#rstats protip: lots of #leaflet maps will slow down #bookdown website builds (due to #pandoc), but you can avoid this by saving each map in a separate html file (htmlwidgets::saveWidget) and embedding them with iframes. You can also share lib dirs to reduce size.



Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 218): Love R and like to blog? Combine both your loves with #blogdown. This blog by @Andreasheenn can show you how. Plus, she even linked to an earlier blog on the topic by @djnavarro. > If only I’d had both of these when I was learning #blogdown… https://t.co/iXIW4zptrS

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 114): Today’s “learning out loud” success story, featuring #rstats #blogdown, GitHub, Netlify, and most importantly @allison_horst (the al[l]isons have finally met and are busy at work) 👯‍♀️ https://t.co/uT9zwjSbDZ

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 110): @jent103 @dgkeyes I think many of @xieyihui’s rmarkdown based tools have enabled better platforms for communicating too. Like my talk called “take a sad plot and make it better” was delivered to approximately 20 people on a Friday, but I put my xaringan slides online and on my blogdown site 📣

Patricia Menéndez (@PM_maths; 100): Creating my first webpage using blogdown 🥳!

Christin Zasada (@ChristinZasada; 92): A very personal invitation to our next #RLadies Berlin meetup about the essentials of #rstats📦 xaringan, bookdown and blogdown. https://t.co/44uuGJCarQ

Bea. (@Chucheria; 71): Today I learned: when you write a future date in a blogdown post it won’t be build until the date is no longer future!!! I’ve been like 3 hours with this one. #blogdown #rstats

Allison Horst (@allison_horst; 70): @apreshill I made a short list of things you need to get smoothly started with #blogdown and it starts & ends with @apreshill. Also most of the middle.

ComunidadBioInfo (@CDSBMexico; 51): The new website is powered by @GeorgeCushen’s hugo-academic theme and converted from Wordpress using @xieyihui’s scripts. > Web source at @Github: https://t.co/VQ0Fivw4yr > Thanks to: https://t.co/i603dD2igi https://t.co/PTf7JMW53L > @GoHugoIO #blogdown

Cedric Batailler (@cedricbatailler; 50): @metasdl @LorneJCampbell Amazing! Will it also be implemented as a template for systems à la blogdown?

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 40): @tladeras @sharlagelfand BUT EVEN THEN! I see so many bookdown/blogdown/distill/xaringan/flexdashboard sites trapped in GitHub repos!! Argh ok blogpost needed ;)

Alli N. Cramer (@AlliNCramer; 31): Ok #rstats people, I need some help. I’m trying to update my Hugo #Academic site which I make using #blogdown. I know there are some new version issues, so I am rebuilding it from scratch. I’ve updated everything, and have moved the config.toml file, but it won’t build. #help

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @fellgernon @GoHugoIO @georgecushen @rstudio https://t.co/C8M9jqzbD4

Kat Hoffman (@kat_stats; 20): Working on a personal website and good news is, Academic Hugo template makes the process pretty easy. Bad news is blogdown::serve_site() freezes my Rstudio so I’ve been making edits directly in Github [yikes]

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 11): Has anyone been using the latest @GoHugoIO academic theme by @georgecushen with #blogdown? The default config.toml location changed to root/config/_default/ which messes up blogdown:::site_root(). See the post at the @rstudio community for more https://t.co/36JvUAF4UM #rstats Thx

Steven Senior (@stevensenior; 10): @northernjamie I love it because I am lazy, and I can just press a button in RStudio and up it goes. I’m resisting the peer pressure to join the cool kids and start using blogdown because that sounds like a lot of work.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @fellgernon @GoHugoIO @georgecushen @rstudio Huh weird- I’m able to use the new post addin with multiple themes with this new configuration. But what I see that happens is blogdown physically moves the config.toml to the root dir- the other config files stay in the that dir (params/menus)- do you see that happening?

Houston Haynes (@whiskersedge; 10): @dataandme @jbkunst My current challenge is responsive design. I’m using a blogdown/Hugo template that has SementicUI embedded. So far, I’ve only found that wrapping the highchartr in an HTMLwidget allows you to bound it with markup that creates the desired behavior.

