Developing a free statistics for undergrads in psychology textbook this summer. Will update this tweet as we progress. Textbook written in #Rmarkdown, using #bookdown. Will publish as a web-book, with integrated #shiny apps. #ATextbookIsEatingMySummerBreak



Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 274): Hey #rstats users are you sad that Storify no longer is? You can storrrify from R using #rtweet and

🐦 Hugo & blogdown::shortcodes! (thanks @xieyihui for the new function!)

🐦 Jekyll & html hacking

Leslie Myint (@lesliemyint; 135): In an academic position and thinking about migrating your website to #blogdown? Here are some tips for figuring out how to customize the Academic theme! #rstats

Merlin Gore (@MerlinGore; 0/0): @monzo effectiv- #slackdown #blogdown

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 0/0): does anyone know, off the top of their head, how to Rmarkdown link to other pages of the same blog in a blogdown site?

GoHugo 🔥TOP🔥BOT🔥 (@hugo_top_bot; 0/0): What is the proper way to insert academicons in an R blogdown post (icon::ai(“GitHub”) interferes with share header


Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 439): Developing a free statistics for undergrads in psychology textbook this summer. Will update this tweet as we progress. Textbook written in #Rmarkdown, using #bookdown. Will publish as a web-book, with integrated #shiny apps. #ATextbookIsEatingMySummerBreak

Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 70): @tjmahr @ellis2013nz @MilesMcBain @kara_woo Exactly. Also, I’ve got 20+ years of LaTeX experience, have published well over 100 papers written in it, and use it daily. Yet, I’d never have started a book project on #dataviz without bookdown. Managing all the visual assets manually would be way too painful.

Peter Ellis (@ellis2013nz; 40): @MilesMcBain @kara_woo @ClausWilke The irritating thing is, there is definitely plenty of room for discussion about whether bookdown is a helpful addition to “whatever it takes” given the existence of LaTeX, Illustrator/InDesign etc.; but why is it necessary to add in the “real scientists” slur?

Jake Westfall (@CookieSci; 30): @databozo Check out the ongoing book draft by @topepos et al.:

Suzan Baert (@SuzanBaert; 21): @LindsayRCarr Don’t know tryR but there is still a pirate R intro:

Florian Privé (@privefl; 10): @_ColinFay @rstudio @rencontres_R @romain_francois No {bookdown} sticker 😭

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 10): @ellis2013nz @MilesMcBain @kara_woo @ClausWilke (Bookdown can target LaTeX, it supports a Tufte style pdf out of the box. “In addition” is often just a sideways move in pandoc land 🤫)

Romain François 🦄 (@romain_francois; 0/0): @privefl @_ColinFay @rstudio @rencontres_R

David Hood (@Thoughtfulnz; 0/0): @ellis2013nz @MilesMcBain @kara_woo @ClausWilke Coming from teaching Illustrator, Indesign and Rmarkdown, bookdown is extremely good at multiple outputs. Yes, you can make a more aesthetically nice book in InDesign supported by Illustrator, but for multiple output mediums & if you work in R anyway, it is not just about print


Omar Wasow (@owasow; 20): @kjhealy @hadleywickham @PrincetonUPress In the weeds question about Rmd vs Rnw: Years ago Yihui suggested markdown was better for html output & latex for pages. As Rmd can incorporate latex, I wonder if you think that distinction is now moot. I ask mainly because I puzzle whether to keep teaching Sweave+Latex+knitr+R.

Kieran Healy (@kjhealy; 10): @ellis2013nz @PrincetonUPress In this case, LaTeX produced from Rmd files via knitr. The typesetter is working in LaTeX.

Kieran Healy (@kjhealy; 10): @owasow @hadleywickham @PrincetonUPress I think it’s moot. In the pipeline I use, the same Rmd goes to both HTML and LaTeX/PDF via knitr & pandoc.

Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 10): @cantabile @MilesMcBain @rstudio IN .Rmd create a chunk with ```{quack_quack} put quack_quack and R code in there. The code won’t run because knitr does knot have a quack_quack engine but wherever you use the supported key words ( anything ending in _dataset, column_name or quack_quack) you’ll


Daniel Nüst (@nordholmen; 82): TIL how fun creating presentations is with @xieyihui’s #xaringan package and how awesome @gitlab’s CI is because it will render me a PDF ready to download with a #rocker #container in just a minute (incl little script to remove animated slides) #rstats

Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 40): That’s fun!!! Since yesterday, I work on a similar #rstats workflow to generate pdf of a xaringan slideshow with @gitlab CI. I tried to have a good support for fonts

Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 10): @nordholmen @xieyihui @gitlab That’s fun, I work exactly on the same subject!!!