I’m back to the book! I put a put a few pictures into my section on Laplace approximation. https://t.co/WL0YdvPnv5



Roger D. Peng (@rdpeng; 4921): I’m back to the book! I put a put a few pictures into my section on Laplace approximation. https://t.co/WL0YdvPnv5


Stephen Martin (@smartin2018; 0/0): @jimsavage I use 1) knitr 2) rgl 3) setupKnitr() 4) webgl=TRUE in the chunk. Make a fn that takes prior as argument, pumps out an rgl plot. Then mfrow3d to make a grid. Makes for gorgeous, rotatable plots. Is this rgl as well?

ITÔ, Hiroki (@monotropastrum; 0/0): Plot size and resolution with R markdown, knitr, pandoc, beamer - Stack Overflow https://t.co/4HWeNIQhOy


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 4110): if you want to use @xieyihui’s awesome #xaringan package for #rstats slides but want more #Rladies flavor, there is now a built-in theme for that (with code highlighting)! Thanks to the awesome @RLadiesGlobal starter kit. Update the CSS in your YAML to use 🧙🏽‍♀️🧞‍♀️ https://t.co/YnlGSVAMsl

Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 0/0): Can’t recommend #xaringan enough. Rutgers University built-in theme coming soon. https://t.co/22VcJsFb2L


David L. Tabb (@dtabb73; 0/0): The indentation in my R code had become highly dubious. Happily, formatR tidied it quite nicely! https://t.co/R5P9hxRYMO @xieyihui