David O’Sullivan (@geodosu; 10): @alogicalfallacy @surlyurbanist there’s also a thing called blogdown which I think it good for this specific use case? https://t.co/FmZxB4xmv9

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 10): @apreshill @GoHugoIO @georgecushen @rstudio Ok, I see that the commit you pointed to https://t.co/o24UdNldDi changed the code of install_theme() such that it moves the config.toml to the root folder https://t.co/T0DpMSadG5 > I didn’t use install_theme() hence why I’m seeing the issue.

Josep Espasa (@Josepespasa; 10): @almata El faig anar cada dia a la feina! És el meu software estadístic preferit. De fet, vaig començar un blog amb R Blogdown i tot https://t.co/SpLXw2eZ4k

BFF (@YrBFFAnna; 10): Hey DS twitter: I need to build a blog/portfolio site. Currently use #r4ds & #tableau, #pydata later. Is there a thing like blogdown(?) that supports/integrate all these things and also isn’t wicked complicated? I’m not about to be a dev anytime soon.

Peter Sobolewski (@psobolewskiPhD; 0/1): Wow, this #rstats package to make posters using #markdown looks pretty sweet. Making posters is such a chore, but this doesn’t look bad at all. Making a website using #blogdown and @rstudio was easy, so definitely going to check this out! https://t.co/n5U4iDle5g

Jamie Whyte (@northernjamie; 0/0): @stevensenior Oof, that does seem like a lot of effort! I might try RPubs for now, and move to blogdown if it doesn’t satisfy me.

Sylvain Chabé-Ferret (@SylvainCF; 0/0): @romain_esteve @Wikipedia Only Rmarkdown. This is simple and effective. I tried blogdown to move it to HTML5 with Hugo, but it’s much too technical to be scalable.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @fellgernon @GoHugoIO @georgecushen @rstudio This was already fixed in the dev version of blogdown about a day after the academic theme changed :)

Umair Durrani (@umairdurrani87; 0/0): @asiflaldin Hey, thanks for getting in touch. Just to be sure, have you made the commits and THEN pushed the files to GitHub? Or the other way round? My video is pretty old now, since then blogdown package has been used extensively to create websites. Try that: https://t.co/RNygw4Caaq

Alexander Miniushkin (@AMiniushkin; 0/0): Speeding up R blogdown with Nginx - 1000x times https://t.co/kovXCUBavt

Sabhrina Aninta (@sagitaninta; 0/0): This is not a question but more of a comment: apparently I could never use the install_ function within the packages that @xieyihui made if the packages were installed from CRAN. > I did tinytex::install_tinytex() and failed. I did blogdown::install_hugo() to no avail.

Albert Mata (@almata; 0/0): @Josepespasa El vaig veure, sí. Ara, el tens una mica aparcadot, eh… 😅 Jo ara he començat un nou projecte també amb R Blogdown a https://t.co/2KZYv0etmX.

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 0/0): @apreshill @GoHugoIO @georgecushen @rstudio Hmm… I did use the latest version of blogdown from GitHub. I’ll check again after lunch. Thanks Alison!

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 0/0): @apreshill @GoHugoIO @georgecushen @rstudio Yeah, I do have the latest version and I’m still seeing this error :/ > > devtools::install_github(‘rstudio/blogdown’) Skipping install of ‘blogdown’ from a github remote, the SHA1 (5179caff) has not changed since last install. Use force = TRUE to force installation https://t.co/FpR2FPoDVT

Boom Shakalaka (@moxiaoranying; 0/0): @nacnudus Or just use blogdown


Jeff Hanson (@jeff_o_hanson; 9419): #rstats protip: lots of #leaflet maps will slow down #bookdown website builds (due to #pandoc), but you can avoid this by saving each map in a separate html file (htmlwidgets::saveWidget) and embedding them with iframes. You can also share lib dirs to reduce size.

