えるしってるか xaringanに themeが追加されたことを https://t.co/Hrn8HPxlmU



Duc Quang Nguyen (@duc_qn; 0/1): I finally figured out #Hugo website generator on how to remove an avatar/my face from a theme… Is there any other Hugo theme that supports portfolio + blog? I used hugo-strata-theme https://t.co/XINcIVExxp #blogdown #rstats #followerpower https://t.co/wRaM5gfiG2


Björn Schiffler (@bcschiffler; 10): @ed_berry Just wanted to say thanks for the great blog post on writing a thesis with bookdown, it has been very helpful in adjusting the template to requirements for the doctoral thesis at my university!


Daijiang Li (@_djli; 11): Any one knows how to align the content to right when in full screen mode for #xaringan #remarkjs #rmakdown #rstats #knitr slides? Thanks! https://t.co/ek0CJFSNgt

Henrik Bengtsson (@henrikbengtsson; 10): Not uncommon to see that new #rstats pkgs forget to change “skeleton” vignette titles. R CMD check –as-cran could blacklist these but maybe even knitr/rmarkdown could throw an error if used during R CMD check? cc/ @xieyihui et al. https://t.co/FXWXShER45

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): How to prevent knitr from printing ## and matrix indices/row numbers? https://t.co/2YN5txmgyn https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs

Daily Tech Issues (@AdamSmitht1; 0/0): #knitr rmarkdown not recognizing RODBC oracle query #Tech #News #HowTo https://t.co/mBBVig32Nu


kazutan v3.4.2 (@kazutan; 51): えるしってるか xaringanに themeが追加されたことを https://t.co/Hrn8HPxlmU

kazutan v3.4.2 (@kazutan; 32): xaringanでcss: [“metropolis”,“metropolis-fonts”, “自作スタイル.css”]を読み込ませてrenderしたもの。結構好み。 https://t.co/EMrdfmNTVl

Daijiang Li (@_djli; 11): Any one knows how to align the content to right when in full screen mode for #xaringan #remarkjs #rmakdown #rstats #knitr slides? Thanks! https://t.co/ek0CJFSNgt

kazutan v3.4.2 (@kazutan; 11): xaringan大体把握した。

Vianey Leos Barajas (@vianey_lb; 10): Making slides using Xaringan for the first time. Must find a way to include my cat Gaara somehow. @xieyihui https://t.co/8IEX3rbrj7

Janesh Devkota (@janeshdev; 10): #xaringan Really nice package by @xieyihui while is built on top of remark.js . Much better than other presentation frameworks I used in R.

guiℓherme loves kakashi (@degustd; 10): xaringan

kazutan v3.4.2 (@kazutan; 0/0): メモ。https://t.co/Pb32rjnp5s

kazutan v3.4.2 (@kazutan; 0/0): 久々にxaringanでスライド作ってる。

Eärdil (@Eardil; 0/0): Nande https://t.co/LmAR9vOo4M


Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 10): Red that on @xieyihui’s blog: “I believe LaTeX’s emphasis on typesetting has ruined the writing itself, and makes us forget what our real job should be, i.e., am I an author or a typesetter?”

I sometimes feel like that. I agree withthe whole paragraph. https://t.co/KFYr5IOxYo

kazutan v3.4.2 (@kazutan; 0/0): メモ。https://t.co/Pb32rjnp5s