@kwbroman It happens that I just used with() yesterday. Anyway, you must be a qualified contributor to knitr now, because in a nutshell, knitr == grep() + eval(parse()).



Joseph V. Casillas (@jvcasill; 10): @Dunleavy_Daniel Blogdown is fantastic if you use R and Rmarkdown.

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 10): @ma_salmon I really want to figure out how to do a Hugo/ blogdown theme that would allow little side annotation like that - I ❤ @LucyStats & @NicholasStrayer’s theme, but I’m determined to figure it out from Icarus

Gabo Gaona (@gavg712; 0/1): blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown #rstats https://t.co/pj69NEJFF2 #webdevelopment


tipsder (@tipsder; 23): Construya diversos libros y documentos haciendo uso del paquete bookdownplus. https://t.co/LWyvSVEPyK #R #rstats #DataScience #DataVisualization

Gabo Gaona (@gavg712; 0/1): blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown #rstats https://t.co/pj69NEJFF2 #webdevelopment

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 0/0): @TdeBeus Check out @jokergoo’s excellent bookdown book: “Circular Visualization in R” https://t.co/AjPxTuiLv6 I haven’t used the circlize/circos 📦, but looks like it’d be helpful https://t.co/maXcwC1thh


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 101): @kwbroman It happens that I just used with() yesterday. Anyway, you must be a qualified contributor to knitr now, because in a nutshell, knitr == grep() + eval(parse()).

Naupaka Zimmerman (@naupakaz; 32): On the usefulness of include = FALSE for rmarkdown code chunks in #rstats https://t.co/5xrB3KuN1V

CIRCA St Andrews (@CIRCA_StAndrews; 21): .@widdowquinn finishes #swcstandrews explaining how to create executable documents with knitr https://t.co/WpPu0IMVCW

Kevin Stierhoff (@kstierhoff; 10): Is it just me, or did the little green knitr status bar disappear in @rstudio v1.1.392? 🤔 #rstats

Fredrick Mobegi (@mobegiJR; 10): My favourite new way of managing R scripts; R Markdown and knitr https://t.co/GzOP6E0Eft


thinkR (@thinkR_fr; 41): #RStats — A Desiccated baseR-er’s Snowflakes via Base R Graphics https://t.co/USkWe5lvt7 via @xieyihui https://t.co/Og1zStWYY2

Naupaka Zimmerman (@naupakaz; 32): On the usefulness of include = FALSE for rmarkdown code chunks in #rstats https://t.co/5xrB3KuN1V

Ajay Kumar Koli (@koli_akk; 0/0): Fantastic must read. The #1 Reason I Don’t Want to Work in Academia - Formatting Papers Is A Huge Waste of Time - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/CBDj6atcVR