XARINGAN ATIVADO https://t.co/vaK5x5i4hR



Guy Abel 鄭蓋堡 (@guyabelguyabel; 6638): My first #blogdown post on making animated directional chord diagrams using #rstats https://t.co/bH3Zkj3UC8

Data from https://t.co/a2rXr748FD https://t.co/H8q2A304Gp

Tatjana Kecojevic (@Tatjana_Kec; 10): @VidStimac @KosmiKatarina @RLadiesBelgrade @spacevent_org Ako zelis da napravis website mozes to da ucinis u R-u bez potrebe za znanjem statistike (pogledaj lisu: https://t.co/t0PJpZzHls)...

Deependra Dhakal (@dd_rookie; 0/0): Just done integrating @disqus in my #blogdown site. Invitation to all my friends, please say Hi while you pass by. Dear foes, feel free to barge in and rant at me, while you still can. I’m lurking at https://t.co/ZnniG9Ij8B.


David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 20): @xieyihui @apreshill Huge fan of bookdown as well btw. Thanks for your work on these packages!

Gordon Shotwell (@gshotwell; 0/0): @cblatts @overleaf I tried it for a resume and liked it, but I think bookdown + github is much better for writing and collaborating on longer pieces https://t.co/IOdnv3Cl71

Tracy Richardson (@TracyNFIPagent; 0/0): Mastering Software Development in R https://t.co/MtJviZNztf


alex hayes (@alexpghayes; 20): @SuzanBaert hope you don’t mind, just opened a knitr feature request at https://t.co/l3IvfJs61F in the hopes of getting a consistent, robust way to do this across rmarkdown output types

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 12): Help with weird #rstats knitr issue—it seems that when you build an R Markdown website, each knitted file is knitted in a shared env instead of separate new ones, which makes life complicated. Is there a way to have all the files knitted in their own envs? https://t.co/VGlTwMZwIA

Roel (@RMHoge; 0/0): @_ColinFay Oh yeah I see, you could call pandoc from knitr/ rmarkdown, but it would still be pandoc. Interesting idea!

izak dz (@dbsleak; 0/0): knitr changing my reverse assignment operator -> to https://t.co/OXJU6x2q7c https://t.co/1PxVdcyKUP


insta: Guilhermeda9 (@Guipolemico; 746): XARINGAN ATIVADO https://t.co/vaK5x5i4hR

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 396): I’m already enjoying updating my #xaringan slides with @LEGO_RLady’s tweets for my #rstats #ggplot2 #tidyverse #dataviz class 👩🏽‍💻👩🏽‍💼👩🏽‍🔬 https://t.co/3iH6XmZHAi

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 40): @apreshill @dgkeyes Here are my reasons: https://t.co/R4DjsSNqH2 (disclaimer: author of xaringan here :)


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 40): @apreshill @dgkeyes Here are my reasons: https://t.co/R4DjsSNqH2 (disclaimer: author of xaringan here :)