I serendipitously discovered @robjhyndman's and George Athanasopoulos's "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" yesterday. This is the 4th bookdown project that easily replaces the vast majority of my resources for a given topic. #rstats https://t.co/KXLN148BZl https://t.co/3XuDlTtI9f



Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 142): I think at this point I need to admit I have a blogdown addiction and get back to work 😀


ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 44): #Rstats - A tweet storrify about #satRdayCDF 2018 by @ma_salmon with 📦 rtweet and blogdown https://t.co/l1kzRssh2V https://t.co/xrTQ9kQLGJ

Hayden (@HYDNMCDNLD; 10): @hadleywickham Will this book (and others) ever be available for download in pdf, mobi or epub format like the Blogdown book? I understand that people can’t always release books for free, but I was just curious.


Brendan (@syknapptic; 235): I serendipitously discovered @robjhyndman’s and George Athanasopoulos’s “Forecasting: Principles and Practice” yesterday. This is the 4th bookdown project that easily replaces the vast majority of my resources for a given topic. #rstats https://t.co/KXLN148BZl https://t.co/3XuDlTtI9f

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @owasow @kjhealy @hadleywickham @PrincetonUPress I really need to update that blog post I wrote five years ago. That was written before the real R Markdown was born, not even to mention bookdown.

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 10): @xieyihui #bookdown is awesome, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you; and also thank you for the other things you do! #awesometoo

Zachary Cole (@neurophysicole; 0/0): Retweeted Matt Crump (@MattCrump_):

Developing a free statistics for undergrads in psychology textbook this summer. https://t.co/RSm1tKEl4v Will update this tweet as we progress. Textbook written in #Rmarkdown, using #bookdown. Will publish as a… https://t.co/RSm1tKEl4v


Omar Wasow (@owasow; 0/0): @hadleywickham @kjhealy @PrincetonUPress Okay, sold on Rmd+knitr+R for teaching. My sense from others who’ve made the switch, though, is they’re still mixing in a fair amount of latex for things like formulas, regression tables, certain typographical elements, bibtex, table refs, etc. So, Rmd as wrapper or really 100%?


ホクソリヲ (@horihorio; 0/0): ? https://t.co/MbgPtrLssq by @kazutan info. Ubuntu 16.04LTSにTexを入れる - データサイエンティスト(仮) https://t.co/kWbQMZjEyu