scott cunningham (@causalinf; 316): This is a major tweet that could easily get lost in the cracks. It’s like a methodological wikipedia using GitHub and R Bookdown. Collaborative, open. Unbelievably ambitious. I had no idea @SylvainCF was working on something like this and I’m kind of blown away. Read thread. https://t.co/LsTOHqoIaK

scott cunningham (@causalinf; 92): The ability to participate in SKY (the open source science community collection of knowledge for social science methodology that @SylvainCF has created out of thin air) will depend on learning some basic things regarding Git and R Bookdown. We can all use it as a chance to learn! https://t.co/c402JiDebp

Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 80): @dataandme I suppose just today I told a student to just close out of RStudio and relaunch the project again to get bookdown to cooperate, so perhaps not too different 😀

Sylvain Chabé-Ferret (@SylvainCF; 51): @causalinf Contributing to the open book on causal inference requires Bookdown, a tiny step further. > @xieyihui book does the trick https://t.co/NvjRa5dcSx > He also has a Rmarkdown book just in case: https://t.co/WeYiHfv29t

Nick HK (@nickchk; 51): @causalinf @SylvainCF Yeah I can definitely imagine contributing to this but my last attempt to get bookdown to work was a failure. If there’s a style/structure guide in mind that would be good to know about too before getting started.

Daniel Possenriede (@dpprdan; 51): @livingwithdata @7th__kevin @rstatstweet @tyleransom @FlorianOswald @vincentviers @nickchk @maxkasy @jimsavage @brodriguesco More books: - https://t.co/kMY4Mg30ZH by Christian Kleiber & @AchimZeileis - https://t.co/o7qLu6duBW by @CColonescu - https://t.co/pFv0E09tfL by Harry Kelejian & Gianfranco Piras - https://t.co/L6UAPUPRlR by Yves Croissant & Giovanni Millo

Nicholas Tierney (@nj_tierney; 50): @dataandme @heatherklus No, I will self publish it as a bookdown book, hopefully can include learnr questions in there as well. > Current working titles are “Tidy Missing Data Analysis” or “The Tidy Book of Missing Data”!

Ajay Koli (@ajay__koli; 31): #rstats Which R package is better for writing book, pagedown or bookdown? @xieyihui . I used bookdown earlier for my PhD thesis. But pagedown output looks more beautiful.

Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 31): I like to give a shoutout to @rstudio and @xieyihui for the great #bookdown package that does most of the heavy lifting. I’m also a big fan of the #msmbstyle package by @grimbough (https://t.co/QIM8G08rur) that provides a nice #tufte-inspired look. #rstats

Sylvain Chabé-Ferret (@SylvainCF; 30): @nickchk @causalinf Yep, I’ve transited from Knitr to Markdown recently (the first to chapters of the book are actually in Knitr). Markdown has its peculiarities, but the book by @xieyihui is awesome https://t.co/NvjRa5dcSx > Still needs some tinkering esp in preamble, but already done by me ;)

Jordan Frey (@FreyGeospatial; 22): For proper R Markdown prettydoc usage, see https://t.co/9j30QP1nVj #rstats

Ruben C. Arslan (@rubenarslan; 20): @LisaDeBruine Oh please, I feel the same about you apparently having mastered bookdown. But yes, you would not regret brms!

Antonio Falcón (@FalcMart; 20): A useful online book: “R Markdown: The Definitive Guide“ by Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, Garrett Grolemund (@xieyihui , @fly_upside_down , @StatGarrett). This book has been published by Chapman & Hall/CRC. The online version of this book is free to read here https://t.co/fEGmeP7NeG

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 20): @johnros2013 Convert them to footnotes for PDF: https://t.co/lRi5lWyTvz

Karol (@Karol_Flisik; 11): Do not use averages with Likert scale data https://t.co/ERpoEoG1i4

Short Hills Design (@ShortHillsD; 11): @gatsbyjs could gatsby be used to wrap authentication around a #gitbook generated from #bookdown? #rmarkdown #rstudio

Gruffydd (@boyacense; 11): Great example of the document format “R Markdown” –as “opposed” to “HT Markup L”? 🙂 first introduced in the knitr R package. Read “R Markdown: The Definitive Guide” here: https://t.co/DFVFbKxLix Also learn more here: https://t.co/sQjg6rJ60l @rstudio https://t.co/MyVfrkrSXr

