@Blogozoic @github @overleaf Didn't I ever show you #knitr? Your life will never be the same!



David Hocking (@DPHocking; 30): @Blogozoic @github @overleaf Didn’t I ever show you #knitr? Your life will never be the same!

Rachael Meager (@economeager; 10): @autoregress That’s why I’m trying to move to rmarkdown/sweave/knitr for my future papers. Still stuck with current papers tho.

Chris Chapman (@cnchapman; 10): @eleafeit Depends. Could definitely put there, although knitr doesn’t know the syntax for those languages as such. Could just put in as generic code not to execute. OTOH, if you call them from R, then it would just be R code (such as https://t.co/aUYxIpZabo). Does that answer?

Megan Brett (@magpie; 10): @lincolnmullen @hadleywickham @rstudio Those are fantastic stickers. (Love the knitr)

jason merkin (@jjmerkin; 0/0): @Lewis_Lab @sujaik @torstenseemann lots (ok, one or two) of good ELNs that are great for wetlab and IND reports, but not very compatible with data and software versioning and integrating into reports. was thinking data+code in git with knitr and jupyter reports where but not sure if sufficient for FDA or courts.


Brandon Hurr (@bhive01; 10): @dataandme @CausalKathy This would be like setting yolo: TRUE in xaringan. @kwbroman

Yuri (@NiggaYuri; 10): @MvSant03 Mlk na terça eu acordei com xaringan no olho esquerdo!

Ogra💣 (@L_Christinne; 10): Yuri: Vou lançar o Xaringan do Kakashi

Eu: E eu vou lançar o byakugan da Hinata

Yuri: Biakugan é brabo, me apaixonei pela pessoa certa

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK N basta ser louca sozinha né💁‍♀️💁‍♀️

Vinícius (@Vincius71911375; 0/0): @KakaxeRataque É normal ,é seu xaringan,eu convivo com isso TB😄😆