[Free Textbook] #Probability Course, Harvard University (Based on R): https://t.co/5zBhmBNwEs ——— #DataScience #MachineLearning #Rstats #Statistics #StatisticalLiteracy #DataLiteracy #Mathematics #abdsc https://t.co/S6jEJHj06N



Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 535221): [Free Textbook] #Probability Course, Harvard University (Based on R): https://t.co/5zBhmBNwEs ——— #DataScience #MachineLearning #Rstats #Statistics #StatisticalLiteracy #DataLiteracy #Mathematics #abdsc https://t.co/S6jEJHj06N

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 45184): Made a basic racing barchart with #gganimate, because of inspiration from @FinancialTimes @jburnmurdoch. The steps: https://t.co/GPnMa56tiO #ggplot2 #rstats Part of a new project: “The Little Flipbook Library”! 😊 https://t.co/lD9ytQchKj https://t.co/RdLSy2I4k6

R-Cookbook (@R_cookbook; 38561): We’re here to help new users learn to properly pronounce “runif”… > amongst other things, of course. > #rstats https://t.co/iYnLuHLm1h

Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 296158): Download the most fabulous R Cheat Sheets designed by @Rstudio — https://t.co/eY55zVyXI7 #abdsc ———— #BigData #DataScience #DataMining #Statistics #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AI #Rstats #Coding #DataViz #DataLiteracy #Rstudio https://t.co/XGYOYIXVua

Dr Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls; 290112): If you want to fit nonlinear relationships to data where those relationships can vary by groups (eg species) then we have a paper for you: > Hierarchical Generalized Additive Models https://t.co/v0yc5nTpQS in @thePeerJ #oa #ecology #rstats > w @ericJpedersen @millerdl @noamross https://t.co/OQLDWbaa94

Guillaume Rousselet (@robustgar; 19183): New preprint with @CyrilRPernet & Rand Wilcox: > A practical introduction to the bootstrap: a versatile method to make inferences by using data-driven simulations > https://t.co/GmjJgfy8Pz > #rstats tutorial with all the code + data here: > https://t.co/jjNhkDtlkk https://t.co/PUrxqCCpgb

Dan Quintana (@dsquintana; 19063): With the ‘equatiomatic’ #Rstats package from @datalorax_, you can easily convert your fitted models into rendered LaTex equations https://t.co/ACMcSqwIuJ HT: @felipe_mattioni https://t.co/ZnmoNOeGQk

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 18766): RStudio in Docker – now share your R code effortlessly! {https://t.co/ZX6OZfpNmT} #rstats #DataScience

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 18059): Whoa, @noamross’s GAMS in #rstats mini course (https://t.co/64mcYPsDwu) is easy to follow, interactive, and pedagogically sound. It’s based on code by @_inesmontani for creating online courses: it’s a bunch of md files compiled together, with eg code running on binder dot org.

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 16838): The ‘see’ package: beautiful figures for easystats {https://t.co/ssP9GsxAX5} #rstats #DataScience

Paul Campbell (@PaulCampbell91; 11697): We’re expanding the data team at Epicentre-@MSF and are looking for R programmers/developers to help us build production quality packages and apps. > If you’re interesting in applying your R skills to major humanitarian projects - apply below! #rstats > https://t.co/FFpqWLECA7


joshua (@reverendofdoubt; 162): While in bed this weekend under the weather, i managed to create the first rough version of my academic website using #blogdown with #Rmarkdown in RStudio, w/ the help of @dsquintana tweetorial on installing @GoHugoIO Academic theme. Lmk your thoughts! > https://t.co/iy8jihyb02

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 141): Finally moving some content from blogdown to bookdown. At the risk of voicing a heretical opinion… the default gitbook style in bookdown has too much whitespace, uses incredibly unpleasant blockquotes, and the font is ugly. Am I a terrible person for thinking this????

joshua (@reverendofdoubt; 111): sick. in bed. wife went to a party looking gorgeous 😍. …. too tired to work on analyses, so i’m blogdown to create a website #rstats

