I’m absolutely blown away by the quality and quantity of submissions for week 1 of #TidyTuesday ! Thanks to all who participated or spread the word. I have compiled the plots into a blog post, take a look! https://t.co/hyO9Ruuepp #rstats #R4DS #blogdown #DataViz @kierisi https://t.co/MzIAYijRps



Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 7725): I’m absolutely blown away by the quality and quantity of submissions for week 1 of #TidyTuesday ! Thanks to all who participated or spread the word.

I have compiled the plots into a blog post, take a look!


#rstats #R4DS #blogdown #DataViz @kierisi https://t.co/MzIAYijRps

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 11): #rstats #blogdown #GAMM #academia #statistics

Scott Chamberlain (@sckottie; 0/3): Any #rstats peeps do blogdown consulting? DM me or similar if interested | #pdxrlang


SAKAUE Akkuş Tatsuya (@sakaue; 20): ひろたんも充実してきたし,マニュアルは bookdown で書いてみようかな…。https://t.co/pNQjMl54C0

Denis Schluppeck (@schluppeck; 10): took some time to start converting my materials from reStructuredText to #markdown + https://t.co/3ToA7nVGTR - amazingly good @rstudio @xieyihui

Burak AYDIN (@Burak_AYD1N; 0/0): @kylehamilton @tcarpenter216 @lysanderjames Thanks Kyle. Bookdown is a great package, we tried to make use of it.

まつーらとしお (@yearman; 0/0): bookdownなるものがあるのね


Sean Davis (@seandavis12; 31): The poster is a beamerposter with figures and data generated dynamically from the repository using the ever-amazing knitr #rstats package from @xieyihui and a combo of the tm, wordcloud, ggplot, dplyr, stringr, and gh packages.


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 2414): #xaringan slides + GitHub repo for my “Take A Sad Plot & Make It Better” talk today: https://t.co/h7Aph173Kw #ggplot2 #rstats https://t.co/p50d4QocRj

Martin John Hadley (@martinjhnhadley; 0/0): The best thing about using the xaringan RMarkdown presentation format over slidy? I no longer need to escape @ in Markdown links 😍 https://t.co/f89K9P1lk2