@EmilyRiederer @plotlygraphs is great because easy to use with ggplot, and gives really engaging interactive plots. Some in my recent xaringan slides here: https://t.co/Uq3mup0I8c



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 53): Lots o’ playing w/ “submodules” this am, thx to @richlitt’s tut.! “Getting Hugo running on Netlify” https://t.co/EWCeNFMYts 👍 for blogdown × sourcetree × netlify https://t.co/AAYbwUTpbP

niszet* (@niszet0; 10): blogdown最初の一歩を踏み出した。new_site()だとうまくいかなくて、R Studio IDEのNew Projectの時点でblogdown指定したらうまくいった。

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): blogdown、公開場所どうしようかな…。結局githubで良いのでは。 であればhttps://t.co/dMDPHU73qrとかでよいのでは。。。あれ?


Steven Ge (@StevenXGe; 41): https://t.co/Eg4SzxgBUZ

epb41l2 (@epb41l2; 21): Finding out how to create #MSword output from #rstats bookdown seems to be strangely difficult, so I’m putting this here for reference: https://t.co/BzvlSFJ3AK

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): bookdown形式にまとめるのもやりたいのだが…まぁこういうのはやろうと思ってやるというよりはある日気絶すると出来ている気がするので気絶するの待ちだな…。


Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 60): @EmilyRiederer @plotlygraphs is great because easy to use with ggplot, and gives really engaging interactive plots. Some in my recent xaringan slides here: https://t.co/Uq3mup0I8c

Jennifer Thompson (@jent103; 30): @apreshill @canva @EmilyRiederer Very good to know! Thanks to the tips - I might be making my way to the xaringan side soon :) Doing a series of workshops in Japan this summer. Minimalist aesthetic vs detailed Keynote templates seems appropriate!

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @jent103 @canva @EmilyRiederer It helps also to pick a consistent font- I usually use Google ones b/c I can use them in ppt locally, and Canva’s free version gives you SOME (but not all), then with xaringan you can import the same fonts.