I'm reviewing regression in my program evaluation class today, and the equatiomatic #rstats package by @datalorax_ is incredibly useful for connecting code to equations! https://t.co/ilydOi3LAg https://t.co/aRRE6AVDpw



Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 1204315): I’m reviewing regression in my program evaluation class today, and the equatiomatic #rstats package by @datalorax_ is incredibly useful for connecting code to equations! https://t.co/ilydOi3LAg https://t.co/aRRE6AVDpw

JD Long (@CMastication; 38572): Automagically turn regression code into a LaTex equation with #rstats … this is pretty slick. https://t.co/qJHr3SVGjU

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 21936): TIL about #rstats stringr::str_squish()! > str_trim() just gets rid of whitespace at the beginning and end of a string, but str_squish() does that and reduces repeated whitespace within the string, too! > thanks @_sharleen_w for the tip 🙏🙏 https://t.co/1sATJaaEJi

Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 19619): gradients #rstats #generative https://t.co/sJg5EAQ513

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 19542): Very pleased to share that the #rstats #rmarkdown 📦 has its own #pkgdown site: > https://t.co/3abpC5Efwq > Please take it for a spin 🌀 > Includes: 🔗 to all of @StatGarrett’s step-by-step lessons, 🔗 to the @rstudio community category for getting help, ➕ a 🆕 “learn” vignette https://t.co/COMNnGARVT

Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 19245): R Packages, 2nd edition progress report: “Getting started” chapters have gotten their first big update. Check it out and see what you think 📦🤔🤓 #rstats https://t.co/LDQOlXZoUR https://t.co/OmK0iEpkYS

Gábor Csárdi (@GaborCsardi; 17454): How to write a multi process task queue in 100 lines of #rstats code using the callr package: https://t.co/oxogjWm1w9

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 14357): ⚠️ Help others help themselves with this lovely lifeline: 🧐 “How to read an R help page” by @kjhealy https://t.co/aWva0Va54d #rstats https://t.co/743vbmdbBM


Therese Anders (@thereanders; 7311): It is (a)live! 👩‍💻💫 New website https://t.co/BmyHYQKQK2, created w #rstats #blogdown — none of which would have been possible without the awesomeness and brilliance of @apreshill and my fellow @rstudio interns.

John Butler (@jslbutler; 5110): I’ve made a new website using R-studio with my research, publications, teaching resources and science communication. A big thanks to @dsquintana for his excellent intro to blogdown https://t.co/ZPNMNKj9Au https://t.co/w7i83tyAmO

Megan Beckett (@mbeckett_za; 267): Exploring #SouthAfrica’s #biodiversity - I made a website for my artwork using #blogdown, #rstats & #netlify: > https://t.co/Qmb0RPxjMo > 🌍🦓🦏🐧🐢🐠🌻🐘🐊🐬🦒🐗🐛🦉🌾🌍 #painting #maps #acrylicpainting #mappamundi https://t.co/lzLnmUuve7

Valentina Parma (@Val_Parma; 193): Check out my new personal website (https://t.co/l3atdvciLi). I built it in RStudio, #MadeWithAcademic by @GeorgeCushen and #blogdown by @xieyihui. Deployed with @github & @Netlify. Thanks @dsquintana for the inspiration! #Rstats

Matt Dray (@mattdray; 163): 📝Use #rstats {blogdown}? Lithium theme? Want to add author name, categories and tags to your posts but don’t know how? New, perhaps niche, post: https://t.co/Siaw2pWr6A https://t.co/UDASAC4cfV

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 113): Hyde Mod: A blogdown theme with full XML feed and custom MathJax for equation numbering {https://t.co/s266qImUIH} #rstats #DataScience

Gabriela D’Souza (@gabster0191; 91): So i kind of figured out the issue here. I was trying to build a website using Blogdown and the Hugo academic theme. Turns out this doesn’t build well on github pages (even after putting in a .nojekyll file). So i’m going to try netlify instead tonight and see if that works.

