I need to learn how to use blogdown. Current list of goals: write a package, write a blog post. Let’s call this a...six month list? Lol.



Larie (@lariebyrd; 170): I need to learn how to use blogdown. Current list of goals: write a package, write a blog post. Let’s call this a…six month list? Lol.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 30): @lariebyrd I made my blogdown site on maternity leave, mainly while breast pumping (real soundtrack here: https://t.co/4r3vQxsx4g) Do the blog first before the package 😉 Make a quick example site first, don’t worry about git/deployment to start: https://t.co/RvUqGBjEbG

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 30): @lariebyrd nothing -> blog template time is infinitely reduced, thanks to this book: https://t.co/fS4RSMLziF

you’ve got this!

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @lariebyrd disclaimer: I’m now a co-author on the blogdown book 🤓 based on my first blog post: https://t.co/40uBOUSv5p

Larie (@lariebyrd; 10): Ok. S is taking an 8 wk, 2h every Tues photography class (in person! I know!), so I decided I shall spend that time creating a blog. Except on days when code struggles at work make me want to throw every and all computers out the window. cracks knuckles SO. BLOGDOWN.

Marie Dussault 💀 (@londonaesthetik; 10): @kierisi @lariebyrd The blogdown book is sucb a quick read. Within three hours I had everything read, set up, and tweaked last Sunday. It is fantastic!

mikefc (@coolbutuseless; 0/1): Setting up RSS to include full post content in #rstats #blogdown RSS


mikefc (@coolbutuseless; 0/0): @pofigster @Rbloggers Did you ever figure this out? currently battling my blogdown setup….

Jim Grange (@JimGrange; 0/0): Anyone use #blogdown at all with #RStudio? Twice now it has stopped updating my website when I call build_site() and serve_site(). Not sure why, but in total I have now lost over 5 hours of work!

Philippe Grosjean (@PhilGrosjean; 0/0): Nice example of a #blogdown site with #Hugo using the Academic theme! https://t.co/UJs9SSrALS


Pablo Casas (@pabloc_ds; 52): Check this great R book 📊 (Fully accessible online): “Mastering Software Development in R” https://t.co/sK9G6G26Ed 📗by Peng, Kross, and Anderson. Basic and advanced programming in R, how to create an R package and how to create live visualization tools in R and shiny.

Peter Dahlgren (@peterdalle; 33): Writing your thesis with bookdown https://t.co/59FgFHn4VR #rstats

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 30): @lariebyrd I made my blogdown site on maternity leave, mainly while breast pumping (real soundtrack here: https://t.co/4r3vQxsx4g) Do the blog first before the package 😉 Make a quick example site first, don’t worry about git/deployment to start: https://t.co/RvUqGBjEbG

Jesse Maegan (@kierisi; 30): @lariebyrd nothing -> blog template time is infinitely reduced, thanks to this book: https://t.co/fS4RSMLziF

you’ve got this!

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @jtanwk Yes, use https://t.co/L67thL4z61 and make your book private there in the settings.

Jonathan Tan (@jtanwk; 0/0): @xieyihui just discovered bookdown and i’m loving it! any thoughts implementing password protection on published books for private-ish content?

BountyBot (@BountyBot; 0/0): Ugly dark stripe in code chunk of gitbook with highlight: espresso (R bookdown) https://t.co/tg84NTVzbu Amt:500 #R


A. Domingues (@keyboardpipette; 21): Several good tips to write reproducible reports in #rstats with knitr. I certainly learned a few things. https://t.co/wuERHWRnm0

Suresh Lab (@suresh_lab; 0/0): @vitaincerta In the era of rmd and knitr, no excuse (us basic science folk included!)

koguus (@koguus; 0/0): yihuiって変なアイコンの人がいるなと思ったらknitrの作者だったでござるの巻

RPubs recent entry (@RPubsRecent; 0/0): First knitr doc https://t.co/sbkBvQRYgX


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 10): @SteffLocke You probably have tried it already but have you used Xaringan? We’re using it for… like… everything here. Really dope.


Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R | It is Hard to Imagine the Limit of Bureaucracy https://t.co/QHLREBWDJG