しばた (@ooSHIBATAoo; 10): 授業用の補助資料として #jamovi 分析画面の簡易日本語解説を作成。 なんとか授業開始に間に合った。 > jamoviクイックガイド(Analysis編) https://t.co/iaAl0tpAyM

SportSciData (@SportSciData; 10): Experimenting with Bookdown package to produce multiple reports simultaneously. Looks interesting! Load Review Dashboards https://t.co/jtkzCn6N6t https://t.co/wcVmiBICjg

Gustavo Rotondaro (@grotondaro; 10): @djnavarro @R4DScommunity @BinxiePeterson Thanks! @satRday_ZAF these how-to presentations are extremely helpful. @BenjaminWolfe here are a couple of links you might find helpful too - https://t.co/qxsQziwyb3 and https://t.co/NjvUtR4TTo

Short Hills Design (@ShortHillsD; 10): Anyone have experience embedding #gitbook html generated from #bookdown into #wordpress? #rmarkdown

Short Hills Design (@ShortHillsD; 10): @reactjs I’d like to setup user registration/authentication for a static gitbook (html) that I generated from rmarkdown with bookdown. Is it overkill to wrap it all in react just for this feature?

Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 0/3): 📚Libro Vivo de Ciencia de Datos - Pablo Casas👇 #BOOKDOWN: https://t.co/dirQRBEEv2 Más información: https://t.co/LfHyLFa8dE > #RStats #RStudio #Statistical #DataAnalysis #AnálisisDeDatos #DataScience #CienciaDeDatos #RStatsEs https://t.co/7vUQDMZeiG

Jeff Hanson (@jeff_o_hanson; 0/1): @jkregenstein I don’t know sorry. I used this trick cos bookdown internally converts md files to html files using pandoc and this trick speeds up the conversion process. I don’t think shiny does this so this trick might not make a difference, or if it does it would do so for different reasons?

Jeff Hanson (@jeff_o_hanson; 0/1): @jdatap @mdsumner @xieyihui To my knowledge, no, because the bottleneck is with pandoc converting md to html (or at least it was in my case) not with bookdown converting Rmd to md.

Conor Mc (@conormacd; 0/1): Applied causal analysis book(down) with #rstats covering many of the core concepts, frameworks and methodologies. > https://t.co/rlZ7CyRowr

Joyce Robbins (@jtrnyc; 0/0): @_rahulgopinath @CMastication @JennyBryan @hadleywickham @nixos_org I hear you. The flip side is too much VC for output, which is happening with my #bookdown repos. This shouldn’t be a hard technical problem to solve…

P. Lecharpentier (@plecharpe; 0/0): @_ColinFay Would it be possible that you share codes for converting epub documents to bookdown format ? Thanks

Eric Leung (@erictleung; 0/0): @apreshill @tladeras @sharlagelfand I’ve been guilty of this. But I think the trick is to be judicious on what to add. > If you’re writing about Travis to build things, @xieyihui’s written a script to deploy to GitHub that you can point to as a start https://t.co/MiJJ0kQ21K > It’s called here https://t.co/ubcVrfCYJC

Agustin Alonso (@alphaenR; 0/0): @gilbellosta Por favor, como cambiar Chapter y Contents en Bookdown. Tengo mis notas de clase en Bookdown, pero en la versión pdf salen Capitulo y Contenido en inglés.Muchísimas gracias.

Luke Turcotte (@luketurcotte; 0/0): @sharlagelfand Happy to help! I usually knit using LaTeX as my main document, but have been meaning to learn more about bookdown.


Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 265): TIL See str(knitr::opts_chunk$get()) for a list of default chunk options. 🥐

Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 92): #knitr tip of the day. Put this on your setup chuck so that each document has its own cache folder. #rstats https://t.co/8EJnYiqIKn

Ph.Demetri (@PhDemetri; 90): LaTex tables are dumb. > And before you go and say “use knitr”, I am. I still think they are dumb.