Catherine Laing (@cathelaing24; 90): I spent a bit of time (ahem) yesterday making a new personal website using blogdown, as per this excellent thread. I think it looks quite good! (still a few things to iron out) https://t.co/2ANq5ccQ6M > Thanks @LingwoodJamie for the suggestion! https://t.co/DnB5fvNoy3

Andrew B. Collier (@datawookie; 42): Take a look at @mbeckett_za’s amazing artwork at https://t.co/nMvEf5Y8M0. Website created with #rstats {blogdown}. A privilege to work with such talent.

perspectivalean (@perspectivalean; 42): New web page, where I will focus in posts about personal analytics, first one is about my travels in 2019 so far (animations included). Upcoming, analyzing my Netflix activity, bike rides, Spotify data etc. https://t.co/B6YKrS4SxL #rstats #blogdown #hugo https://t.co/2Xuiggiin6

Kristen Osborne (@Kristen_Osb; 40): @DaniRabaiotti Your code + Rmarkdown + blogdown = all your code both organised and a website!

TuQmano (@TuQmano; 30): @LatinR_Conf Y sí, me encanta que el blog se escriba, edite y publique en github, todo desde @rstudio . Aguante blogdown 😎 https://t.co/U1x4G0jp4R

James Balamuta (@axiomsofxyz; 30): Fully Transitioning to blogdown and hugo finite theme https://t.co/wGr0WMDx4Y

Maarten Demeyer (@mpjdem; 20): @StrepsipZerg @rstatstweet Very good, but most of the actual building work in blogdown is done by Hugo, which is an established framework. That’s where you will actually be doing all your theming and tweaking work!

Desiree L. Narango, PhD (@DLNarango; 20): @DaniRabaiotti I also made a website with markdown/blogdown which is pretty cool. https://t.co/Ze4qo0WpPU > But for more complex stuff it’t not always worth it. You can’t use it to submit jobs to a cluster computer for example.

Katie Lee (@ResourcefulSqrl; 20): @adefenestration I should really put all of my favorite R references together into a blog post eventually…Did I mention I use R to make my blog, too? That’s thanks to work (and reference tutorials) from @xieyihui on Blogdown.

John Butler (@jslbutler; 20): @dsquintana Once again, thanks for the excellent intro to blogdown, it gave me the kick up the ass to finally start properly using GitHub which I’ve been very lazy about. Also, thanks for all the other really useful R tutorials.

Sehee Olivia Park (@SeheeOlivia; 20): Thanks to #blogdown, #hugo, @Netlify, I opened my first blog: https://t.co/XLVCs6TApm

Professional Griefer (@PipeFunction; 13): Updated my blog to the wonderful Academic theme, in blogdown… https://t.co/mhaWUfjjpF but there’s bugs on the night/day mode and the drop down menu button s, has anyone experienced this? What could I be doing wrong? #rstats #MadeWithAcademic

Duncan Hull 🐝 (@dullhunk; 11): So #bookdown is quite handy for creating websites with, found it much easier than #blogdown & @GoHugoIO https://t.co/f081aOw6NY #rstats @rstudio via @xieyihui

Duncan Hull 🐝 (@dullhunk; 10): @neilfws Hi Neil, have you looked at #bookdown, #blogdown @jekyllrb & @GoHugoIO ? > FWIW They are > ✅ handy (and well documented) tools ✅ much less bloated than @wordpress > ….which runs like a pig-on-stilts … 🐷 > https://t.co/OaV6XKqIeP

Bill Zizek (@BillZizek; 10): Made some updates to my personal site that I built with R Markdown and {blogdown} 🙂 Check it out: https://t.co/OYeP4zZksc

Muhammad Aswan Syahputra (@aswansyahputra_; 0/3): Do you want to deloy your Blogdown site as GitHub Pages? 🤔 Then this #rstats video may be useful for you » https://t.co/lIF8YhE15z ! 😉 CC: @rindonesia

claudîus (@dataclaudius; 0/2): Hyde Mod: A blogdown theme with full XML feed and custom MathJax for equation numbering via #rbloggers #rstats #datascience https://t.co/8Jsv49vzpt

Thomas Hütter (@DerFredo; 0/1): Posted by Pachá, now on R-bloggers: Hyde Mod: A blogdown theme with full XML feed and custom MathJax for equation numbering #rstats https://t.co/SCCF4PjjTd

