"YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R" https://t.co/9gHPE4JSWC ht @microeconomania https://t.co/87fSjrPmRb



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 146): ➰ a roundup of “Roundups”
https://t.co/54djrqxF6m /* so meta */ #rstats #purrr #tidyeval #git #docker #blogdown https://t.co/CzBuaDp8mB

Dorris A. Scott (@Dorris_Scott; 93): Day 2 of #100DaysOfCode: Deploying a Blogdown Site with Netlify…the struggle is real. I’m going to have to walk away from this for now and deal with it tomorrow. https://t.co/iLRXUTCcWP

Lorenzo Busetto (@lbusetto74; 32): Well, I definitely did not expect so much interest for a package with a grand-total of two functions ;-)… sometimes the simplest ideas…. FYI: I just pushed an update on GitHub to solve a bug preventig knitting the table to Word/PDF with kable. @rstudio #rstats #blogdown

James Eddy (@jamesaeddy; 31): Thanks as well to our @ISBUSA collaborators: @gibbsdavidl who built our landing page (with blogdown & Hugo) and contributed code and analysis, plus Vesteinn Thorsson for his direction and leadership. This has been an incredible team to work with. (n/n)

gvdr (@ipnosimmia; 11): web design for academics: what is your preferred blogdown theme (or similar easy thing) for a course website?

Hao Ye (@Hao_and_Y; 10): @WrightingApril @rhiacoon Same. Rmarkdown could be nice if you want to integrate with a blogdown website, I imagine.


Arthur Charpentier 🌱 (@freakonometrics; 299): “YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R” https://t.co/9gHPE4JSWC ht @microeconomania https://t.co/87fSjrPmRb

Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 40): @juliesquid @CSSCR Thanks! It’s really great to have @xieyihui’s bookdown & @old_man_chester’s thesisdown to build on here. I’m a bit slow with R Markdown for slides though. Xaringan is a big step forward, but still feel like I have to fiddle with CSS way too much to make things fit & legible

Aetiologic (@aetiologic; 0/0): Any tricks to reduce PDF filesize in #bookdown output? Chapter is ggplot2+lots of alpha, so very image rich. But 90MB for 40 pages is too big. Prints fine, but can’t email, etc. #tidyverse #bookdown Using bookdown::renderbook()


Молодой крокодил хочет завести друзей (@coreopsismajor; 10): Trying to focus on this explanation of rstudio and how you can use knitr and github with it…

and then @RndmRisingStar sends me https://t.co/eYtgCHWtGb and says READ THIS and I’m trying not to laugh because this MALE speaker will think I’m laughing at HIM

Aetiologic (@aetiologic; 0/0): ggsave the ggplot output, then knitr::include_graphics the file back into the document. Not elegant, but effective and I am all about inelegant.

kazutan v3.4.4 (@kazutan; 0/0): @teramonagi もともとknitrはこのあたりが苦手/あいまいで、確かそのあたりを解決するパッケージがあったはず……(思い出せない

Stephen Martin (@smartin2018; 0/0): @xieyihui I have no idea what is happening, but rgl+knitr is about to drive me bonkers. Is there any chance I can send you a .Rmd file and you help me figure out why on earth 1) the first figure refuses to appear 2) The last 2 figures are the same as the first 2, despite


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 92): Looks like a great talk in Eugene next Tuesday! #rstats #xaringan @EugeneRUsers https://t.co/tsA5ijTy1z

Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 40): @juliesquid @CSSCR Thanks! It’s really great to have @xieyihui’s bookdown & @old_man_chester’s thesisdown to build on here. I’m a bit slow with R Markdown for slides though. Xaringan is a big step forward, but still feel like I have to fiddle with CSS way too much to make things fit & legible

Martin John Hadley (@martinjhnhadley; 20): Okay, finally moving all my RMarkdown presentations over to @xieyihui’s xaringan presentation format.

Being forced to write slides without a vertical scrollbar makes me question most of past Martin’s choices.

beatriz AMA MUITO O BANGTAN (@seojuwng; 0/0): @whotaemin RESPEITA EH O XKARALH SO O XARINGAN