but can you offer a fav website or GitHub repo that demo’s ioslides? Xaringan sounds interesting too. Thanks Tareef! :)

Dangerous Kidd (@CHlLEANS; 0/0): @Tehx_15 @xNashoohh @ScoriaNetwork Sasuke el xidori tmbn el xaringan


Jozef Hajnala (@jozefhajnala; 115): 🧙‍♂️Pretty html/pdf reports directly from R scripts! > ICYMI, with knitr::spin or rmarkdown::render you can make reports directly from #rstats scripts without creating an #RMarkdown file, just by adding simple comment tags! Example from @xieyihui himself: https://t.co/8Xap87WeTc https://t.co/7D4oYBlN7C

Sebastian Sauer (@sauer_sebastian; 11): Tip of my day by @xieyihui: “Don’t Use Spaces or Underscores in File Paths; Use Dashes Instead” when working with Latex/Rmarkdown #spacepain https://t.co/NwQzQOixvH

Chung-hong Chan (@chainsawriot; 10): In case you don’t know, his Chinese blog is even more interesting. https://t.co/J3kL66ueBN https://t.co/iYS5JrNA8h

tunggul mubowo (@mubowo; 0/0): knitr chunk options and package options https://t.co/z63EADqibj