@lsamuels222 A big 🙌 for janitor::tabyl() , being able to directly stick the output in knitr::kable()! (thank you @samfirke 🙏) #rstats



Lucy 🌻 (@LucyStats; 40): @lsamuels222 A big 🙌 for janitor::tabyl() , being able to directly stick the output in knitr::kable()! (thank you @samfirke 🙏) #rstats

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): knitr tables appear as one long column https://t.co/vwolMqeaot https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @RLadiesGlobal @xieyihui Download the xaringan package from @xieyihui’s github (https://t.co/hgcs0vrE5K), the theme is built in (see here: https://t.co/fPweX6r2x8). To use, update the CSS in the YAML –> [default, rladies, rladies-fonts]. I will do a blog post!