Great work @jdblischak ! The workflowr R package is on now on CRAN. This package helps scientists organize and share their reproducible research. Builds on rmarkdown, knitr, and git2r to make this all simpler! Try it out install.packages("workflowr")



Lucas Godoy (@godoy_lusca; 105): Last week I made my first submission for an #TidyTuesday challenge. This motivated me to create a blog. Like a good #rstats user, I did that using #blogdown. The first post is about how to build a GIF using #sf #dplyr, #ggplot2 and #magick. link:

Ilja (@fubits; 30): @stekhn @floledermann There you go: GitHub ftw! Working on Blogdown right now. (cc @HalukaMB)

R4DS online learning community (@R4DScommunity; 20): Would you like to share a little more about your submissions to #TidyTuesday or any other thing related to learning R? Why not creating your own blog?

This post by @londonaesthetik is a great place to start.

#R4DS - MCos

Alyssa Goldberg (@WireMonkey; 20): On my ever-growing to-do list…learn blogdown. Lucas has got the hang of it!

Ken Butler (@KenButler12; 10): @WireMonkey When you have blogdown going, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.


Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 83): Musings of a bookdown / knitr #rstats user.

  • References like \@ref(fig:my-figure) only work if the figure has a caption set with chunk arg fig.cap=

  • ^ Ditto with knitr::kable tables. \@ref(tab:my-table) only works if the kable arg caption= is set


Matthew Stephens (@mstephens999; 5223): Great work @jdblischak ! The workflowr R package is on now on CRAN. This package helps scientists organize and share their reproducible research. Builds on rmarkdown, knitr, and git2r to make this all simpler! Try it out install.packages(“workflowr”)

David Robinson (@drob; 422): My preferences for presentation software have changed a lot with my job

In grad school my most important need was reproducibility -> knitr + ioslides

After graduating my priority was communication -> Keynote

Now it’s collaboration and I use Google Slides

Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 83): Musings of a bookdown / knitr #rstats user.

  • References like \@ref(fig:my-figure) only work if the figure has a caption set with chunk arg fig.cap=

  • ^ Ditto with knitr::kable tables. \@ref(tab:my-table) only works if the kable arg caption= is set

Shreejoy Tripathy (@neuronJoy; 60): Rmarkdown and knitr, where have you been all my life!?!

Darren L Dahly (@statsepi; 32): descr::CrossTable vs gmodels::CrossTable (with pander and knitr)

JonTheGeek (@JonTheGeek; 0/0): @drob I dream of a knitr -> Google slides workflow, but just musing about what it would require results in a lot of mental feature creep.

Tan Thing Heng (@tanthingheng; 0/0): Clear example on external R code in #markdown and #knitr

Matt McBee (@TunnelOfFire; 0/0): @3rdincharge No, but other functions can. See knitr::kable(), stargazer::stargazer, papaja::apa_table()


Kelvin (@kelvin_souza9; 120): XARINGAN ATIVADO

James Lamb (@_jameslamb; 20): I know I am late to this, but @xieyihui thank you for taking the time to share your story with us. This post is as incredible as your software:

cho.jemmy (@chojemmy; 10): 各行各业都一样呢 “技术问题容易解决,人的问题最难解决” #博客 #feedly