Chi Zhang (Andrea) (@Andreasheenn; 82): Finally sat down at the desk and finished the 2nd blogpost on my takes on Women in Data Science Day Oslo since I started using #blogdown #rstats! @WiDS_Conference #WIDS2019 https://t.co/3oPTvZ3OKv That took long! 😅

TJ Moore (@tjmooreMPH; 40): The hardest part of making a personal website with #blogdown in R is writing about yourself. I 100% believe that PhD training should include how to write about one’s self because it comes up more often than you would think and it’s never easy.

Ben Keith (@benlkeith; 30): @jpbach @angiemeeker The pipeline I’d use would be something like: > Rmd/blogdown generates simple HTML pages, which are embedded in WordPress using NPR’s Pym.js and https://t.co/3Ed1NO7hZn > or > Rmd generates content for a Jekyll or other blog > or > paste Rmd output into WordPress with liberal kses

Ananthan Ambikairajah (@AnanthanAmbi; 30): Just finished making my own website using @rstudio (the blogdown package), @Netlify and @github! Click on the link below if you want to check it out! > https://t.co/x2SmsbDVxm > Also thank you to @dsquintana for your very helpful tutorial video which helped me get started! 😀

bynans (@bynans1; 30): -¿Estuviste toda la mañana tratando de armarte una página con Blogdown hosteada en Netlify? -Creo que estoy ciegx https://t.co/czHOD3cPiK

Henna Dialani (@hennadialani; 21): petition for a knockoff hoedown throwdown anthem for library(blogdown) #rstats

Sally Grace (@sallyagrace; 20): @TalithaCFord flexing my mediocre R blogdown skills

Ecléctikus (@scienceisbeauty; 10): @drizzt__dourden No conozco jinja2, Hugo está desarrollado en GO, pero no es necesario aprenderlo, basta con estándar html, CSS y Js. Yo lo utilizo vía RStudio y blogdown https://t.co/cEmKHPW0q7

Tatjana Kecojevic (@Tatjana_Kec; 10): @duygucandarli ❤️ #xarinan, #blogdown… all #Rmarkdown


JD Long (@CMastication; 2911): #rstats folks doing bookdown & learnr… Duke is looking for some contract work customizing. Looks like a cool side gig: https://t.co/tHSMOJqnFH

中澤 港%人類生態学者@神戸大学 (@MinatoNakazawa; 1816): 午前中2コマの講義が終わって研究室に戻ってきた。 Rコードを出力できてSPSSっぽい(らしい)GUI統計ソフトのjamoviがいつの間にか1.0.0.0になっていた。 https://t.co/HMmuLXC16T “Learning statistics with jamovi”は英語版0.70,日本語版0.65が公開されている。 https://t.co/mQUD22RTtp

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 90): @i_steves @Hao_and_Y At @thinkR_fr we write internal bookdown that we keep on our GitLab and that are deployed to our internal @rstudio Connect :) For pkg and things like that, everything is on GitLab

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 81): TIL to reference a figure in bookdown::, do \@ref(fig:<chunk name>) 🥐 > In Figure \@ref(fig:single-study-simulation), > In Figure \@ref(fig:meta-analysis-simulation),

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 71): Been deep-diving getting musical notation into bookdown::. For the life of me, I can’t figure out how to import a LaTeX 📦, and then I 🤔, maybe I’m going about this the wrong way. Now I’m trying to learning about unicode and ended up here, @CMastication > https://t.co/DT6T0ltwxL

R for the Rest of Us (@rfortherest; 62): Check it out here: https://t.co/TqKYB48jZV #rstats https://t.co/Pm8NIj7Cah

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 50): Not a day goes by where I don’t dip into @xieyihui’s ouvre. Cheers! You make thesis formatting fun. > https://t.co/CAKO2zfvgD https://t.co/wbBtxpxAcI