Pachá 帕夏 (@pachamaltese; 0/1): If you have problems with recent versions of blogdown/hugo, I updated my mod of hyde theme to fix xml feed and equation numbering https://t.co/PMoqnK4iPk #rstats https://t.co/VYDQKTJs4C

Pachá 帕夏 (@pachamaltese; 0/1): #rstats I updated blogdown and now my xml feed is broken :S

R-Ladies Chicago (@RLadiesChicago; 0/1): Southside (Hyde Park!) Meetup on Sept. 24: A tutorial on #blogdown hosted at @UChicago and co-sponsored with @UChicagoMPCS https://t.co/sKBJAUwiHm


ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 2613): #rstats - “Making pretty note boxes: A div tip for all occasions” by @dcossyle https://t.co/g6mVAdktwk https://t.co/gxbx7Myxzu

Dr Vianey Leos(-)Barajas (@vianey_lb; 155): Morning achievement – finally figuring out how to plot a nice-looking bivariate KDE. > Using the ‘ks’ package in R and following the R code in this course: https://t.co/kkl6VFEKVJ > #rstats #viridis https://t.co/XMO0NuEurd

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 102): @BeaMilz This is a great resource by @theaknowles https://t.co/AdSv8Cwi7n

R-ladies San José CR (@RladiesCR; 75): El 26 de setiembre tendremos nuestra próxima reunión! 😯 El tema: Introducción a Bookdown. 🤩 Para confirmar asistencia: https://t.co/xLrMqAL7oX @Meetup

¡Las esperamos!😎 #Rladies #Bookdown #rstats #rstudio https://t.co/LvSA6EpjfK

Melissa K Sharp (@sharpmelk; 62): I’m working on building something now that uses #RMarkdown #bookdown and #github to serve as a repository/reference of sorts for observational research methods. Hopefully I’ll have a decent skeleton by the end of the year :) #rstats https://t.co/AQ4xjYJKTf

Walmes Zeviani (@walmeszeviani; 60): I’m very happy in developing epidemioR bookdown (https://t.co/gxKudtDhMY) with these graduate students (https://t.co/z8WvMC3Xwt). I can feel their effort and commitment. It is a so good atmosphere. https://t.co/TUjFjcebbo

Ryan Peek (@riverpeek; 50): @Voovarb @vsbuffalo @noamross Thankfully all the UCs have different templates & req’d styles. Also it’s great that grad studies has made some minor changes to the requirements every year or so, so templates need to be updated. 😬 > Ultimately I made my own #bookdown aggiedown template so I could write in Rmd https://t.co/Frc8VjjNRi

Gökmen Altay (@gokmen_19; 42): Mevcut Kuran’in tamami uzerinden gercek #19sistemi nin kitabini 2019-09-07 itibariyle bitirdim. > “Reproducible Miracle” > (ISBN: 9781513654577). Bir sure sadece e-kitap olacak. Linkten erisebilirsiniz. > Insallah tum insanliga hayirli olur… > https://t.co/Mv7HTYn9Ay

Michael Friendly (@datavisFriendly; 31): Exploring using an interactive visual TOC for a web site for our forthcoming @HarvardPress book on the history of #datavis. The book is written in LaTeX and I used #rstats to read the chapter files and produce .md files of the TOC entries for bookdown. https://t.co/E9d7VWYsNS

Grant Gannaway (@GrantGannaway; 30): The more I learn about R #datatable the more I love it. @JeremyBejarano > https://t.co/qD90ggcKDT

Alex Holcombe (@ceptional; 30): @McAleerP @LisaDeBruine Wow Phil, this is a really beautiful and useful resource. It re-evokes my geek-lusting for bookdown, which I’ve always loved the idea of. How did you find it, setting this up in bookdown?

Melissa K Sharp (@sharpmelk; 23): #rstats help plz. Working with #rmarkdown & #bookdown Trying to insert citations& have a reference list at the end of each page but code doesnt want to work. I have #pandoc, a bib(tex) file in the right folder, the yaml header, proper intext format…any ideas what I’m missing?

