New R blog online =D @drob advice to write a blog post inspired us... Thank you @apreshil and @rladies for wonderful tutorials and materials. Thank y'all! Reach us at! #blogdown #rstats



Silvio Augusto Jr. (@silvioaugustojr; 246): New R blog online =D @drob advice to write a blog post inspired us… Thank you @apreshil and @rladies for wonderful tutorials and materials. Thank y’all! Reach us at! #blogdown #rstats

Darren L Dahly (@statsepi; 141): Not all superheros wear capes 🔽 @xieyihui #blogdown

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R | Use shortcodes to embed tweets, videos, etc. in your blogdown blog posts

George Kampolis (@gkampolis; 10): @dataandme I know what you mean. Trying to get the hang of blogdown, code previews used to be a mess until I figured out my settings in the .toml….

George Kampolis (@gkampolis; 10): So I finally managed to set up my first abre-bones blog w/ #blogdown, thought I should right smthng I’d like to find in my first steps in #rstats (and #dplyr specifically), following @drob’s advice: “A dplyr reference for the time-constrained”

Pachá 帕夏 (@pachamaltese; 10): @g3rv4 @d4tagirl gracias !!! por lo mismo lo saqué y ahora que migré de pelican a blogdown ni idea cómo se reactiva

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @silvioaugustojr @drob @RLadies @H0Vinicius This looks awesome! You may want to set the nav logo border radius to 0px so your awesome hex logo doesn’t get cut-off- see example css here from blogdown demo site:

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): blogdownは本(物理)がありますが、ここでも読めます。私は買いましたが…(お布施) まとまった時間が取れるまで保留中。

Ken Butler (@KenButler12; 0/0): tonight I discovered something about blogdown: if you have graphs in unnamed code chunks, they get put in the static folder with names like unnamed-chunk-2-1.png. This means old graphs can get overwritten.


Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 10): @tomfaulkenberry @8bitscollider I suggest taking a look at papaja’s apa_table() function and the kableExtra package (but see here:

For maximum flexibility, I would recommend to use text references ( for table and figure captions.

James Balamuta (@axiomsofxyz; 10): @kjhealy Any chance that the styling for the Data Visualization: A practical introduction ( book will be made available via an extension package to bookdown? I’d love to use it for a textbook I’m working on. The closest I’ve found is @eddelbuettel’s tint.

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): blogdownは本(物理)がありますが、ここでも読めます。私は買いましたが…(お布施) まとまった時間が取れるまで保留中。

Shawn Graham (@electricarchaeo; 0/0): that is to say, the source rmd for a bookdown rendered site. d’oh.


Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 30):

(@grrrck shows how to use knitr’s child argument to reference Rmd vignette chunks)…

Stephen Eglen (@StephenEglen; 21): @khinsen @MMMarksman @jsomers @luispedrocoelho @petermurrayrust @ctitusbrown mmm, I think everyone who writes (e.g.) a knitr document for their paper is implicitly doing the experiment. I’ve learnt a lot about its limits by writing a couple of journal papers this way. Perhaps we need to share these findings more widely?

しまじろう よう 続・社会常識身に付け中 (@you_s1025; 0/0): knitr::kable の拡張 試してみたけど簡単に扱えてこれは良いなと

Create Awesome HTML Table with knitr::kable and kableExtra