Ananthan Ambikairajah (@AnanthanAmbi; 41): Interested in conducting a meta-analysis in R? I have come across an excellent introductory resource that takes you through the process step by step (with the associated code as well)! > Online book: https://t.co/46i46IQGEZ > GitHub repository: https://t.co/JR4eHu5h2I > Enjoy! 😀

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 40): Argh, fuck it. I’ll caption in bookdown chunks instead. So much for my opinionated plot idea for today, @rensa_co @benmarwick https://t.co/lSahjIYwqV

Jake Thompson (@wjakethompson; 31): @committedtotape A few others I have bookmarked: > bookdown: https://t.co/T2KyZY00G0 rtweet: https://t.co/NZCqkd80bM tidytext: https://t.co/e03gRUOxgw plotly: https://t.co/H6aeHUwMTz spatial data science: https://t.co/GDTuaM1w26

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 30): @noamross Solidarity- my life is dominated by LaTeX/bookdown::/ggplot:: atm

Shunsuke UCHINO (@suchino_hue; 21): jamovi、RをSPSSっぽく使える(当然無料)ということでDLしてちょっといじってみたけどこれほとんどSPSSだわ。今年の統計ゼミjamove使ってやろうかなと思うレベル > https://t.co/y0VrMcQTnb

Jo Hardin (@jo_hardin47; 21): @committedtotape amazing book by @jmlstat and Paul Roback on generalized linear models. not specifically an #rstats book, but all examples / code in R. https://t.co/npqBgPN35h

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 20): Time to make some R markdown templates…great little tutorial here on doing that…fingers crossed https://t.co/vLBMe9DOEK

Nayef Ahmad (@NayefAhmad4; 20): @umairdurrani87 @rstatstweet I think this might be a good resource: https://t.co/n9qonBSoww

christopherlortie (@cjlortie; 11): #Monday #rstats #reading https://t.co/Q5oo8zbO6q

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 10): @benmarwick @adamhsparks @alexpghayes @malco_barrett And that leaves the user free to write a short, custom caption in bookdown::, if they wish - and also label/cross-ref the figure. > Here I use “opinionated” in this sense: > https://t.co/0Xtmkh19Ut

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 10): @benmarwick @adamhsparks @alexpghayes @malco_barrett Sidenote, ggplot:: allows you add a caption, as does bookdown:: so I got 🤔about harnessing this double-caption thing opinionated visualisation. Say, passing the parameterised caption to ggplot, to save the user writing dull simulation parameters out over and over.

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 10): @JenRichmondPhD @adamhsparks Why, thank you! > First figure I’ve dropped into my thesis proper, in all its rebooted bookdown:: glory. So to hear it described as “beautiful” brings me so much hope! > Code - https://t.co/VyHudfhrcK https://t.co/k04scPp5UV

Martin Monkman (@monkmanmh; 10): @big_bad_sam Here’s some resources: https://t.co/qB7Wv4kcRz

Martin Monkman (@monkmanmh; 10): @committedtotape Thanks for putting this together! Some more for your consideration: > Tidy Text: https://t.co/xl0Zk7DGvK Applied Spatial Data: https://t.co/CGnSHr3vBo R resource compendium (full disclosure: my humble effort) https://t.co/XWI5PRZ65w

Christopher Peters (@statwonk; 10): @CasperBojer @jimsavage I really like this one. 👍 https://t.co/Vw21TgMxf6

Chase Clark (@ChasingMicrobes; 10): @_ColinFay @i_steves @Hao_and_Y @thinkR_fr @rstudio I’ve started the the same recently, except I work in a chemistry lab and do both chem & rstats. Lab notebook is bookdown, chapters are months. Hopefully pulling thesis together will be easier 🤞

Craig Van Pay (@CKVanPay; 10): Additionally, nice (free) book here for using BRMS and the tidyverse from @SolomonKurz! https://t.co/EA9KDRgQVL

