いつの間にか、こんな資料が公開されてた… https://t.co/a0ymhh6yWS



Chris Engelhardt (@EngelhardtCR; 203): #rstats twitter: if you’ve used blogdown to create a website, which resources did you find helpful? i’ve read @apreshill’s blog post (https://t.co/S6UC4YyzBh) and started to read blogdown by @xieyihui, @ProQuesAsker, and @apreshill. any others you’d recommend? cc @dataandme

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 190): Been using @Netlify a lot lately for teaching #rstats #blogdown. My randomly generated subdomains feel like little fortune cookies: jolly mestorf 🥳, compassionate bardeen 💑, and this morning, vibrant wing 🧚🏼‍♀️

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 142): @EngelhardtCR @apreshill @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker I have a stash of posts/resources I’ve found helpful here: https://t.co/p42VZJ4DG2 (more than shown in the pic, as I’ve added more since)

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 60): @EngelhardtCR @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker @dataandme Also I recently taught #blogdown with these slides: https://t.co/CFgyD3rUkf https://t.co/RTrZH8OiGn working on a way to integrate these into a better resource

Phil (@filetczar; 40): Anthony Bourdain traveled to over 87 countries. He filmed at over 58 restaurants in New York alone. How many have you been to?

Original data from @christinezhang

#rstats #blogdown #dataviz #AnthonyBourdain #maps #almostcalleditBourdata #leaflet #Bourdain #hashtag https://t.co/w3zVANjHzs

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 30): @EngelhardtCR @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker @dataandme Thanks!! I decided to create something like Happy Git with R here: https://t.co/X5ymCI7swM as a walk through, empty now but I’ll circle back to it in a few days!

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 30): @EngelhardtCR @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker @dataandme Our #blogdown demo site may be helpful: https://t.co/Bkk9GnH2NX https://t.co/fBzSkLNyjG

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @ma_salmon @Netlify @rgfitzjohn My first Netlify subdomain was “garbage-collector-janice”. So not at all Netlify ones are nice, I feel like it’s a sign my blogdown skills are improving! 🥠

Chris Engelhardt (@EngelhardtCR; 20): @dataandme @apreshill @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker i just knew you’d have a curated compendium on blogdown. you’re the best, mara!

Patrick Kennedy (@pkqstr; 0/1): TIL: There’s a #blogdown demo site! #rstats https://t.co/F44XX5J6sh

Jianghao Wang (@JianghaoWang; 0/0): Up and running with blogdown https://t.co/ywlXk5IyIv

Marc Kissel (@MarcKissel; 0/0): @APV2600 i used R and the blogdown package to make a website and blog. took me awhile to figure it out, but does make it easy to put nice figures in a post if you are looking for something like that. plus free to host either on github or netlify


kazutan (@kazutan; 4820): いつの間にか、こんな資料が公開されてた… https://t.co/a0ymhh6yWS

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 40): @seankross did I say thanks for your minimal bookdown example? I used it for https://t.co/bYj8p8zJgz

tipsder (@tipsder; 33): ¡16 tips para tener en cuenta en el aprendizaje de #R! https://t.co/0zHLlNxwsO #rstats #DataScience #Datavisualization #dataviz https://t.co/sw6WJsNFCq

Paul Oldham #FBPE (@junglepaul; 10): @Ognyanova Many thanks Katherine, I have been looking for an easy to follow tutorial and this is great. Thinking out loud maybe put a doi on the pdf to aid citation and bibtex file for the suggested cite? #bookdown pkg also very good.


Ingo Rohlfing (@ingorohlfing; 10): There is always more to learn: knitr::combine_words() for enhanced inline use of strings https://t.co/Hc4ZoAc1Ai #rstats #rmarkdown

PossibilityUnlimited (@Earriffic; 0/0): Finalfit, knitr and #R Markdown for quick results - #PrescientInfo https://t.co/9qoM6fhE5D

Robert Sills (@robertnsills; 0/0): Finalfit, knitr and #R Markdown for quick results - #PrescientInfo https://t.co/PxKxgPNYFE

Ruben C. Arslan (@rubenarslan; 0/0): @Heinonmatti The other problem, could it be this? https://t.co/ffYCXtAr3a you could find out easily by including a non-Finnish special character e.g. 万歳


Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 93): Yesterday’s #rladies sydney launch was so much fun! 😆 Thank you to the wonderful ladies organising behind the scenes @RLadiesSydney! I’m looking forward to getting involved more!

My #xaringan slide (with the #rstats code in github!) can be found here: https://t.co/QxYT8stjSG https://t.co/lCfi1Cyx0O

Alex Bresler (@abresler; 20): Starting my first #xaringan presentation in #rstats & god damn is it nice – shout out @xieyihui for a fantastic package it crushes powerpoint https://t.co/mXrEPUEHgH

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 0/0): @nerdrusty @RLadiesSydney They are available on my website but I’ll also put the code up on GitHub later iin case you wanna make your own xaringan slides!

Miguel Acevedo (@miguelacevedopr; 0/0): Any advantage of #xaringan over the “more traditional” #LaTeX beamer?


Ingo Rohlfing (@ingorohlfing; 10): There is always more to learn: knitr::combine_words() for enhanced inline use of strings https://t.co/Hc4ZoAc1Ai #rstats #rmarkdown