It shocks and depresses me that many of my students use Word for writing research papers, and not knitr + LaTeX. And that I continue to get code and data as email attachments, and not via github/bitbucket.



Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 121): #RStats — #NowWorking on a package that will build a markdown and bookdown on top of your {testthat} results :

Robin Lovelace (@robinlovelace; 121): Can Geographic Data Save the World? Looking forward to my talk at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Slides, with lots of links in preparation for workshop, here:

Denis S Ivanov (@iDenis_biology; 0/0): @old_man_chester Trying to install bookdown & thesisdown using devtools::install_github() but install fails because I have a space in the name of one of the folders in the filepath of the directory I’m working in. Any tips? Tried looking on devtools git for issues, but no luck

Matt McBee (@TunnelOfFire; 0/0): @lewisb42 I recently wrote a book in it using the bookdown package. It is indeed awesomer.


Shravan Vasishth (@shravanvasishth; 123): It shocks and depresses me that many of my students use Word for writing research papers, and not knitr + LaTeX. And that I continue to get code and data as email attachments, and not via github/bitbucket.

Christopher Marcum (@csmarcum; 10): Gave a quick tutorial in class today on the use of Sweave, KnitR, and RMarkdown to my students. Now wondering if @overleaf will integrate the KnitR functionality previously available on @sharelatex ?

izak dz (@dbsleak; 0/0): Cairo font size in Knitr

Mauro Lepore (@mauro_lepore; 0/0): For some reason I didn’t get the webinar invitation-email. But the repo is an excellent resource, and I already learned Jenny’s way to produce .R files form her github_document s


knitr::purl(“SOME-FILE”, documentation = 2)

積ん読エンジニア (@mrkn; 0/0): @tetsuroito フロントエンドはなんでも良いんですよね。僕は VSCode の拡張機能でやりたいなと思っています。Rails で作ってももちろん良いです。どちらにしろ、裏で動くエンジンの部分が無いので knitr 的なものが必要だなぁと思った次第です。

積ん読エンジニア (@mrkn; 0/0): knitr の Ruby 版があればいいのか。