When you hear "cherry jam" as "xaringan", you know you've been making slides for too long



Mark Greenaway (@certifiedwaif; 110): I just got out of @statsgen’s blogdown seminar. I went in knowing literally nothing about blogdown, or hugo (I thought Hugo was a person) and came out knowing quite a bit more than that. I even wrote some blog posts. Great work Emi!

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 87): for academic sites, if you are familiar with #rstats & rmarkdown (knowning a bit about github helps) you can leverage that. Probably the neatest is using the blogdown R package. See the fabulous tweetorial w/ click by click instruction by @dsquintana https://t.co/EgSgfFYkfU 2/

Julia Pilowsky (@hivemindatwork; 70): Updated my website to Hugo and #blogdown. It’s so shiny and professional! https://t.co/pqaA84QbEC

R-Ladies Melbourne (@RLadiesMelb; 53): Only 7 spots left. Book yours now to learn more about #blogdown in #rstats from @statsgen. https://t.co/ltr97LHaSa

kasiek (@KKulma; 51): I’ve finally written an #rstats post for my Jekyll blog after a loooong break. With-LOTS-of-#Leaflet-maps. Then tried to publish it. And tried. And tried. And now I think it will be easier to finally set up a #blogdown blog that I promised myself a long time ago 😫/🥰

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 42): @RLadiesMelb And here’s the sneak preview for the blogdown talk @RLadiesMelb :) https://t.co/W4ppfAKisb

Kyle Walker (@kyle_e_walker; 10): @dataandme I’m not familar with different CBSA FIPS longer than 5 digits - though I know they can change! BTW there is a problem with the map code in that post, but my blogdown config is broken and I haven’t fixed it yet

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 10): for general blogdown help see the online book https://t.co/2HPdNx3Z9W and for general rmarkdown help see its recently released bible https://t.co/h2L6x5d9l6 3/

Franz Krah (@Franz_Krah; 10): @sabahzero I’m currently using Jekyll but want to switch to blogdown. I just need such a weekend ;-)

Susannah Cowtan (@SuusJC; 0/1): Trying out blogdown. Anyone know how to get rid of the (#chunkname) in front of my plot caption? I tried fig.lp = “” and removing underscores in the chunk names (which had no effect on ubuntu) as suggested in StackExchange. https://t.co/x96Xi8QQlP … #rLadies #rstats

Parmutia Makui™ (@ParmutiaMakui; 0/1): Check out me: https://t.co/GBmX10XFZ9 @deekareithi @njogukennly . A website build using #blogdown 😊😊


Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 10): another option that could work for a personal site: using rmarkdown’s basic website capabilities & github pages. I think I just followed the instruction in the rmarkdown bk https://t.co/h2L6x5d9l6 & sketched out a site for one of my courses in an evening https://t.co/Fjzk4mdw0D

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 10): I’m pretty good at rmarkdown but otherwise ignorant of bookdown, Hugo, and Netlify and converted the “Academic” theme to my needs to an evening my proto site looks like tis https://t.co/1bHS2mvsfO (helps that I don’t have many publications to enter 😂) 4/

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 10): for general blogdown help see the online book https://t.co/2HPdNx3Z9W and for general rmarkdown help see its recently released bible https://t.co/h2L6x5d9l6 3/

Atsushi (Atusy) (@Atsushi776; 0/0): Rmdでmathjaxをローカルに置きたいときはYAMLを弄るだけでOK.ただしself_containedはfalse.https://t.co/uOyhBlMorL html_document: mathjax: local self_contained: false

David Feitosa (@davidfeitosa; 0/0): @burkeholland @jawache @code Is this better than bookdown?


Peter Ellis (@ellis2013nz; 10): @hannah_recht Stack Overflow has a fair chunk of helpful questions on similar ptobd. From memory, knitr and some other relevant packages at one point explicitly asked for Qs to be put on SO.

Joyce Robbins (@jtrnyc; 0/2): How do I add math equations to a #GitHub readme? $a_1$ in .Rmd is getting converted to (a_1) in the .md file and showing up as (a_1) in the readme. #rstats #knitr #rmarkdown

Thomas Mailund (@ThomasMailund; 0/0): @petrelharp @molpopgen @landismj @pastramimachine @jgschraiber @overleaf @editor_traceyd Third, I would like to run code snippets while processing documents. I have used knitr to evaluate R code, but I want a general approach that handles several languages.

Fourth, I want to extract word counts (per file or section, haven’t decided, probably section)

Evgeny Pogrebnyak (@PogrebnyakE; 0/0): Chart on scientific methods and reproducible research - on occasion of reviewing @distillpub vs latex/pdf vs @ProjectJupyter vs knitr/sweave/pweave vs sphinx docs. There are insightful pieces of every type, but what exactly makes knowledge delivery special? Appeal to intuition? https://t.co/UK2j3LRP7I

Alex Latzka (@EcoLatzka; 0/0): Lots of opportunities to work with #rmarkdown #shinyapps #knitr etc!!!


Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 122): When you hear “cherry jam” as “xaringan”, you know you’ve been making slides for too long

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 50): Time to get my sessions in order for @MelbWritersFest, with a little @RLadiesGlobal pizzazz.

output: xaringan::moon_reader: css: [“default”, “rladies”, “rladies-fonts”]

Slide template: https://t.co/B1OIKfdyv9

Dr. Alison Hill (@apreshill; 43): Such good Q & A I forgot to tweet!! What’s up with Colorado water basin usage? @alexandra_em #rstats #ggplot2 #xaringan https://t.co/wwpBUJaeJO from @pdxrlang https://t.co/7vRKuVEUGI

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 21): building my first #Rstats vignette, and @xieyihui infinite moon reader from the #xaringan package is just making life so much simpler!

das Kino (@kyn02666; 0/0): xaringanでレンダリング時に . mdを残したかったのだが、無理っぽい https://t.co/ASeirhuXgZ


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @brentcrossman No, but you can probably help me help you: https://t.co/CSkS6XL4uF