Jakub Nowosad (@jakub_nowosad; 22): Do you want to start writing a book using the #bookdown package? Or maybe you are just interested in making-of stories? My @UseR2019_Conf talk “How to win friends and write an open-source book” is now online at https://t.co/IEfBhPxBKb. #rstats #rspatial #geocompr #useR2019

Mark Dulhunty (@markdly_; 22): Looking forward to this meetup. I’ll be briefly sharing highs and lows of writing a paper in bookdown too. All welcome! #rmarkdown #rstats https://t.co/zhYpeSvU0y

David Diaz (@ddiaz292; 20): @HerbieHuang @wedwinthe3rd @DiltsStedman @acocotero @Stata @sammy_rosen Looks like it does (https://t.co/TIue7J1lYN), but I’ve never used anything other than R with it so can’t help out much 😬

Phil McAleer (@McAleerP; 20): @ceptional @LisaDeBruine Thanks! Really appreciate that. Bookdown was great for me as by the time it came to convert the course, Lisa and @dalejbarr had ironed out the kinks. Pretty sure there is a template on the #psyteachr github site you could start on. Much more user friendly than Moodle.

Daniel Finnegan (@Lancophone; 10): @heenrik I also am slowly shifting to R markdown with bookdown so I can couple stats subroutines with paper content and compile to LaTeX

Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 0/1): Question for #rstats bookdown experts (of which I am not one) - if there is a lag when scrolling through the book on the internet how do you tell whether this is the size of the book, your wifi, or too much traffic to GitHub Pages (and so I should serve it somewhere else)?


Earo Wang (@earowang; 15425): Compiling my #rmarkdown thesis for pdf & html. I’ve learned 2 #knitr tricks: 1️⃣ use eval = knitr::is_html_output() to tell #gganimate for gif, and is_latex_output() for pdf 2️⃣ use (ref:fig-cap) outside the chunk. If editing the caption, it avoids re-evaluating the chunk https://t.co/QdeqKjwZwu

Erika Roper 🦜🏘🌳 (@_erikaroper; 5414): Hey #RStats peeps! What’s your favourite way to produce a nice table of descriptive stats (ie means, SEs, CIs, sample sizes etc)? Bonus points for html output and R Markdown/knitr compatibility.

Jan Doe (@jkr_hb; 286): When you realize you can use R code directly within @overleaf / #LaTeX documents thanks to knitr. #rstats https://t.co/bkIO7eKDMh

Rosalie Bruel (@RosalieBruel; 70): @JennyBryan Some packages that don’t need captions on my scripts: - captioner to handle figures captions in a Rmd - knitr - janitor for cleaning data 🧹 - wesanderson for color palettes 🎨 - gridExtra to get several ggplots side by side - rnaturalearth vector map of several handy GIS data

Richard D. Morey (@richarddmorey; 50): I feel like I haven’t taken enough advantage of knitr::spin(). I’ve decided to using it for commenting data cleaning scripts and it is really nice, and as a bonus I can source() the code with no problems from other scripts https://t.co/UKHoMZusLU

Federico Molina (@FedeMolinaMagne; 40): Una gema del paquete knitr knitr::knit_hooks$set(inline = function(x) { if(class(x) == “numeric”) { x <- sprintf(“%1.2f”, x) paste(x, collapse = “, “)
} else sprintf(“%s”, x) Y voila quedo formateado todo el documento

Dr Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls; 40): @DaniRabaiotti I wouldn’t use markdown just to make code nice. A good liner, IDE, or style guide should help with that. If you want to mix prose with code, literate programming style, then yes, rmarkdown / knitr all the way

Allison Koh 許恩惠 (@allisonkoh_; 32): Using knitr::purl() for the first time today has me wondering what I’ve been doing over the rest of my R career 🤦🏻‍♀️ #rstats

EstatSite (@EstatSite; 31): E também a formatação dessas tabelas (gostei menos do que dos histogramas, mas vou deixar aqui para quem gosta dessas formatações). > library(knitr) kable(head(iris)) > #rstats https://t.co/gG1sAI4STM

Rachel Spinks (@RKSpinks; 30): @_erikaroper I use knitr::kable

Jim Hester (@jimhester_; 30): @GaborCsardi @dirk_sch FWIW you can use R markdown / knitr to do full on literate programming, e.g. https://t.co/t0I6i8GWH3 > Though in that example they use roxygen comments, I guess you could have a special chunk type that lets you use some sort of markdown derivative format.

