A new simple R 📦 and RStudio Addin to facilitate inserting tables in Rmarkdown documents: new blog post at: https://t.co/kCWQZwZmGO , and 📦 at https://t.co/Dbr2Q6n6nG ! #rstats #blogdown @rstudio https://t.co/wb8ElJJlWO



Lorenzo Busetto (@lbusetto74; 3612): A new simple R 📦 and RStudio Addin to facilitate inserting tables in Rmarkdown documents: new blog post at: https://t.co/kCWQZwZmGO , and 📦 at https://t.co/Dbr2Q6n6nG ! #rstats #blogdown @rstudio https://t.co/wb8ElJJlWO

Paul Oldham #FBPE (@junglepaul; 64): In honour of finally moving over to #blogdown I thought I’d write about the robotstxt pkg from @rOpenSci #rstats. https://t.co/OhT4kR6MDL

Paul Oldham #FBPE (@junglepaul; 10): @apreshill Hi Alison, finally moved fully to blogdown so please add me when you have time.


Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey; 92): “The entire book is written in R Markdown, using RStudio as my text editor and the bookdown package” [@psychemedia] #ddj https://t.co/gBJPOVIGUf

Chris Fonnesbeck (@fonnesbeck; 20): @jent103 I wrote a knitr bundle for TextMate years ago. May be time to update it for bookdown, etc.

Fridah Wanjala (@fridahdafri; 10): Mastering Software Development in R https://t.co/iUBdu8HdIg


Will Lowe (@conjugateprior; 21): Make ‘size’ work in #knitr chunks, even when your #rmd generates intermediate latex: https://t.co/hBpv7KvmOd #rstats

Chris Fonnesbeck (@fonnesbeck; 20): @jent103 I wrote a knitr bundle for TextMate years ago. May be time to update it for bookdown, etc.

Media Psychology (@DGPs_MediaPsych; 11): “Workflow of statistical data analysis”: Spring School in Quantitative Methods 2018, @UniHohenheim, May 23rd to 25th, 120€, with Prof. Oliver Kirchkamp. Covers R, knitr, tidyverse, git. registration: wiso_forschung@uni-hohenheim.de. More information: https://t.co/rLNdxY1lrJ #td

martin (@martin_d90; 10): iba a hacer el paper para la jaiio con knitr y rmarkdown, pero mejor voy a cometer el pecado de modificar desde una plantilla en word

Chris Fonnesbeck (@fonnesbeck; 0/0): @chlalanne @colindcarroll @code Wow, that’s a great resource —thanks. The @code extension seems not to support knitr, but maybe I could tweak it.

As a former Vim user, taking on Emacs would probably be too much for my little brain to handle.

TimSalabim (@TimSalabim3; 0/0): @lbusetto74 @timelyportfolio @rstudio Cool! Does it also work with knitr::spin?

Chris Fonnesbeck (@fonnesbeck; 0/0): @colindcarroll @code Yeah, I’m using @code too, but the R extension does not seem to support Rmarkdown functionality, specifically building knitr documents.