👯 pkgdown ⇨ blogdown, @zabormetrics has you covered! 🕸 "Creating websites in R" https://t.co/rmXHRSGFIs #rstats #scicomm https://t.co/jbdaZoE4kF



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 22071): 👯 pkgdown ⇨ blogdown, @zabormetrics has you covered! 🕸 “Creating websites in R” https://t.co/rmXHRSGFIs #rstats #scicomm https://t.co/jbdaZoE4kF

Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 266): Well I finally got my personal #blogdown website live! Learned a lot about GitHub (and sourcetree thanks to @londonaesthetik) in the process!

Used the great guides from @londonaesthetik @apreshill and @JonTheGeek! #rstats https://t.co/etKbdViu7U

Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 20): #blogdown is certainly an adventure… Feels a bit like 2 steps forward and 1 step back, but rewarding to get it mostly working and looking good.

Anyone have an idea why my avatar works in RStudio but won’t show up on Netlify?? No errors anywhere, but not populating w/ image.

Adam Stone 👨‍🔬 (@foundinblank; 0/0): @thomas_mock Oi oi! Clear as mud. 😛 Have you noticed blogdown::serve_site() doesn’t work (that is, makes the site show up in Rstudio’s Viewer) until you run it 2 or 3 times in a row? Anyway I’m using Netlify. Are you?

Adam Stone 👨‍🔬 (@foundinblank; 0/0): @thomas_mock Know how you feel. I’m on my 7th (?) blogdown install and 3rd theme after messing up all the previous ones. Think I’ve finally got it working at last … !!! 😓 Keep at it. Every attempt is a learning experience in itself.


Robert Walker (@PieRatio; 10): @jason_craggs @dataandme @hadleywickham @rstudio @JeffRouder MoreOnR sounds like a great bookdown title…..

Jason Craggs (@jason_craggs; 0/1): @PieRatio @dataandme @hadleywickham @rstudio @JeffRouder While I agree, what is a bookdown? #rstats #Rstats

Robert Walker (@PieRatio; 0/0): @jason_craggs @dataandme @hadleywickham @rstudio @JeffRouder bookdown is an r package for authoring books. It is great.

Personally, I have my students learn R using swirl. It is an interactive r learning tool that teaches R from inside R. No better way than learning by doing, imho.


PolyProf (@CalPolyProf; 20): @mauro_lepore @dataandme @kierisi @ForestGEO Thanks. I used options() to set the decimals displayed. I will try it in knitr soon.