Sergio Uribe (@sergiouribe; 22): great session with @StatGarrett about #reproducibility in #rstats Q: Is there a simple way to set echo = FALSE for the whole document? A: You can use knitr::opts_chunk$set to set the global echo = FALSE (or other settings) https://t.co/JxP2pGaUYA

わさび (@A_KI_h2; 20): あとでよむ R markdown(knitr)パッケージのchunk optionまとめ - My Life as a Mock Quant https://t.co/g3FyrqHCZ6

Ruby Programming (@ProgrammingRuby; 0/1): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr > ☞ https://t.co/Auzfin6QBz > #ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/dZ75WuQsUV


Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 10): @sheikhbarabas I understand well your goal. Since this template is designed for books, we wanted to have chapters beginning on recto (that’s why you have blank pages). You can use a custom CSS stylesheet without this line https://t.co/fl2GUqjlVW


Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 10): @cantabile Tinytex is not enough? 😢 https://t.co/CKCvQTb19c


Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 674): Tonight I was at a party in the neighborhood and some teenagers were talking about “Xaringan this, xaringan that” and I was like “why are these 14 years old talking about #RStats” and then guess what no they were talking about Naruto.

Paloma RS. (@palolili23; 332): Me making #xaringan slides: - 30% of time picking cool google fonts n colors with #xaringanthemer 📦😎 - 30% wild with rmoji:::ermoji_gadget()🔥 - 30% adding real content📈 - 10% starring at my slides cuz they are so cute and easy to make 😍. @grrrck, @xieyihui thanx! https://t.co/lc2kmcaLHL

Termeh Shafie (@termehshafie; 241): I have approximately 20% less hair than before creating my presentation slides in #rstats for the very first time. No regrets. #xaringan #presentationninja https://t.co/2zHtvMIQMH

finding youR way (@rfindingyourway; 93): Writing good slide decks is hard, it’s way too easy to pack too much into your slides. > If you’re using #rstats + RMarkdown for your slides, try @xieyihui’s incredible {xaringan} 📦 https://t.co/z3eY1FySht... it’ll force you to design slides defensively 🧐 https://t.co/Y3MeRRd82Q

Andrew Baker (@Andrew___Baker; 80): In case anyone ever needs it… > If you want to print the transitions in your xaringan slides to pdf, insert this. > {css, echo = FALSE} @media print { .has-continuation { display: block !important; } }

Claus Ekstrøm (@ClausEkstrom; 61): Upcoming talks in Copenhagen R users on September 26th: “Smooth curves in R” and “Xaringan shenanigans”. Come and join us! https://t.co/aJPebg9qwn

Dale Maschette 🐟🧗‍♂️ (@Dale_Masch; 40): @_ColinFay As someone who watches naruto on repeat and uses xaringan in R it’s a confusing time

Federico Marini (@FedeBioinfo; 30): @mnoussan @KevinRUE67 @CSoneson Thanks! I did put some effort in making the videos nicely - the magic behind the animations is by @_dte (written up in a supernice summary by @grrrck, see https://t.co/nS5EVmxDdf)

Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 21): @haematobot xaringan? https://t.co/MzCEgggYVR

James Clawson (@jmclawson; 10): Yesterday I had a blast leading my first class in R! > Rmarkdown and Xaringan turn out to be perfect for a presentation students can follow on their own screens. But I’m still a new to them and am happy to hear how it might be improved: https://t.co/oF5lDtjgtU

ラジムRadim ・フラジクHladik (@hlageek; 10): @tkasasagi xaringan/remark.js

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 10): @tidypod @BenjaminWolfe Right - different fonts are available on different platforms. Also with @_Gil_Henriques’ code, I think there might have been something problematic with doing a the flipbook walk through. Like how the graphics device works and how it is going to work in Xaringan is messy.

Wei Yang Tham (@wytham88; 10): @Andrew___Baker OK so you have a bunch of folders where your blogdown Project lives, like in the screenshot I attached? you wanna copy and paste the xaringan files into “static”, then push them to github https://t.co/QLbfXYqnet