I wrote a book on data science for startups using the excellent R packages bookdown by @xieyihui and bigrquery by @hadleywickham https://t.co/hUqgRzZhEN



R-Ladies Istanbul (@RLadiesIstanbul; 22): .@Zofiathewitch Blogdown anlatti! Katilimcilar RMarkdown ve Blogdown’u birlestirebildiler 🤘🏻#reproducibleResearch #rladies https://t.co/iV5VnlxQiq

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 20): @RLadiesMAD Gracias 😀😘 No escribo mucho esos días pero pronto intentaré convertir el sitio a blogdown 😱


Ben Weber (@bgweber; 10626): I wrote a book on data science for startups using the excellent R packages bookdown by @xieyihui and bigrquery by @hadleywickham https://t.co/hUqgRzZhEN

Jillian Regan (@JillianReganMPH; 0/1): Retweeted Ben Weber (@bgweber):

I wrote a book on data science for startups using the excellent R packages bookdown by @xieyihui and bigrquery by @hadleywickham https://t.co/Smd04y3aC9

Bassam Haniya (@bhaniya; 0/0): bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown https://t.co/tKNpwM7fO2

h(o x o_)m<春から新卒データサイエンティスト (@hoxo_m; 0/0): 1年前に bookdown で作ったものを久々に実行したらコンパイル不可能にな状態になってしまっていた・・


Omar Wasow (@owasow; 23): Hey #rstats folks, I’m trying to figure out a good collaborative workflow for R + Latex + knitr + RStudio. GitHub & Dropbox together can cause conflicts (and solution is too technical). Do y’all use just Github or something else like Overleaf? Any suggestions or pointers welcome.