Our book with @wolfgangkhuber was generated from a giant Rnw/Rmd file. We generated the tex -->pdf and html all programmatically using #knitr, #rstats and even used the #tufte style from @Rstudio. Online version is and will stay free: https://t.co/O2N5qoLIzB https://t.co/muLBcYqOJD



Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 150): @ma_salmon @apreshill @DrMowinckels You may search for “Github Edit” on this page: https://t.co/azqw46bBWD As I said in this post https://t.co/oimSJTHTtH, the hugo-xmin theme should be a good starting point if you want advanced customizations.

Duc Quang Nguyen (@duc_qn; 113): My @swissinfo_en author page is about to disappear https://t.co/EOp3AItA05, so I updated my #rstats #blogdown portfolio https://t.co/kvkPhhxlnO w/ #ddj stories & #dataviz. Tough choice to select a few. Love my collaborations, thanks to @stesummi @samueljaberg @anand_csekhar https://t.co/1DPYh7qR7P

kasiek (@KKulma; 111): Great blog post if you’re determined to switch your #rstats blog to #blogdown and automate its deployment. Lots of @lorenzwalthert ’s work went into it, hope now more can use this approach! https://t.co/oNbuHNiCCn

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 62): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis https://t.co/cAT1gAO60u #rstats #DataScience

Dorris A. Scott (@Dorris_Scott; 54): Day 62 of #100DaysOfCode: Different day, same problem. I’m starting to conclude that the template I picked doesn’t play well with blogdown! I’ll give it a week…but after that…time to choose a new template! https://t.co/iLRXUTCcWP

kasiek (@KKulma; 50): @ma_salmon ’s yet another great #rstats blogpost - and yet another motivation for me to switch to #blogdown and Hugo… https://t.co/STKHNyYuDp

نور سعيد الشاخوري (@nouralshakhouri; 10): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis: https://t.co/QjZOslIc0h

Etienne DELAY (@ElCep; 10): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 0/0): @KKulma 😀 thx! And good luck for switching! The blogdown book is very useful!

Nick Carleson (@ncarleson; 0/0): Would be nice to have a way to make a glossary in an #rstats markdown file. When reading a blogdown/bookdown, etc., it would be useful to hover over a word and see its definition, or hover over a function and see description and pkg it came from

Riinu Ots (@RiinuOts; 0/0): @RobCalver5 @CRC_MathStats And I think I saw the #blogdown (💙) book amongsts the selection as well?

Ruben C. Arslan (@rubenarslan; 0/0): @simongrund89 @xieyihui can I still your theme mod if I change it up a little? removing all the cruft from the default theme with blogdown last time took too much time

Data Geek (@datascigeek; 0/0): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis https://t.co/25CTf2fD3G #r #statistics #data science

Pierre DeBois - Zimana Digital Analytics Services (@ZimanaAnalytics; 0/0): From R-Bloggers - Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis https://t.co/p2OZM13hnd

Analytics France (@AnalyticsFr; 0/0): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis - https://t.co/xLG1GTSBjA #rstats

Analytics France (@AnalyticsFrance; 0/0): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis - https://t.co/H2oONIWd4L #rstats

Chandan Kumar (@Chandanrtcs; 0/0): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis https://t.co/z5XJeLMC1u

Thomas Hütter (@DerFredo; 0/0): Posted by Lorenz Walthert, now on R-bloggers: Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis #rstats https://t.co/I1DlG98lPn

Data Scientists (@DataScienceFr; 0/0): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis - https://t.co/mA169QfcUL #rstats

Data Scientists (@DataScientistsF; 0/0): Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis #rstats https://t.co/s8X05h9jW2


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 150): @ma_salmon @apreshill @DrMowinckels You may search for “Github Edit” on this page: https://t.co/azqw46bBWD As I said in this post https://t.co/oimSJTHTtH, the hugo-xmin theme should be a good starting point if you want advanced customizations.

Nick Carleson (@ncarleson; 0/0): Would be nice to have a way to make a glossary in an #rstats markdown file. When reading a blogdown/bookdown, etc., it would be useful to hover over a word and see its definition, or hover over a function and see description and pkg it came from


Susan Holmes (@SherlockpHolmes; 3711): Our book with @wolfgangkhuber was generated from a giant Rnw/Rmd file. We generated the tex –>pdf and html all programmatically using #knitr, #rstats and even used the #tufte style from @Rstudio. Online version is and will stay free: https://t.co/O2N5qoLIzB https://t.co/muLBcYqOJD

Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 10): @cantabile @sarah_romanes @MilesMcBain @nj_tierney Another idea is to create the quack-quack language (from r macros) and then create a knitr engine for it (see @xieyihui post on knitr language engines)

K4ZUKI/KY技研@金曜日 西地区”も”-34a (@K4ZUKI; 0/0): https://t.co/nmbxXlkrvk

Dr. Kari L. Jordan (@DrKariLJordan; 0/0): @drrichstrong Yayyyy! When I learned to use #RMarkdown it totally changed my life! #knitr rocks!


Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @jent103 You made me want to make an #rladies-metropolis #xaringan theme 😈

Jonny Polonsky (@jonny_polonsky; 10): @hrbrmstr Looks like it’ll go really well with #xaringan inverse class 👍

Yuya MATSUMURA (@y__mattu; 0/0): xaringanで作ったスライドをPDFにしたら方法によって数式が消えたりなんかずれたりするの俺だけ?


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 150): @ma_salmon @apreshill @DrMowinckels You may search for “Github Edit” on this page: https://t.co/azqw46bBWD As I said in this post https://t.co/oimSJTHTtH, the hugo-xmin theme should be a good starting point if you want advanced customizations.

K4ZUKI/KY技研@金曜日 西地区”も”-34a (@K4ZUKI; 0/0): https://t.co/nmbxXlkrvk