I am teaching #xaringan and #blogdown in one 1.5 hour lab tomorrow What have I done to myself??? #tadaverse #rstats https://t.co/2v9NiZC3qQ



Alison Hill (@apreshill; 230): I am teaching #xaringan and #blogdown in one 1.5 hour lab tomorrow What have I done to myself??? #tadaverse #rstats https://t.co/2v9NiZC3qQ

Daniel Vaulot (@daniel_vaulot; 30): New Web site… Playing with #rstats #blogdown … https://t.co/orOgjBRj2x

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): LOL #blogdown answered my own damn question! This was the cocoa enhanced theme out of the box 🤬 https://t.co/s24ZHGb2h0

alex hayes (@alexpghayes; 11): having trouble getting #blogdown to respect out.width (not set anywhere else in the document). anybody else had this problem / know if i’m missing something simple? https://t.co/D0qkquqEgz

Ken Butler (@KenButler12; 10): @apreshill living on the edge! (I got blogdown to work, but wouldn’t trust myself to teach it to others.)

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): ふぅ。再現可能じゃない状態にしていたというネタみたいな話で、ジョンならぬniszetもちゃんと再現可能な状態を保とうと思ったのであった(そもそもコードコピペ名の良くないからblogdown移行なのでは)

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 0/0): @alexpghayes @zevross @xieyihui Check out this section of the blogdown book: https://t.co/401WeBFSbJ https://t.co/IKKJne7b68

alex hayes (@alexpghayes; 0/0): @dataandme @zevross works fine if i knit to html, looks like it’s just the blogdown rendering that ignores the options. @xieyihui thoughts? https://t.co/rgPWy1C3H6

Atsushi (Atusy) (@Atsushi776; 0/0): rmarkdownやbookdownはサーバー建てなくても、ローカルにファイルを開いて意図した閲覧ができるけど、blogdownはserve_site()しないとthemeとか適用されないのか……?

Barry DeCicco (@barry_decicco; 0/0): @dsquintana Dan, you’ve got unmatching quotes on the command to install blogdown - one is straight, the second is ‘smart’.

Nick Fox (@NickFoxstats; 0/0): @SkippenPat Blogdown is great!


Robert Allaway (@allawayr; 81): @Addifaerber Not Twitter, but there are a bunch of great Coursera courses. I’d also highly recommend @rdpeng’s book: https://t.co/etdeUTyzVL

Emil Bjerglund (@emilbp; 31): #bookdown and #kableExtra is 🔥😃 Turning a csv-file into a sorted and grouped LaTeX table with very little effort. Truly amazing! Now back to reading a lot more papers.. #rstats https://t.co/1reIG8xHQV

algorithm doc (@TJ__Murphy; 20): @heydavemathews @erikrtn One of my summer projects is to get “the course” on github as a bookdown for all to access and “enjoy”. So yes, sorta.

kazutan (@kazutan; 20): @niszet0 全く関係ないかもですが、bookdownでこういうお話があります https://t.co/LL4zfpcVBu

niszet* (@niszet0; 10): 🐘さんに教えていただいたページ読んでる。bookdownは章ごとにやってそうだなぁという感じはあったので、ふむふむと読んでる。 しかし、bookdownをそのまま使うのは若干大仰な感じになるので、エッセンスを抽出する感じで頑張る方向でいこう

Dr. Erin Buchanan (@aggieerin; 10): @lakens @FrederikAust Working on that paper now! Also we are working on a how to / bookdown type thing for our package and shiny app. 👍 the r2 to f and back process I describe in this link seems to work well for all variance overlap measures. Not perfect but good approx.

Alistair Legione (@ALegione; 0/1): @Addifaerber @R4DScommunity https://t.co/p3WMvTPtfK is a good resource for online textbooks, and @Rbloggers can provide lots of fascinating ‘what else can it do’ posts. @RLadiesGlobal may also be of use

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 0/0): @alexpghayes @zevross @xieyihui Check out this section of the blogdown book: https://t.co/401WeBFSbJ https://t.co/IKKJne7b68

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): むぅ。bookdownで薄い本。やはり順序を守って?僕が出すのはもう少し先で良いのでは。

Atsushi (Atusy) (@Atsushi776; 0/0): rmarkdownやbookdownはサーバー建てなくても、ローカルにファイルを開いて意図した閲覧ができるけど、blogdownはserve_site()しないとthemeとか適用されないのか……?

Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 0/0): Preparing Your #rstats Package for for Submission https://t.co/vMjOVzF6mb #bookdown

F Rodriguez-Sanchez (@frod_san; 0/0): @minebocek @achamess @benmarwick I think @ben_d_best did his PhD thesis at Duke using Rmarkdown https://t.co/KUu2J82b1Z. This was before bookdown but hope it’s still useful


Emmes Corporation (@EmmesCorp; 60): Emmes #Bioinformatics Director Johannes Goll conducted a workshop at @bioitworld “Introduction to Scalable & Reproducible RNA-Seq Data Processing, Analysis & Result Reporting Using AWS, R, knitr & LaTex” on Monday. Say ‘Hi!’ at Booth 324 and learn more about Emmes. #BioIT18 https://t.co/c0phzGy3JO

Christopher Prener (@chrisprener; 42): This is awesome! I used this approach for both my #rstats (#stats and #GIS) courses this year and it works amazingly well. @rstudio Notebook + #knitr + #markdown output + @github = clear, easy to read web based grading https://t.co/yYbkATwifR

Michael Schubert (@_ms03; 21): I used a similar approach for my PhD: #GNU #make for heavy compute & plotting everything in 100-page-PDFs, #knitr for reports. Worked really well, so I endorse this (now #snakemake instead of make) https://t.co/4aCXM4oz50 https://t.co/CiLrqqtLPC

Davis McCarthy (@davisjmcc; 20): @_ms03 Yes! Works well for me too. #Snakemake/@nextflow for big (many) compute jobs. Knitr/notebooks for downstream analyses. I’ve also added templated reports for intermediate steps in the workflow, which can work very nicely for well-defined analyses (eg QC)

Kara Feilich (@KFeilich; 0/0): @fossilosophy @joel_nitta I’ve never used knitr, but the latter possibly probably? Will take ANY recommendations though. @joel_nitta kindly debugged some of my code, and in doing so made me realize that I’m not nearly as good as I’d like to be!

Brianna (@fossilosophy; 0/0): @KFeilich @joel_nitta I have Recommendations! Do you use knitr/could you knit a .Rmd file? I’d be happy to send you a copy of an intro tutorial I’m working on.

RPubs recent entry (@RPubsRecent; 0/0): Knitr and R markdown https://t.co/SpLLcfyRQB

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 0/0): @_ColinFay, ce serait possible de me ramener des stickers de @erum2018, s’il te plaît ? Genre Rmarkdown, Knitr, ceux du tidyverse ? Ça serait super gentil. 😀

Enfin si il y en a ?

Je les échanges contre des stickers de l’@OSGeo 😁

Poke @StatnMap


Tim Trice (@timtrice; 0/0): I’m developing a report to run audits on several sources of data inputs. I want the report to save with custom file names so I use a knitr hook. Cool. That was days ago and worked like a charm. /2

niszet* (@niszet0; 0/0): characters which have utf-8 encoding cannot output by knitr in windows environment… 色々調べているんだけど同じような症状の事例は沢山あって、そしてどれをやっても解決しねぇ…


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 230): I am teaching #xaringan and #blogdown in one 1.5 hour lab tomorrow What have I done to myself??? #tadaverse #rstats https://t.co/2v9NiZC3qQ

Jennifer Thompson (@jent103; 190): Just bit the bullet and made my first set of xaringan slides. @apreshill, you’ll be so proud.

(also, thanks for putting your code on the internet for me to ~steal~ learn from)

Mike DeCrescenzo (@mikedecr; 81): Xaringan is an absolute Beamer killer. Yet another great resource by @xieyihui https://t.co/Ipeurh8JpE https://t.co/3uWQU5hK5P

Eric (@eric_bickel; 10): @jent103 @apreshill I was heavily considering going xaringan for a presentation I’m giving tomorrow - did you convert from an older presentation or build a brand new one using it??

Patrick Wang (@Gkz_; 0/0): I was looking for tools to create cool HTML presentations. Discovered reveal.js and remark.js. Opting for remark.js with xaringan, which is a R Markdown package that makes it really easy to have really nice looking slides. Give it a look: https://t.co/GcLuiwtUyd

John Little (@john_little; 0/0): Created R Markdown document template to integrate @xieyihui’s #xaringan slides with Duke University color palette. I’d love to get some feedback by anyone who uses it. (You don’t have to be a Dukie to like Duke Blue). Info: https://t.co/jgyqziU33W & https://t.co/oD8VZT89qa


Mike DeCrescenzo (@mikedecr; 81): Xaringan is an absolute Beamer killer. Yet another great resource by @xieyihui https://t.co/Ipeurh8JpE https://t.co/3uWQU5hK5P