Just drafted a section on rejection sampling for my Advanced Statistical Computing book. Includes description of a groundbreaking paper by @bcaffo! https://t.co/OomPRZraWI



Mike DeCrescenzo (@mikedecr; 30): Anyone out here using a blogdown/Hugo website w/ a theme that they feel is truly idiot-proof? Hopefully looking for one w/ a landing page that ≠ blog post list


Roger D. Peng (@rdpeng; 489): Just drafted a section on rejection sampling for my Advanced Statistical Computing book. Includes description of a groundbreaking paper by @bcaffo! https://t.co/OomPRZraWI

Kamal Romero (@kamromero; 0/0): Cool –> Efficient R programming #Rstats https://t.co/jpCVTHi3Rm


Amy Willis (@AmyDWillis; 81): All my notes for UW Biostat’s advanced R class are on github. Feel free to take a look to learn about ggplot, piping (%>%), knitr, tryCatch, and more! https://t.co/OKJKFICE5Q

h(o x o_)m< Fool on the Hill (@hoxo_m; 71): チャンクオプションの message=FALSE でいいかもしれない。> Rstudio でknitr すると、library の読み込み時に関連メッセージがでてきて、これがhtml に紛れ込んでしまう。 / “2017-12-…” https://t.co/Vqdc4wD2gp

Florian Gaudin (@PtiFlus; 10): @Eni0tna une base avec quel format ? Il y a des trucs en R (avec knitr) pour créer des documents pdf, puis sûrement autre chose pour envoyer par mail. Sinon, il y a du publipostage dans Word mais je ne connais pas trop (mais Emilie plus que moi)

Niklaas (@NBvGersdorff; 0/0): @thatmschneider Simplest would be https://t.co/tRU4qPWILw with @rstudio ; but #knitr > markown > #pandoc makes even more possible. 👍

しばた (@ooSHIBATAoo; 0/0): 前回の原稿に引き続き、現在執筆中の原稿もknitr+luaLaTeX+bibLaTeX+tikz。これがほぼ鉄板とも言える組み合わせになってきた。rMarkdownも使うけど、論文に関してはまだまだLaTeXだと思う。


thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 61): #RStats — Help @xieyihui Test TinyTeX: A Small LaTeX Distribution : https://t.co/DtGj6u4dwn