@thomasp85's patchwork (https://t.co/kCrspqnzQG) package is fantastic. Final report and manuscript polishing will be a big step faster with this in my toolkit. patchwork >> knitr subfigs > grid > latex subfigs ((plot1 + plot2) / plot3) + plot_annotation("Main plot title") https://t.co/0HvnHQJHEY



Michael Kuehn (@mkuehn10; 62): Thanks for your blogdown summary @apreshill https://t.co/LRd82KLb8o Took me about 10 minutes to update my Github site with blogdown #rstats

Kevin Watanabe-Smith (@WatanabeSmith; 41): Thanks to @drob for stressing the importance of having a blog, and @apreshill for teaching me #blogdown (I’ve been living her in repo all week)

Thibaut Jombart (@TeebzR; 30): @TheStephLocke @ma_salmon @dataandme @kierisi @rOpenSci @rweekly_org OMG how did I live without that? 😃 Fact: you and @ma_salmon have been my best src of useful tech tips: pkgdown, blogdown, camtasia, https://t.co/f5BExSszd7 .. THX!


Jose Luis Cañadas (@joscani; 41): MCA, homals, nonlinear pca, o cómo se hacían los Embeddings (o cómo cuantificar relaciones entre variables categóricas) antes del #DeepLearning. Lo clásico sigue siendo útil. https://t.co/XM4EyRqdSn https://t.co/Ry9rzVP9Gr


Matt Mulvahill (@mattmulvahill; 165): @thomasp85’s patchwork (https://t.co/kCrspqnzQG) package is fantastic. Final report and manuscript polishing will be a big step faster with this in my toolkit. patchwork >> knitr subfigs > grid > latex subfigs

((plot1 + plot2) / plot3) + plot_annotation(“Main plot title”) https://t.co/0HvnHQJHEY


Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 115): I’m excited to release the anicon #rstats package to get animated icons for that rmarkdown document, #xaringan slides or #rshiny app that you may be making :D Please take it for a spin and let me know if it works for you! https://t.co/97UmfkafJ1 https://t.co/0BBkqpoVN5

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 60): Working on my R-Ladies talk. Every time I go looking for a solution these days, it seems @apreshill has a blogpost on it.

R-Ladies xaringan theme! Very handy. Now to find a background image of an overwatch map for my “new maps” slide.



Harold Wu  (@zaticwu; 10): 這篇好棒,好想回去寫 R https://t.co/qiPh1gvaIx