Life after being introduced to #Git, @github, #LaTeX, @overleaf and #knitr all in one day:



Emerson Del Ponte (@edelponte; 123): The @OpenPlantPath academic community website is powered by #blogdown using the amazing Academic @GoHugoIO theme by @georgecushen @and is deployed by @Netlify

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 10): @chrisgalgojr very cool! you can do all of these things with R - making a website via blogdown, doing analysis and visualization work with R, or even creating a web app with Shiny (still in the R family).


Torkild H. Lyngstad (@torkildl; 10): @factistic Exactly! Just started a book project in bookdown actually. And making Rmd templates for various types of ms.Fonts only real problem left.

Sebastian Schnettler (@factistic; 10): @torkildl I just recently discovered, or at least started using, RMarkdown/Pandoc from within RStudio when a student in class drew my attention to it. Since, the commented syntax files I provide after class are waaaay nicer. And my next book will be in bookdown.

Taavi Päll (@taavipall; 0/0): bookdown::html_document2 + sparklines table


Travis Park (@Blogozoic; 258): Life after being introduced to #Git, @github, #LaTeX, @overleaf and #knitr all in one day:

David Hagmann (@davidhagmann; 0/0): @polesasunder One reason for keeping separate .R files in my work with @EmilyHHo was so we could refer to variables that are computed later (e.g. to include coefficients from two studies in a table with Study 1). But we just learned of knitr::load_cache() – super useful!


Riandro (@PLayRiandroGame; 0/0): @TioOrochi @KakaxeRataque é o unico membro do clan uchiha q prest… Pera, ele tem o xaringan mas n é uchiha né… Pera, to lembrando agr @KakaxeRataque é um arrombado