Titus von der Malsburg (@tmalsburg; 60): The joys of literate programming: While weaving my mega paper with dozens of expensive to fit Bayesian LMMs, I kept getting strange error message that made no sense. After one day of debugging, I realized that I was accidentally using Sweave instead of Knitr. 😩

Ian Jonsen (@IanJonsen; 50): TIL knitr::purl() beautifully converts .Rmd to .R scripts > knitr::purl(“thing.Rmd”, output=“thing.R”, documentation = 2) > moves text outside of R chunks to comments in thing.R > .Rmd’s great for dev workflows/sharing/teaching but scripts best for production cases

Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 42): @kdpsinghlab @d_dd_ddddddd @ADAlthousePhD Can use data=. > library(arsenal) library(tidyverse) data(mockstudy) > mockstudy %>% tableby(arm ~ chisq(sex, digits.pct=1) + anova(age, digits=4) + anova(fu.time, digits = 1), data=.) %>% summary() %>% knitr::kable() #rstats

Titus von der Malsburg (@tmalsburg; 32): Perhaps a good opportunity to ask: Any best-practices regarding Rmarkdown/Sweave/Knitr that you’ve learned through painful experience? https://t.co/h19RiKwj38

Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 32): @kdpsinghlab @d_dd_ddddddd @ADAlthousePhD Or intubate, if you prefer > library(intubate) library(arsenal) library(tidyverse) data(mockstudy) > mockstudy %>% ntbt(tableby, arm ~ chisq(sex, digits.pct=1) + anova(age, digits=4) + anova(fu.time, digits = 1)) %>% summary() %>% knitr::kable() #rstats

Michael DeCrescenzo (@mikedecr; 32): Try as I might, I can’t make this work with approach using inline #rstats code like r here::here(...). > I can do it other places in the YAML (like the date variable), but not for anything that handles TeX things. > Anybody out there cracked this one yet? #rmarkdown #knitr https://t.co/7ZPl4v6GgN

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 30): repo: https://t.co/ZXJnpAzP0p Playing with Xaringan. Lots to try. Lots learned from @statsgen @grrrck https://t.co/Zo0DUE6d1W Maybe should have written a loop? Too much copy paste! 😬🙂

Dr Emily Kothe (@emilyandthelime; 28): Does anyone have experience with using knitr parameter reports and know how I can pass an entire dataframe from my environment as a parameter? #rstats #LazyWeb

Jim Junker (@JimJunker; 21): @dataEcologist @visnut Maybe write_bib() in the knitr package? can write bibtex files for R packages that can then be imported to reference managers https://t.co/S8TTSx6Jht

Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 20): @VizMonkey @nacnudus @brodriguesco Oh, absolutely; {knitr} supports a Julia engine and you can use it there. There’s also JuliaCall to actually call .jl functions from R. The use-case of Julia as an Rcpp alternative is the immediate inroad.

Prasad Chandrashekar (@PRASAC; 10): @byrd_nick @lakens @liaoshenyi @philofbrains Its a great tool, the output is comprehensive. I really wish this output/results could easily and seamlessly be accommodated to Rmarkdown knitr chunks in the future.

Nathan Teetor (@ntweetor; 10): * Sat down to get zeallot officially supporting R 3.1 * Ran into travis ci errors * Enjoyed commit-aloging my journey addressing said errors * Discovered knitr no longer supports R 3.1 * There’s nothing to update now, ignore all previous bullets

Susannah Cowtan (she/her) (@SuusJC; 10): @lakens @IsabellaGhement @benmarwick This will make assignments much less painful. Will it work in LaTeX/knitr too?

Ahmed Bekhit (@ABekhit; 10): @rbjanis5 @rstudiotips Since I knew about knitr::spin, I stopped creating both working script and notebooks to explain how it works. https://t.co/jFxV5laOJ8

Michael Chirico (@michael_chirico; 0/0): @MattDowle @klmr no, knitr is built & installed fine

Jason Punyon (@JasonPunyon; 0/0): caching and knitr::knit_exit do not play well together

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 0/0): @mikedecr (ignore the file_in, file_out, knitr_in functions. Those are directives for drake)

James Howard (@howardjp; 0/0): @overleaf Hi, trying Overleaf again since talking to your rep at JMM in January. I complained about the lack of knitr support. Was told it’s there now! But texreg is not included, and knitr is close to useless without it.