Ashwin Malshé अश्विन (@ashwinmalshe; 0/1): This is with #bookdown preview_chapter() #rstats https://t.co/JRYzQ7gVs9

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: BIOdry bookdown https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


Metin Yazici (@strboul; 118): #rstats #rmarkdown Put knitr::knit_exit() in a code chunk (or inline code) to knit the document until the line this code placed. Useful for documents when knitting takes long time. Cool trick @unsorsodicorda https://t.co/ebRrtqDnFH

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 71): @jm_alexia It’s hard to tell what happened in your case with this brief description. Could you do me a favor to file an issue (with a reproducible example and other required information per issue guide): https://t.co/nENqng1zjo? Thank you!

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 50): fucking w00t > r knitr::asis_output("&amp;#9834;")

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 50): @nj_tierney @jtrnyc @robjhyndman There are also stitch(), spin(), and knit_patterns. Also note that knitr supports Textile (render_textile()). I’m not a real knitter myself. I can only play that far :)

Mohamad Ghassany (@M_Ghass; 31): Just discovered the icon package. So now for inserting font awesome I can only do r icon::fa("table", colour="red") instead of \textcolor{red}{[}\faTable\textcolor{red}{]} <i class=“fa fa-table” aria-hidden=“true”></i> #rstats @rstudiotips #knitr

Victor Ordu (@BroVic; 31): Was hopping around on r/Rlanguage on @reddit and learnt about knitr::purl(), a function that allows you to convert and .Rmd file into a regular R script, with code chunks coming out as R code and regular text as comments. Amazing! #rstats

Cruz Julián (@CruzJulian; 30): @flacatrujillo ggplot, magrittr y knitr.

Jason Mercer (@ecojydrology; 20): @HamzaRa15004619 Ah, okay. In that case you can use knitr options and set the dev to svglite. I tend to do that in my setup chunk.

Frederik Elwert (@felwert; 20): @latex_ninja @hou2zi0 Thanks! Currently, I’m using RMarkdown, which uses knitr, but with markdown instead of LaTeX. This works fine, with both plots (via ggplot) and tables generated dynamically from code.

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 20): @matt_blackwell @dynarski Automated plot building minimal example, https://t.co/YCadtE1Qbu, targets teaching tidyverse and ggplot (uses Xaringan). But will be working on a presentation focused variant (no code printing). Yay! @chrishanretty knitr:::knit_code$get() magic.

LaTeX-Ninja (@latex_ninja; 11): @hou2zi0 @felwert 33: so when the stats are already final, I think #TikZ would be good. But I assume they still change until the final version - then TikZ might not be great since it’s largely static. Ergo, for dynamically reading changing data and outputting results in #TeXLaTeX, use #knitR.

Chris Marcum (@csmarcum; 10): @er13_r @rstatstweet I use it when collaborators want to use it. I still prefer the greater typesetting control I get with Sweave/knitr over rmarkdown.

atusy (@Atsushi776; 10): @kilometer00 dev に加え、dev.args にリスト形式で引数も渡せるので、 list(bg = “transparent”) などとするとスライドなどの背景とケンカしなくて便利ですね。プロットの背景を透明にするだけでは、デイバイスの背景の影響受けるので要注意です。 #TokyoR https://t.co/j2MRLXzMmS

nils reiter (@nilsreiter; 10): @felwert @latex_ninja @hou2zi0 knitr also does caching, but you have to enable it.

U2 Love & Logic (@U2LoveandLogic; 0/1): Here are the popular @U2 tracks for AU, NZ and Singapore. (@Spotify is not avail in S Korea) The data is odd…AU, NZ, SG all have the same popularity. The top 10 songs are the same for all 4 countries? @Maverick @LiveNation @atu2com @U2start.com #U2 #rstats #knitr https://t.co/X2OiEugfGt

U2 Love & Logic (@U2LoveandLogic; 0/1): Based on @Spotify data, the top @U2 tracks cover several albums. #selectionbias @Maverick @LiveNation @atu2com @U2start.com #AdamClayton #Bono #LarryMullenJr #TheEdge #U2
#rstats #kableExtra #knitr https://t.co/c1BMbAf3RG

LaTeX-Ninja (@latex_ninja; 0/1): @hou2zi0 @felwert also I think it wasn’t mentioned in what form to output the stats - as tables or as graphics? with graphics, I think collaborating shouldn’t be a thing since Pandoc will probably keep #TikZ graphics as images anyway (haven’t tried though). If it’s tables, #knitR is better.

