A little bit on importance sampling and Bayesian sensitivity analysis. https://t.co/D9IQjMuHKj



Priyanga Dilini Talagala (@prital19; 10): The blogdown Logo - The Sticker-driven Development Model - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/MmHfHZVByP

notahciB 📊 (@_AntoineB; 0/0): @_ColinFay Faut que je le rajoute sur ma liste de chose à apprendre, avec blogdown, la création de packages, Rcpp, phyloseq, … ^^’


Roger D. Peng (@rdpeng; 6521): A little bit on importance sampling and Bayesian sensitivity analysis. https://t.co/D9IQjMuHKj

Carlos Gil Bellosta (@gilbellosta; 12): bookdownplus: Generate Varied Types of Books and Documents with R ‘bookdown’ Package https://t.co/11DmqOThet

Michael Davie (@MichaelDavie22; 0/0): Create CONSISTENT Revenue on the Net! https://t.co/NGsfoTRNPp https://t.co/O4IfKfSKLV

Miljar 🐳 (@miljar; 0/0): Hey @pmjones is there any way of rendering tables with bookdown.io? Release notes of v1.0.0 says tables support is added, but I can’t seem to get it to work, following the commonmark-table-extension information


notahciB 📊 (@_AntoineB; 0/0): @_ColinFay Je connais pas trop html et compagnie, même si j’utilise un peu avec Xaringan :/


Nick Waters (@nickwotters; 10): @xieyihui has done something amazing again: https://t.co/TFIUjlEAJa

Priyanga Dilini Talagala (@prital19; 10): The blogdown Logo - The Sticker-driven Development Model - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/MmHfHZVByP