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 0/0): Not to be confused, full disclosure, as I was, with $set 🤣, when I was trying to turn off evaluation so I could add text without fixing my wrangling issue. > knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE)

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/0): Combining knitr::kable formatting for HTML output with custom S3 formatting methods #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/afbVHRYsyU

Elsa Braun (@BraunElsa; 0/0): Thanks so much for all your R work! I just discovered your blog and will look through it to get a deeper understanding of R concepts (knitr, R Markdown).

stamina (@stamina48424864; 0/0): knitr: Elegant, flexible and fast dynamic report generation with R | knitr https://t.co/RmiUBIXlo3


Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 0/0): @rmflight I think there are things to do that in {pagedown} https://t.co/6IiqIAgS7j


Mags Forum Technology (@mags_ft; 0/0): Installing TinyTex to use for R studio https://t.co/wg9RrmID24


Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 7211): I made a gallery of #gganimate in-out- easing options using #rmarkdown and #xaringan. 🙂 Which choice works best with this viz? I’m liking “elastic-in-out”. #dataviz #rstats https://t.co/EcgavdgGdL https://t.co/6a9g6crXSP

Jiena Gu McLellan (@JoannaMelon; 278): Generating interactive presentation/ reports from shiny side by @rstudio. 😎🥳🤠To help business analytics team getting work (presentation) done in one min! #rstats #rshiny #rmarkdown Next goal is intergrating #xaringan Live: https://t.co/aktbZ7Ej0n Repo: https://t.co/zWGqNJU17R https://t.co/DeD9k22SEs

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 120): I wish I weren’t so incompetent with xaringan

Tatjana Kecojevic (@Tatjana_Kec; 64): Had a great week talking about #data #Democracy using #rstats during #opendata week organised by #UNDP #serbia. Check out one of the interpretation of data democracy through #xaringan #rmarkdown slides. https://t.co/mqgpIUrWpr > #Rladies #DataScience https://t.co/NHq8PaLmN3

Jessica Burnett (@TrashBirdEcol; 42): I learned* @xieyihui ’s Xaringan this week (as in, since Thursday) and am presenting our “Velocity” method @AWMmath #rstats > Here is a link to the slides https://t.co/ZgqSPlzuSl (*enough to make a simple presentation)

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 40): @apreshill @datawookie Writing slides using xaringan: https://t.co/5VzuXq4EZK

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @cclanfear Seriously, consider pagedown::chrome_print(): https://t.co/59rE42DTfB We have worked very hard on this problem, and I think chrome_print() is very robust now (also tested on Mac/Linux).

ch (@chxnxvs; 21): @Mendes6511 @JuhFernandes_11 achei q era aquele bglh la do naruto xaringan

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 20): @martinjhnhadley #xaringan Demo here: https://t.co/c2xnGGmR7K

Martin John Hadley (@martinjhnhadley; 10): @zhiiiyang Oh! I’ve been using xaringan for a while, it’s awesome. I’m looking for a solution for code diagrams, particularly for Shiny apps to show how and when reactive expressions update.

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 10): @statsgen Still a work in progress. So many little fiddly things in themes, but I really want to be able to have my plots show up like that in my xaringan presentations, so I’m going to see if I can iron out all the bugs.

Gaby D’Souza (@gabster0191; 0/1): #rstats > Does anyone have a dummy guide for how to publish your xaringan themed slides online in html format. I keep getting the inverse: class textbox error.

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 0/0): @EvaMaeRey This is too perfect; thank you so much for sharing. I was just getting ready to come back to this and do some flip-bookage for my xaringan presentations! https://t.co/TOZ37H6Ojl


Prof Gaëlle 🇪🇺 (@ProfGaelle; 80): I’m sure everyone in my Twitter echo chamber knows about Presentation Ninja, but still, let me say 🤩🤩🤩 https://t.co/Om9pPw2J7r

Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain; 53): @hrbrmstr @Voovarb Here’s a fun example where @xieyihui casually knocks up proto shiny implementation in terrifyingly little code https://t.co/KK8mKQfnbY