Ken Butler (@KenButler12; 0/1): Another blog post on more things I learned today: https://t.co/GlwiD3TwjL #rstats #knitr


R-Ladies Melbourne (@RLadiesMelb; 2511): Here you can find the #xaringan ⚔️ slides from last night amazing speaker @MrsLaviniaG. In only 39 slides we went from the “ancient” to the latest #rstats tools 🔨 to build your 💯% reproducible & shareable #R projects! #rstats #reproducibility https://t.co/sZJqPTFlqi

Alice Sweeting (@alicesweeting; 223): Inspired by @jacquietran & the recent @RLadiesMelb talk, I’ve had my first go at creating #xaringan ⚔️ slides (via R Markdown) for next week’s @WCSF_2019 ⚽️ workshop. More content to be added, but (under construction) slides can be found here: https://t.co/K5CNQ2nhOn

Dr Duygu Çandarlı (@duygucandarli; 101): I have embraced #xaringan ⚔️ to prepare my presentations and started to use it for my lecture slides. If you use #rstats for your work, it is definitely worth investing your time into it. Here is the demo for new starters: https://t.co/GqRgobrqcB https://t.co/w8JsKWMRQO

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 94): Lives here: https://t.co/lD9ytQchKj. Uses “reveal for xaringan” functions under construction : https://t.co/eyr32KIPuI authored with the brilliant @statsgen and @grrrck I’m afraid my recent contributions are messy!! 😬

Matt Dray (@mattdray; 84): 👨‍🎨📦 New post: use #rstats to package a #xaringan #rmarkdown presentation template with #css styles 📝 https://t.co/xU67XwA9tU 📽️ https://t.co/gdhAt4uPAs 🐙🐈 https://t.co/UJXiCwiZ6h https://t.co/zNy3WW12jG

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 40): @Dale_Masch Also for xaringan specifically, @grrrck has this amazing package! > https://t.co/fb12SbedzB

Ingo Rohlfing (@ingorohlfing; 0/1): Tips to Reduce the Complexity of Slide Making with #Xaringan https://t.co/lakA5FeSjm by @Yongfu1996 #rstats


Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 7019): I am always glad when I absorb @xieyihui’s reflections and empathy for his users. “Instead of blaming the user, try to ask for suggestion on improving the manual.” https://t.co/ndf0QTLreg

Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 90): Upping my Rmardown xaringan knowledge/skills as I create my talks for #SSC and @SDSSconf, and just discovered there is a live preview of your slides inside @rstudio now!! AMAZING!!! > https://t.co/jdDej7HZpa > #rstats

Chris Engelhardt (@EngelhardtCR; 82): Please don’t worry, @xieyihui, I won’t show my son xaringan::inf_mr() (https://t.co/bsBJOpgEhq) until I think he can use it responsibly 😂. Thanks for thinking of me and my keyboard! P.S. I think he will be thrilled he got a shout-out in your #rstats docs. https://t.co/yHKmb7hQpj

just another dog (@keshavahsek; 32): RMarkdown vs. Jupyter Notebooks vs. Software Engineering + marketing for RStudio https://t.co/A1UNcv4xh4

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @EngelhardtCR Oh, one of my favorite O Rly? book covers: https://t.co/MYeQsU4ntZ

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 23): From RTFM to ITFM (Improve The Fine Manual) @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/cXzw3y0tqA

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | From RTFM to ITFM (Improve The Fine Manual) https://t.co/RKQJroiN7E