I reaaaally should start an #rstats blog but I want to do it right (ie with rmarkdown) and the thought of learning blogdown stops me in my tracks



Alex Newhouse (@AlexBNewhouse; 41): I reaaaally should start an #rstats blog but I want to do it right (ie with rmarkdown) and the thought of learning blogdown stops me in my tracks

Nick Fox (@NickFoxstats; 40): I just updated my website! https://t.co/trK2mC6U8h - if you haven’t converted to R blogdown, you’re missing out! Super easy to make and update 😎👍😎

Nick Fox (@NickFoxstats; 20): @D_Wiwad I used this one: https://t.co/6huCcm326f - and @xieyihui is always quick to reply to tweets if you hit a snag 👍😁😻

Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 10): TFW you fix something, but not sure how you did it, and why it wasn’t working in the first place. Oh the joy of running your site on #blogdown https://t.co/ECWUekSc6e

Jason Ferrell (@nullrejector; 10): @NickFoxstats It looks great! I’m thinking about creating a blog with blogdown. Is there anything in particular I should pay attention to?

Dylan Wiwad (@D_Wiwad; 0/0): @NickFoxstats @xieyihui Follow up naive question (sorry, I haven’t perused the materials yet!) - is it possible/easy to integrate python into sites created with Blogdown? I have some python notebooks I’d like to be able to integrate and use…

GoHugo 🔥TOP🔥BOT🔥 (@hugo_top_bot; 0/0): blogdown::newsite() not working https://t.co/VdSwD6W0Fi


Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 20): @dataandme @disruptioneer We should definitely put this in a bookdown


Thomas Leeper (@thosjleeper; 0/0): @jzelner @digprof I very rarely write in rmarkdown if output is going to be PDF. I can’t stand the mixed syntax. For articles, I always use latex or knitr rnw.