@nic_crane The blogdown book is πŸ”₯! It has an inordinate amount of great advice for when things are going awry. πŸ‘ to @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker & @apreshill. The demo site is great, too! https://t.co/TNkvpydY0B



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 82): @nic_crane The blogdown book is πŸ”₯! It has an inordinate amount of great advice for when things are going awry. πŸ‘ to @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker & @apreshill. The demo site is great, too! https://t.co/TNkvpydY0B

Nic Crane (@nic_crane; 20): Wasted a good hour this morning failing at trial-and-error fixes to my #blogdown site before I thought to actually RTFM and fixed it very quickly after that πŸ˜‚

kosugitti(小麦粉氏) (@kosugitti; 0/0): blogdownγ«γƒγƒ£γƒ¬γƒ³γ‚Έγ—γ¦γ„γ‚‹γŒοΌŒγ‚γ‘γ“γ‘γ§γΆγ€γ‹γ‚‹γ€‚γ€γ‚‰γ„γ€‚

Nathania Johnson πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ data witch (@nlj; 0/0): @aggieerin @rstatsbot1234 I was trying to make a post in Rmarkdown for a blogdown website. Read.csv constantly threw errors and I found a post about importing data for blogdown and it used read_csv so I switched.

Eric (@erbo_da; 0/0): @BaseballRstats Nice piece. Think it’d be even better if you’d move to Hugo/blogdown. Would love to see the code chunks.

Nic Crane (@nic_crane; 0/0): @Gummifot I’m not entirely sure, as I broke mine this morning! There is some useful info here though: https://t.co/DewNCI0rRb and you can use https://t.co/gtomOlzgKy to diagnose.


Nic Crane (@nic_crane; 0/0): @Gummifot I’m not entirely sure, as I broke mine this morning! There is some useful info here though: https://t.co/DewNCI0rRb and you can use https://t.co/gtomOlzgKy to diagnose.


Will Landau (@wmlandau; 20): Reprex of color-coded console output in vignettes: https://t.co/BZR5jCesLI https://t.co/AUlutTVK5h


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 30): @jent103 @tladeras Yes it is xaringan! I’ll post the slides on github when I’m all done πŸ€“

Ted Laderas (@tladeras; 20): @apreshill @jent103 Really like the OHSU xaringan theme! I may move over from slidy if you plan on sharing. :)

Jennifer Thompson (@jent103; 20): @apreshill @tladeras 1. already I love this talk 2. Is this a xaringan theme? I’ve been trying to decide the best time for me to learn it. This is pretty!

Sergio (@ibarraespinosa1; 0/0): It is kind of frustrating HAVE TO put yolo: false in xaringan #rstats