That feeling when the CI pipeline for your book is working πŸ™Œ ✍️ I change some R Markdown πŸ™ Commit and push to GitHub πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Travis CI starts new build πŸ“– Bookdown renders HTML πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Travis CI deploys HTML to Netlify πŸ•ΈοΈ Netlify serves updated



Guy Abel ι„­θ“‹ε ‘ (@guyabelguyabel; 41): Moving my personal site to - is blocked in China and blogdown is going to make #rstats blogging much easier 😎

Many thanks @xieyihui and @StrictlyStat - your tutorial was really useful help when setting up.

Philip Ellenberg (@pellenbe; 20): Love digging through all the #rstudioconf tweets and finding some amazing presentations. @xieyihui’s presentation on creating websites using #rmarkdown has definitely jumped out as an early favorite.

Soumya Kalra (@SK_convergence; 0/0): @tz33cu @robinson_es @xieyihui @RLadiesNYC Yes actually we are having a blogdown session feb 15th with @zabormetrics leading the material but would love to see a demo of yours as well - would want to give a quick 5-8 minute demo of your blog at the end?


Jeroen Janssens (@jeroenhjanssens; 262): That feeling when the CI pipeline for your book is working πŸ™Œ

✍️ I change some R Markdown πŸ™ Commit and push to GitHub πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Travis CI starts new build πŸ“– Bookdown renders HTML πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Travis CI deploys HTML to Netlify πŸ•ΈοΈ Netlify serves updated

Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 41): A workflow for debugging side-effects of pandoc V2 on RMarkdown #rstats

Boyan Angelov (@thinking_code; 11): Found a free treasure chest of awesome #datascience books: #rstats

Robert Mitchell V (@RobertMitchellV; 10): @hrbrmstr Can I just say how happy I am to read the ggplot2 extensions’ bookdown you put together πŸ™ŒπŸ»

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): bookdownγ‚’ζ€œη΄’γ—γŸγ‚‰


blacng (@blacng; 10): @kwbroman - thank you Karl. I really enjoyed reading through your notes on knitr. I particularly like your “comments on reproducibility”. I have incorporated the session_info() and the runif (1,0,10^8) into the set.seed(). Thanks.

Eric Eikrem (@ericeikrem; 0/0): Literate Statistical Programming From The Command Line - How to use the R knitr package from the R command line. #knitr #R #Rpubs

Philip Ellenberg (@pellenbe; 20): Love digging through all the #rstudioconf tweets and finding some amazing presentations. @xieyihui’s presentation on creating websites using #rmarkdown has definitely jumped out as an early favorite.

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 11): The Large Variance in the Attention Level of Readers @xieyihui #rstats #datascience

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 0/1): What is More Convincing than a CV? @xieyihui #rstats #datascience